Questões de Concurso Militar EEAR 2016 para Sargento da Aeronáutica - Aeronavegantes e Não Aeronavegantes (Turma 1)
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Choose the alternative that presents the passive voice of the sentence below.
The expanding Hispanic population in the U.S. still hasn’t created a market for Spanish-language pictures.
Choose the correct form for the passive voice of the following sentence.
‘They have taken her to the hospital.’
According to the captain speech:
According to the cartoon, the pilot
Based on the text, couch potato is a person
Choose the alternative that best completes the sentence below.
I stayed in London ___ a few days during my vacation. I came back to Brazil ___ May 1st
Fill in the blank with the correct response according to grammar rules:
I don’t mind _________ alone, but I prefer to travel with my friends.
Choose the correct alternative, according to the cartoon.
According to the text, all the alternatives are true, except: