Questões de Concurso Militar EsSA 2022 para Sargento - Geral
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Basic Combat Training (BCT) in the US Army
Soldiers in the United States (US) Army are volunteers. The Army trains recruits at basic training units. The main basic training unit is Fort Jackson in South Carolina.
Basic training is nine weeks. The instructors are non-commissioned officers (NCOs). They teach basic military skills, including drill and weapon training.
Recruits in basic training live and sleep in barracks.
They wear a military uniform. They don’t go home during basic training and they don’t see their family before graduation.
(Source: MELLOR-CLARK, S. ALTAMIRANO, Y. B. Campaign: English for the military. Student’s book 1. p. 14.)
According to the text above, we can infer that:
Mark the only correct option according to the text below.
Cash Flow Problem
“Honey, you have to tell me how we are spending our money”, said the wife to her husband. “I should know about these things.”
“Fine”, said the husband. “we are spending 25 percent on rent, 20 percent on the kids, 30 percent on food, 15 percent on clothes, and 40 percent on the cars.”
“But honey, that’s 130 percent.”
“I know. That’s the problem”
Marque a opção que melhor completa o espaço em branco.
“Colonel is a _______________ rank in the army but it is _______________ than General.”
Mark the option that correctly completes the sentence below
“My parents are seriously thinking about _______________ to Canada.”
Read the cartoon and mark the best option that interprets its message.
Preencha o espaço em branco com a única preposição correta.
Fair Play
Hey, break the rules again and you are _____ of the game”, said the referee to the soccer player.”
“Sorry, Sir”, said the soccer player. “It won’t happen again.”
Leia o texto abaixo e marque a opção que melhor descreve o assunto abordado.
Physical training (PT) is an important part of military life and Company Commander or Platoon Commander organizes PT activities every day. Soldiers run every morning. They go to the gym twice a week or three times a week and do weight lifting, sit-ups and push-ups. They usually go to the swimming pool once a week. Soldiers take a physical test every year. A lot of soldiers usually do more sports in their own time. Many soldiers play football every weekend. Some soldiers play tennis, or do karate or boxing.
Choose the best alternative to fill in the box and complete the sentence correctly.
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