Questões de Concurso Militar EEAR 2019 para Sargento da Areonáutica - Controle de Trafego Aéreo

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Q1175352 Inglês

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Iceberg ruptures in Patagonia raise alarm about global warming

Fabian Andres Cambero

Two new icebergs have broken off from the Grey Glacier in Chile’s Patagonia in recent weeks. Scientists have linked the increased frequency ice breaks to rising temperature. According to Ricardo Jana, researcher and member of the climate change area of the Chilean Antartic Institute (INACH) “In recent years temperature rises above the normal average and intense rainfall were registered with an increase in water level in the lake, factors that could explain the separation. Reseachers from universities in Germany and Brazil, together with experts from INACH and other local entities, have been studing the Grey Glacier since 2015.

According to the text all the alternatives are correct, except:
Q1175353 Inglês

Read the text and answer question.

Reasons why the Airbus A380 failed

    On 14 February 2019, Airbus announced their A380s have been cancelled, with production ending in 2021. After 12 years of shaky business and development, its closure didn’t come as a surprise. The dream is over for the world’ largest passenger airliner. Why was the king of the airliners forced to land so quikly? Here’s what happened:

  •  poor business planing finds itself at the heart of the A380’s downfall. Most of all A380’ eggs were put in a basket called Emirates, Airbus biggest buyer.
  •  bigger isn’t always better. With a wingspan of almost 80 meters was difficult to guide the giant four-turbine around airports.
  •  airbus failed to antecipate how consumer’s tastes in air travel would change over the years. Passengers nowadays prefer smaller airports, using direct routes to their destinations.
  •  although a seating capacity of 800 may seem impressive at first, it is not easy to fill them up, even when you give discounts and make promotions.

    Airbus A380’ closure perhaps teaches us all a lesson or two. Dream big, but keep your feet on the ground.

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In “... Dream big, but keep your feet on the ground.”, the expression is closest in meaning to: _______________________.
Q1175354 Inglês

Read the text and answer question.

Reasons why the Airbus A380 failed

    On 14 February 2019, Airbus announced their A380s have been cancelled, with production ending in 2021. After 12 years of shaky business and development, its closure didn’t come as a surprise. The dream is over for the world’ largest passenger airliner. Why was the king of the airliners forced to land so quikly? Here’s what happened:

  •  poor business planing finds itself at the heart of the A380’s downfall. Most of all A380’ eggs were put in a basket called Emirates, Airbus biggest buyer.
  •  bigger isn’t always better. With a wingspan of almost 80 meters was difficult to guide the giant four-turbine around airports.
  •  airbus failed to antecipate how consumer’s tastes in air travel would change over the years. Passengers nowadays prefer smaller airports, using direct routes to their destinations.
  •  although a seating capacity of 800 may seem impressive at first, it is not easy to fill them up, even when you give discounts and make promotions.

    Airbus A380’ closure perhaps teaches us all a lesson or two. Dream big, but keep your feet on the ground.

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According to the text, choose the alternative that best complete the sentence.

Airbus A380 _________________.

Q1175355 Inglês

Read the text and answer question.

Reasons why the Airbus A380 failed

    On 14 February 2019, Airbus announced their A380s have been cancelled, with production ending in 2021. After 12 years of shaky business and development, its closure didn’t come as a surprise. The dream is over for the world’ largest passenger airliner. Why was the king of the airliners forced to land so quikly? Here’s what happened:

  •  poor business planing finds itself at the heart of the A380’s downfall. Most of all A380’ eggs were put in a basket called Emirates, Airbus biggest buyer.
  •  bigger isn’t always better. With a wingspan of almost 80 meters was difficult to guide the giant four-turbine around airports.
  •  airbus failed to antecipate how consumer’s tastes in air travel would change over the years. Passengers nowadays prefer smaller airports, using direct routes to their destinations.
  •  although a seating capacity of 800 may seem impressive at first, it is not easy to fill them up, even when you give discounts and make promotions.

    Airbus A380’ closure perhaps teaches us all a lesson or two. Dream big, but keep your feet on the ground.

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In”...Most of all the A380’s eggs were put in a basket called Emirates(...)”, we can infer that Airbus ______________.
17: A
18: D
19: D
20: B