Questões de Concurso Militar EEAR 2016 para Sargento da Aeronáutica - Controle de Tráfego Aéreo (Turma 1)

Foram encontradas 96 questões

Q652160 Português
Em qual das alternativas abaixo o advérbio em destaque é classificado como advérbio de tempo?
Q652161 Português
Em qual das alternativas o pronome destacado foi empregado incorretamente?
Q652162 Português
Assinale a alternativa em que o emprego do acento grave, indicador de crase, está correto.
Q652163 Português


Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Marque a opção que apresenta correta interpretação da tirinha da Mafalda, personagem presente no último quadrinho, de autoria do cartunista argentino Quino, em que Felipe, no primeiro quadrinho, mostra-se pensativo com a possibilidade de participar do serviço militar.

Q652164 Inglês


According to the cartoon, we can affirm that:
Q652165 Inglês


If Hagar’s friend had told the soldiers what he was asked to in English he would have said:
Q652166 Inglês
The underlined word in line 1 can be replaced by only one of the words below. Choose the right alternative.
Q652167 Inglês
According to the text, butterflies:
Q652168 Inglês

Read the dialogue and mark the right expression to complete it correctly.

A: _____________ have you been working as a sergeant?

B: For about 2 years.

Q652169 Inglês

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

The doctor’s joke is funny only if the reader knows that

Q652170 Inglês
Complete the text with the correct article.
Q652171 Inglês
According to the text:
Q652172 Inglês

Choose the alternative that completes the sentence correctly.

You wouldn’t believe him, __________?

Q652173 Inglês
Choose the correct alternative to complete the article (line 1).
Q652174 Inglês
In the article, the word in bold type (line 7) expresses
Q652175 Inglês
According to the article, all the sentences are correct, except:
Q652176 Inglês

Choose the alternative so as to have the passage completed correctly.

Many people believe that pilots earn a lot of money. But the real fact is _____ the airline is, _____ pilots’ salary is. Smaller budget airlines can not afford to pay their pilots that much.

Q652177 Inglês
The sentence “I wouldn’t marry you, unless you were the last girl on Earth” has the same meaning as:
Q652178 Inglês

Read the sentences and write T for the correct matching between the phrasal verb and the meaning or F for the incorrect matching:

( ) May I close the door? It is too cold. (ask for permission)

( ) Nobody answers the phone. They must be busy. (obligation)

( ) She should talk to him to apologize. (suggestion)

( ) They might not come for dinner. (prohibition)

Choose the correct alternative:

Q652179 Inglês

Choose the alternative that contains the right use of the relative pronoun, in order to write the two sentences below as a single sentence:

That is the teacher. I spoke to her about my grades.

21: C
22: D
23: B
24: A
25: B
26: A
27: D
28: B
29: B
30: D
31: A
32: C
33: C
34: B
35: B
36: A
37: D
38: A
39: A
40: C