Questões de Concurso Militar EEAR 2018 para Sargento da Aeronáutica - Controle de Tráfego Aéreo (Turma 2)

Foram encontradas 96 questões

Q1126103 Inglês
The word “deadliest”, undelined in the text, is a
Q1126104 Inglês
The word “ageing”, in bold in the text, is closest in meaning to
Q1126105 Inglês
According to the text, we can infer that
Q1126106 Inglês
Write (T) for the true statements and (F) for the false statements, according to the text.

( ) The safest place into the airplane is the first class.
( ) After being entirely sucked out in the sky, it’s difficul
t someone survives.
( ) It’s likely to survive a crash if your place into the airplane i
s in the cockpit.
( ) A depressurization caused by a hole on a plane can suck ou
t any people or object outside.
Q1126107 Inglês
Choose the best alternative to have the text completed correctly.
36: A
37: A
38: D
39: D
40: C