Questões de Concurso Militar AFA 2014 para Aspirante da Aeronáutica

Foram encontradas 16 questões

Q524218 Inglês
Mark the option closest in meaning to “We don't really have a clue” (line 78).
Q524219 Inglês
In the sentence “for the last three decades” (lines 73 and 74), the underlined item was used in the same way as in
Q524220 Inglês
Mark the option that contains an adjective in the same form as in “The safest industries and jobs are dominated by managers [...]” (lines 62 and 63).
Q524221 Inglês

Read the statements and mark the right option.

I. Universities and colleges prepare students for jobs that already exist.

II. All jobs of the future will be better paid than today's jobs.

III. The majority of future jobs are still unknown.

The correct statement(s) is (are)

Q524222 Inglês
The text's main goal is to
6: A
7: A
8: B
9: D
10: B