Questões de Concurso Militar EPCAR 2022 para Cadete da Aeronáutica

Foram encontradas 48 questões

Q1944812 Inglês
Direction: Read the text below and answer question according to it.  

Adapted from
Accessed on March 05th, 2022


1. To threaten: to announce or warn of something bad, disastrous or dangerous

2. To rise: to move upwards, to increase

3. To flood: to become covered with water

4. To gather: to come together in a group

5. Mud: wet earth that is soft and sticky

6. Basement: a room in a house below the level of the ground

7. Despite: not prevented/influenced by; although

8. Drought: a long period when there is little or no rain

9. Dutch: people from the Netherlands  
It is correct to state that  
Q1944813 Inglês
Direction: Read the text below and answer question according to it.  

Adapted from
Accessed on March 05th, 2022


1. To threaten: to announce or warn of something bad, disastrous or dangerous

2. To rise: to move upwards, to increase

3. To flood: to become covered with water

4. To gather: to come together in a group

5. Mud: wet earth that is soft and sticky

6. Basement: a room in a house below the level of the ground

7. Despite: not prevented/influenced by; although

8. Drought: a long period when there is little or no rain

9. Dutch: people from the Netherlands  
Choose the statement that is in DISAGREEMENT with the text.
Q1944814 Inglês
Direction: Read the text below and answer question according to it.  

Adapted from
Accessed on March 05th, 2022


1. To threaten: to announce or warn of something bad, disastrous or dangerous

2. To rise: to move upwards, to increase

3. To flood: to become covered with water

4. To gather: to come together in a group

5. Mud: wet earth that is soft and sticky

6. Basement: a room in a house below the level of the ground

7. Despite: not prevented/influenced by; although

8. Drought: a long period when there is little or no rain

9. Dutch: people from the Netherlands  
Choose the option that explains what happened to Salvador Gómez-Colón.
During the storm, he could not talk to his dad and friends, 
Q1944815 Inglês
Direction: Read the text below and answer question according to it.  

Adapted from
Accessed on March 05th, 2022


1. To threaten: to announce or warn of something bad, disastrous or dangerous

2. To rise: to move upwards, to increase

3. To flood: to become covered with water

4. To gather: to come together in a group

5. Mud: wet earth that is soft and sticky

6. Basement: a room in a house below the level of the ground

7. Despite: not prevented/influenced by; although

8. Drought: a long period when there is little or no rain

9. Dutch: people from the Netherlands  
Write (T) for the true sentences and (F) to the false ones, according to the text.

I - The 3rd paragraph (l. 09 to 13) describes a cold season activity. ( )
II - The 5th paragraph (l. 20 to 26) tells how the celebrations were altered due to climate change. ( )
III - In the 11th paragraph (l. 61 to 66), there is a conclusion about the importance of Christmas to Puerto Ricans. ( )
IV - In the 14th paragraph (l. 75 to 78), there is a comparison between a habit in the past and present. ( )

Choose the correct sequence.
Q1944816 Inglês
Direction: Read the text below and answer question according to it.  

Adapted from
Accessed on March 05th, 2022


1. To threaten: to announce or warn of something bad, disastrous or dangerous

2. To rise: to move upwards, to increase

3. To flood: to become covered with water

4. To gather: to come together in a group

5. Mud: wet earth that is soft and sticky

6. Basement: a room in a house below the level of the ground

7. Despite: not prevented/influenced by; although

8. Drought: a long period when there is little or no rain

9. Dutch: people from the Netherlands  
The word in bold can be omitted in:
Q1944817 Inglês
Direction: Read the text below and answer question according to it.  

Adapted from
Accessed on March 05th, 2022


1. To threaten: to announce or warn of something bad, disastrous or dangerous

2. To rise: to move upwards, to increase

3. To flood: to become covered with water

4. To gather: to come together in a group

5. Mud: wet earth that is soft and sticky

6. Basement: a room in a house below the level of the ground

7. Despite: not prevented/influenced by; although

8. Drought: a long period when there is little or no rain

9. Dutch: people from the Netherlands  
The main goal of the text is to
Q1944818 Inglês
Direction: Read the text below and answer question according to it.  

Adapted from
Accessed on March 05th, 2022


1. To threaten: to announce or warn of something bad, disastrous or dangerous

2. To rise: to move upwards, to increase

3. To flood: to become covered with water

4. To gather: to come together in a group

5. Mud: wet earth that is soft and sticky

6. Basement: a room in a house below the level of the ground

7. Despite: not prevented/influenced by; although

8. Drought: a long period when there is little or no rain

9. Dutch: people from the Netherlands  
Choose the sentence that is INCOHERENT with the idea supported by the author.
Q1944819 Inglês
Direction: Read the text below and answer question according to it.  

Adapted from
Accessed on March 05th, 2022


1. To threaten: to announce or warn of something bad, disastrous or dangerous

2. To rise: to move upwards, to increase

3. To flood: to become covered with water

4. To gather: to come together in a group

5. Mud: wet earth that is soft and sticky

6. Basement: a room in a house below the level of the ground

7. Despite: not prevented/influenced by; although

8. Drought: a long period when there is little or no rain

9. Dutch: people from the Netherlands  
Choose the option that explains the idea of the penultimate paragraph (l. 79 to 86).
Q1944820 Inglês
Direction: Read the text below and answer question according to it.  

Adapted from
Accessed on March 05th, 2022


1. To threaten: to announce or warn of something bad, disastrous or dangerous

2. To rise: to move upwards, to increase

3. To flood: to become covered with water

4. To gather: to come together in a group

5. Mud: wet earth that is soft and sticky

6. Basement: a room in a house below the level of the ground

7. Despite: not prevented/influenced by; although

8. Drought: a long period when there is little or no rain

9. Dutch: people from the Netherlands  
Read the statements related to the text.

I - Elfstedentocht didn’t happen last year.
II - People from Netherlands have been participating in a race covering 200km for 24 years.
III - Dutches at all ages usually ice skate during Christmas season.
IV - The northern province Friesland is the only place that preserves the beloved winter tradition.

The correct sentences are  
Q1944821 Inglês
Direction: Read the text below and answer question according to it.  

Adapted from
Accessed on March 05th, 2022


1. To threaten: to announce or warn of something bad, disastrous or dangerous

2. To rise: to move upwards, to increase

3. To flood: to become covered with water

4. To gather: to come together in a group

5. Mud: wet earth that is soft and sticky

6. Basement: a room in a house below the level of the ground

7. Despite: not prevented/influenced by; although

8. Drought: a long period when there is little or no rain

9. Dutch: people from the Netherlands  
About the Christmas season, it is correct to say that
Q1944822 Inglês
Direction: Read the text below and answer question according to it.  

Adapted from
Accessed on March 05th, 2022


1. To threaten: to announce or warn of something bad, disastrous or dangerous

2. To rise: to move upwards, to increase

3. To flood: to become covered with water

4. To gather: to come together in a group

5. Mud: wet earth that is soft and sticky

6. Basement: a room in a house below the level of the ground

7. Despite: not prevented/influenced by; although

8. Drought: a long period when there is little or no rain

9. Dutch: people from the Netherlands  
Mark the only alternative that the underlined word can be replaced by THAT.
Q1944823 Inglês
Direction: Read the text below and answer question according to it.  

Adapted from
Accessed on March 05th, 2022


1. To threaten: to announce or warn of something bad, disastrous or dangerous

2. To rise: to move upwards, to increase

3. To flood: to become covered with water

4. To gather: to come together in a group

5. Mud: wet earth that is soft and sticky

6. Basement: a room in a house below the level of the ground

7. Despite: not prevented/influenced by; although

8. Drought: a long period when there is little or no rain

9. Dutch: people from the Netherlands  
Choose the INCORRECT statement about Puerto Rico.  
Q1944824 Inglês
Direction: Read the comic strip below and answer question from according to it.

Source: Accessed on March 16th, 2022.


1. Mudslide: a large amount of mud sliding down a mountain

2. To drown out: to cover 
Mark the correct option. 
Q1944825 Inglês
Direction: Read the comic strip below and answer question from according to it.

Source: Accessed on March 16th, 2022.


1. Mudslide: a large amount of mud sliding down a mountain

2. To drown out: to cover 
According to the first sentence of the text, it is possible to state that the situation that is being presented  
Q1944826 Inglês
Direction: Read the comic strip below and answer question from according to it.

Source: Accessed on March 16th, 2022.


1. Mudslide: a large amount of mud sliding down a mountain

2. To drown out: to cover 
Choose the correct option about the guy in the cartoon. 
Q1944827 Inglês
Direction: Read the comic strip below and answer question from according to it.

Source: Accessed on March 16th, 2022.


1. Mudslide: a large amount of mud sliding down a mountain

2. To drown out: to cover 
Considering texts I and II, it is correct to say that in both cases  
Q1944828 Português

(ASSIS, Machado de. A Semana – 165. Edição, apresentação e notas por John Gledson. In: Machadiana Eletrônica, Vitória, v. 4, n.9, p. s-s, jul.-dez. 2021.- com adaptações.)
Considerando a sequência de notícias apresentada ao longo dos dias (Texto I), julgue as afirmativas a seguir, considerando o processo de investigação do crime.

I - As notícias dos dias 23 a 25 são dispensáveis para se compreender a motivação do crime e a identificação do criminoso, pois tais informações já podem ser compreendidas na notícia do dia 22.
II - O papel das testemunhas tem relevância para o desfecho da investigação, mas não é o único elemento levado em consideração pelas autoridades policiais.
III - As notícias dos dias 23 e 24 revelam que a investigação do crime procura basear-se em dados tidos como científicos naquela época.
IV - A notícia do dia 25 revela uma mudança no rumo das investigações, ao divulgar a descoberta de que o suspeito era um homem procurado pela polícia por já ter cometido outro homicídio no passado.

A partir da análise das afirmativas, conclui-se que
Q1944829 Português

(ASSIS, Machado de. A Semana – 165. Edição, apresentação e notas por John Gledson. In: Machadiana Eletrônica, Vitória, v. 4, n.9, p. s-s, jul.-dez. 2021.- com adaptações.)
No Texto I, na conclusão do inquérito, que atribuiu a autoria do crime a Manuel de Souza e Silva, teve papel decisivo a
Q1944830 Português

(ASSIS, Machado de. A Semana – 165. Edição, apresentação e notas por John Gledson. In: Machadiana Eletrônica, Vitória, v. 4, n.9, p. s-s, jul.-dez. 2021.- com adaptações.)
Observe a imagem a seguir, que exemplifica a grafia original de um trecho do Texto I, como foi publicado no jornal A Gazeta de Notícias, em 1895:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

  Como se constata, há, no trecho, diferenças em relação à grafia padrão da Língua Portuguesa atual.
   Imagine que um estudioso esteja desenvolvendo uma pesquisa sobre as mudanças do padrão ortográfico da nossa Língua ao longo do tempo e, a partir da leitura de todas as notícias que compõem o Texto I, em sua grafia original, tenha selecionado as seguintes palavras como amostragem para o estudo:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

  A seguir, são apresentadas deduções feitas pelo pesquisador ao comparar o padrão ortográfico das duas épocas. Considerando apenas as palavras aqui listadas, pressupondo que não há erros de impressão no jornal e que a grafia das palavras está de acordo com o padrão da época, julgue cada dedução como “verdadeira” ou “falsa”.
I - O padrão de acentuação das palavras paroxítonas adotado em 1895 é o mesmo que vigora atualmente na Língua Portuguesa.
II - A obrigatoriedade da acentuação das proparoxítonas não existia em 1895.
III - A grafia das palavras “já” e “ha” representa uma dificuldade para o pesquisador estabelecer a regra de acentuação dos monossílabos tônicos de 1895.
IV - As palavras oxítonas estão grafadas de acordo com o padrão atual, indicando que a regra de 1895 era a mesma.

A partir da análise das afirmativas, conclui-se que
Q1944831 Português

(ASSIS, Machado de. A Semana – 165. Edição, apresentação e notas por John Gledson. In: Machadiana Eletrônica, Vitória, v. 4, n.9, p. s-s, jul.-dez. 2021.- com adaptações.)
Considerando todo o Texto I, a explicação da função sintática do trecho NÃO está correta na alternativa:
1: C
2: D
3: D
4: D
5: B
6: B
7: C
8: A
9: B
10: C
11: A
12: D
13: C
14: A
15: C
16: B
17: C
18: B
19: C
20: A