Questões de Concurso Militar IME 2015 para Quadro de Engenheiro Militar - Português e Inglês

Foram encontradas 9 questões

Q677601 Inglês
At every stage, Mr. Keating, a 26-year-old doctoral student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Lab, has pushed and prodded to get his medical information, collecting an estimated 70 gigabytes of his own patient data by now. His case points to what medical experts say could be gained if patients have had full and easier access to their medical information. Betterinformed patients, they say, are more likely to take better care of themselves.
Q677602 Inglês
As observed in the unique orbits of cosmic dust particles, at small length scales, environmental forces such as solar pressure and the Loretz force can compete with gravity so significantly accelerate a body in space. We propose to employ recent advances in nanofabrication to create a new category of extremely small, low-cost, expendable spacecraft which capitalize on this scaling to enable propellantless propulsion. Such devices could open up new spacecraft mission opportunities, including distributed sensing, scientific research, exploration, and in-orbit inspection of larger satellites.
Q677603 Inglês
One of the challenges in lab safety is that the lab setting becomes very familiar to people who work in it day in and day out. “When you do something over and over, your perception of the risk may change even though the risk itself doesn’t change,” says Lawrence M. Gibbs, associate vice provost for EH&S at Stanford. His department tries to use information about incidents to remember researchers not to get too comfortable. In that way, hopefully something positive can come out of Sangji’s death. “It was a tragic, tragic incident,” Gibbs says. “We all have to learn from it and use it as reinforcement to help people understand the potential risks of working with high-hazard materials in this environment.
Q677604 Inglês
Since visiting the injured military men and women at Headley Court, Mr Simpson established the On Course Foundation, a military charity that supports the recovery of wounded, injured and sick service personal through golf tuition and jobs in the golf industry.
5: D
6: B
7: C
8: D