Questões de Concurso Militar EsFCEx 2013 para Oficial - Magistério História

Foram encontradas 70 questões

Q521740 Português
Analise o texto abaixo e identifique quantas vírgulas são necessárias para que a pontuação fique adequada.

Depois do processo de romanização que gerou muitas batalhas sofreu a Península Ibérica a invasão dos bárbaros germânicos a qual muito contribuiu para a fragmentação linguística da Hispânia. No século VII em 711 voltou a Península a ser invadida pelos árabes.

(BECHARA, Evanildo. Moderna gramática do português. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 2009. p. 23. Trecho adaptado.) 

Q521741 Português
Assinale a alternativa que está de acordo com as regras gramaticais normativas.
Q521742 Português
Assinale a alternativa em que há quebra de paralelismo semântico.
Q521743 Inglês
 Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentences below:

I remember ____ names, but they don't remember ______. ______ name is Ana and _____ name is David. I told ______ that ______ name is Carlos. 

Q521744 Inglês
Bertrand Piccard and his co-pilot Brian Jones were the first people to fly around the Earth in a balloon non-stop in 1999.
I learnt to fly in a balloon in a race across the Atlantic Ocean in 1992 and became fascinated by the sport. In the same way that a mountain climber dreams of climbing the world's highest mountain, I dreamed about flying non-stop around the world.
I spent six years planning the flight and failed twice before we managed to succeed. Our route took us over China, but we could only get permission to travel over the south. This meant going first to North Africa to catch the right winds. That added 10,000 kilometers, and another week, to our journey. But because of this, our flight broke all the records for distance and time spent in the air.
My main memory of the trip is that we lived in the air for 20 days and the rising sun was the most amazing thing we saw. We had to go out of the balloon's capsule, in which we were transported, three times while in the air to repair the fuel system. We didn't have any safety equipment but when you are in a situation like that, you just do what you have to do without thinking about feeling afraid.
Landing was a fantastic moment. I remember when I got out of the capsule, I looked at my footprint in the sand. I remembered the astronaut Neil Armstrong who was so happy to put his footprint on the moon, so far away from Earth. At that moment, I was so happy to have my foot back on Earth! 

                                                                                                                                                      (Fonte: Original) 

What's Piccard's main reason for writing this text? 

Q521745 Inglês
Bertrand Piccard and his co-pilot Brian Jones were the first people to fly around the Earth in a balloon non-stop in 1999.
I learnt to fly in a balloon in a race across the Atlantic Ocean in 1992 and became fascinated by the sport. In the same way that a mountain climber dreams of climbing the world's highest mountain, I dreamed about flying non-stop around the world.
I spent six years planning the flight and failed twice before we managed to succeed. Our route took us over China, but we could only get permission to travel over the south. This meant going first to North Africa to catch the right winds. That added 10,000 kilometers, and another week, to our journey. But because of this, our flight broke all the records for distance and time spent in the air.
My main memory of the trip is that we lived in the air for 20 days and the rising sun was the most amazing thing we saw. We had to go out of the balloon's capsule, in which we were transported, three times while in the air to repair the fuel system. We didn't have any safety equipment but when you are in a situation like that, you just do what you have to do without thinking about feeling afraid.
Landing was a fantastic moment. I remember when I got out of the capsule, I looked at my footprint in the sand. I remembered the astronaut Neil Armstrong who was so happy to put his footprint on the moon, so far away from Earth. At that moment, I was so happy to have my foot back on Earth! 

                                                                                                                                                        (Fonte: Original) 

 Why did the balloon fly over south China?

Q521746 Inglês
Bertrand Piccard and his co-pilot Brian Jones were the first people to fly around the Earth in a balloon non-stop in 1999.
I learnt to fly in a balloon in a race across the Atlantic Ocean in 1992 and became fascinated by the sport. In the same way that a mountain climber dreams of climbing the world's highest mountain, I dreamed about flying non-stop around the world.
I spent six years planning the flight and failed twice before we managed to succeed. Our route took us over China, but we could only get permission to travel over the south. This meant going first to North Africa to catch the right winds. That added 10,000 kilometers, and another week, to our journey. But because of this, our flight broke all the records for distance and time spent in the air.
My main memory of the trip is that we lived in the air for 20 days and the rising sun was the most amazing thing we saw. We had to go out of the balloon's capsule, in which we were transported, three times while in the air to repair the fuel system. We didn't have any safety equipment but when you are in a situation like that, you just do what you have to do without thinking about feeling afraid.
Landing was a fantastic moment. I remember when I got out of the capsule, I looked at my footprint in the sand. I remembered the astronaut Neil Armstrong who was so happy to put his footprint on the moon, so far away from Earth. At that moment, I was so happy to have my foot back on Earth! 

                                                                                                                                                       (Fonte: Original) 

Why did the pilots get out of the capsule during the flight?

Q521747 Inglês
Bertrand Piccard and his co-pilot Brian Jones were the first people to fly around the Earth in a balloon non-stop in 1999.
I learnt to fly in a balloon in a race across the Atlantic Ocean in 1992 and became fascinated by the sport. In the same way that a mountain climber dreams of climbing the world's highest mountain, I dreamed about flying non-stop around the world.
I spent six years planning the flight and failed twice before we managed to succeed. Our route took us over China, but we could only get permission to travel over the south. This meant going first to North Africa to catch the right winds. That added 10,000 kilometers, and another week, to our journey. But because of this, our flight broke all the records for distance and time spent in the air.
My main memory of the trip is that we lived in the air for 20 days and the rising sun was the most amazing thing we saw. We had to go out of the balloon's capsule, in which we were transported, three times while in the air to repair the fuel system. We didn't have any safety equipment but when you are in a situation like that, you just do what you have to do without thinking about feeling afraid.
Landing was a fantastic moment. I remember when I got out of the capsule, I looked at my footprint in the sand. I remembered the astronaut Neil Armstrong who was so happy to put his footprint on the moon, so far away from Earth. At that moment, I was so happy to have my foot back on Earth! 

                                                                                                                                                       (Fonte: Original)

What was the newspaper headline after the balloon landed? 

Q521749 Inglês
 Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentences below:

She left Serrinha ___ 1968 and went ____ Salvador. She will get married ______ July.The wedding is ______ July 25th

Q637013 História
Referindo-se à década de 1880 no Brasil, John Schulz escreveu que “durante a crise, o corpo de oficiais fez a sua estréia como uma força política”. Assinale a opção que, pelo seu contexto, está relacionada à observação do autor.
Q637014 História
Uma característica comum esteve presente em dois amplos períodos da Europa medieval. Os períodos são: séculos V-VIII e séculos X-XIII. Assinale a opção que contém a característica aludida.
Q637015 História

Analise as afirmativas sobre a estrutura econômica medieval européia dos séculos VI a X e marque a opção correta.

I. A retração do comércio e da circulação monetária deveu-se, sobretudo, ao declínio populacional do ocidente europeu no período.

II. A baixa produtividade artesanal e agrícola e a pobreza acentuada estiveram relacionadas ao significativo incremento demográfico do período.

III. A retraída condição demográfica era motivada pela diminuição dos rendimentos, que, por sua vez, era uma consequência da baixa densidade populacional.

Q637016 História
Assinale a opção que reflete a compreensão historiográfica comum a respeito do despotismo esclarecido ou ilustrado.
Q637017 História

Analise as afirmativas sobre o contrato feudo-vassálico e, em seguida, assinale a opção correta.

I. Contrato em que um homem livre entrega a outro homem também livre um bem qualquer em troca de serviço militar e lealdade.

II. Contrato em que um homem livre entrega a um homem não livre uma parcela de terra em troca do serviço militar e da lealdade deste último.

III. Contrato que os camponeses (servos) firmam entre si para dividir o tempo que será dedicado ao cumprimento das obrigações para com o senhor feudal proprietário das terras onde vivem e trabalham.

Q637018 Pedagogia

Analise as afirmativas sobre a História Nova e marque a opção correta.

I. Aqueles que fundaram a Nova História, de modo diferente da Escola de Leopoldo Von Ranke e seus seguidores, compreenderam e ensinaram que história é a política passada e política é a história presente.

II. A Nova História, diferentemente do que praticavam os historiadores tradicionais, defendeu que a história não poderá mais ser compreendida como uma narrativa dos eventos, devendo haver análise e entendimento das estruturas.

III. A História Nova, rompendo com os paradigmas tradicionais, passou a sustentar que não é possível exercer o ofício de historiador abrindo mão da concepção de que a história é objetiva. 

Q637019 História
Sobre as cidades-Estados gregas da Antiguidade, é correto afirmar que:
Q637020 História
Assinale a opção na qual todos os termos podem ser associados ao fascismo.
Q637021 História
Sobre o México às vésperas da Independência, é correto afirmar que
Q637022 História

Analise o trecho abaixo com base nas características do processo histórico ao qual ele se relaciona e preencha as lacunas de modo a conferir sentido ao texto, em seguida, marque a opção correta.

Uma das razões imediatas para a crise norte americana e mundial dos anos 1930 foi _______________________________________________ EUA. Uma das primeiras medidas para atenuar os seus efeitos foi ________________________________ para que os países com baixas reservas pudessem adquirir bens produzidos nos Estados Unidos e a _____________________________________ mercado interno.

21: C
22: E
23: C
24: A
25: E
26: B
27: C
28: C
29: E
30: C
31: B
32: A
33: E
34: C
35: A
36: B
37: E
38: B
39: E
40: D