Questões de Concurso Militar CBM-DF 2017 para Aspirante do Corpo de Bombeiro

Foram encontradas 80 questões

Q793693 Química

Analise os compostos a seguir de acordo com suas propriedades de ligação entre moléculas.

I. Metano.

II. Monóxido de carbono.

III. Ácido clorídrico.

IV. Gás cloro.

As alternativas que contêm somente moléculas apolares são:

Q793694 Química

Analise as afirmativas a seguir.

I. Ácido é toda substância que doa prótons.

II. Ácido é toda substância que recebe elétrons.

III. Ácido é toda substância que se ioniza em presença de água e origina, como um dos íons, o cátion H+ .

IV. Base é toda substância que recebe elétrons.

V. Base é toda substância que, em solução aquosa, sofre dissociação iônica, liberando o ânion OH .

VI. Base é toda substância capaz de receber prótons.

Tratam da teoria de Bronsted-Lowry apenas as afirmativas

Q793695 Química
Observe a reação (não balanceada) a seguir e assinale a alternativa que corresponde à soma dos coeficientes estequiométricos dos sais.
CrCl3 + NaOH + H2O2 → Na2CrO4 + NaCl + H2O
Q793696 Química
Vários compostos orgânicos são produzidos a partir de reações específicas, criando novas substâncias ou derivados de compostos naturais. Sendo assim, assinale a alternativa que apresenta o nome da reação de um éster em solução aquosa com uma base inorgânica forte produzindo um sal orgânico e álcool.
Q793697 Química

Observe os produtos que são liberados a partir de uma reação de combustão completa do etanol.

I. Gás carbônico.

II. Gás oxigênio.

III. Água.

IV. Carbono.

Estão corretas apenas as alternativas

Q793698 Física
Três amigos disputaram uma corrida de 15 km de distância. O último colocado percorreu o trajeto em 62 minutos e 30 segundos, o segundo colocado teve uma velocidade média 25% maior que a velocidade média do último colocado e o primeiro colocado chegou com um tempo 10% menor que o do segundo colocado. O tempo médio dos três amigos, para completar o trajeto, foi:
Q793699 Física
Certa onda eletromagnética se propaga com a velocidade da luz (3,0 . 105 km/s) e tem comprimento de onda igual a 4 m. A frequência dessa onda é:
Q793700 Física
Professor Thiago fez um experimento que resultou numa transformação cujo trabalho realizado pelo gás presente foi de 7,2 . 104 J. Ao terminar todo o experimento, Thiago escreveu um relatório sobre o mesmo e nesse relatório constava um gráfico da transformação sofrida pelo gás. Das alternativas a seguir, a única que poderia ser o gráfico presente no relatório de Thiago é:
Q793701 Física
Uma esfera A com carga +25Q dista 6 m de uma esfera B de carga +49Q. A distância da esfera A ao ponto P, no qual os módulos dos campos elétricos gerados pelas esferas A e B são iguais, é:
Q793702 Física

Sávio prendeu uma esfera de massa M em uma mola cuja constante elástica é 4 N/m e a posicionou em uma superfície de atrito desprezível. Ao deslocar a esfera de sua posição de equilíbrio e soltá-la, a esfera começou a descrever um movimento harmônico simples de período igual a 1,57 segundo. É correto afirmar que a massa M da esfera é:

(Considerar: π = 3,14)

Q793703 Física

Uma mesa com 70 cm de altura e cujo tampo é circular com raio de 1,25 m encontra-se posicionada abaixo de uma fonte luminosa puntiforme localizada no ponto central do teto de uma sala quadrada de 5 m de lado e cuja altura é de 3,2 m. Tem-se ainda que o centro do tampo da mesa encontra-se alinhado verticalmente com o ponto no qual se encontra a fonte luminosa. Sendo assim a área do piso da sala que se apresenta plenamente iluminada por essa fonte de luz é:

(Considerar: π = 3)

Q793704 Física
Dona Ana percebeu que havia uma goteira no teto da sua casa. Por não saber onde ficava o registro da água, ela colocou um balde vazio de 20 litros embaixo da goteira e ligou para o bombeiro que chegou 8 minutos depois. Sabendo que no instante em que o bombeiro chegou na residência de Ana o balde estava com 60% de seu volume coberto de água, então a vazão da goteira era de:
Q793705 Física
Uma barra A(a = 29 .10–6 °C–1 ) e uma barra B(a = 64 .10–6 °C–1 ), estando a 25°C, foram aquecidas até 65°C. Sabendo que a barra B dilatou 1,468 cm a mais que a barra A e que o comprimento inicial da barra A era de 5 m, então o comprimento inicial da barra B era de:
Q793706 Física

Observe o circuito a seguir.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

A corrente do circuito é

Q793707 Física
Em um jogo de futebol, Olavo recebeu um passe e correu em direção ao gol do time adversário, mantendo a velocidade da bola constante de 14,4 km/h. Ao se aproximar do gol, ele chutou a bola, aplicando uma força de 125 N durante 0,12 s na mesma, e fez o gol. Sabendo que bola tem massa m = 468,75 g, então a velocidade da bola no momento exato após o chute era de:
Q793708 Inglês

                 Eating well may count more than exercise for weight loss: study

                                                                          (By Lizette Borreli on 2/12/17 AT 9:10 AM.)

      We’ve all heard that to lose weight we need to do two things: eat less, exercise more. This makes sense: Burning more calories than we consume will lead to weight loss. But this exercise-based approach provides only short-term results. Now, researchers at Loyola University of Chicago confirm that a healthy diet, not exercise, is the key to losing weight – and keeping it off.

      “Our study results indicate that physical activity may not protect you from gaining weight,” said Lara Dugas, lead author of the study and an assistant professor in the Department of Public Health Sciences of Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, in a statement.

      Previous research has found exercise does help people lose weight by burning fat. A 10-month study split 141 obese or overweight people into three groups to see how cardio affected them – group 1 had to burn 400 calories doing cardio, 5 days a week; group 2 had to burn 600 calories doing cardio, 5 days a week; and group 3 did no exercise. Most participants lost 4.3 percent of their body weight in group 1; group 2 lost a little more at 5.7 percent; and the control group actually gained 0.5 percent.

      The benefits of exercise on weight are notable, but most studies don't take into account its behavioral effects. For example, working out makes people hungrier, which means they are more likely to consume more calories. This suggests how much and what we eat has a bigger impact on our weight than exercise.

      In the new study, published in Peer J, Dugas and her colleagues examined about 2,000 adults from the U.S. and four other countries: Ghana, South Africa, Jamaica and Seychelles, to measure their physical activity levels and weight change throughout the course of three years. Participants wore tracking devices – accelerometers – on their waists for a week, to track their energy expenditure and step count. Weight, height and body fat were also measured at baseline, one year and two years after.

      In the beginning, Ghana participants had the lowest average weights (139 pounds for both men and women), and Americans the highest weights (202 pounds for women, 206 pounds for men). Ghanaians were more fit han Americans; 76 Ghanaian men and 44 percent Ghanaian women met the U.S. Surgeon General physical activity guidelines, while only 44 percent of American men and 20 percent of American women met the guidelines. Adults need 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, like brisk walking, each week, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

      Surprisingly, participants with higher rates of physical activity actually gained more weight than those with lower rates. American men who met the guidelines gained a half pound per year, while American men who did not meet the guidelines lost 0.6 pounds. This shows there's no significant relationship between sedentary time at baseline, and subsequent weight gain or weight loss. The only factors that were significantly linked to weight at baseline were age and gender.

      “From our study it is not evident that higher volumes of PA [physical activity] alone are protective against future weight gain, and by deduction our data suggest that other environmental factors such as the food environment may have a more critical role”, concluded the researchers.

      Exercise-focused weight loss regimens yield low success rates because we tend to poorly estimate calories we consume and calories we burn. For example, a 2010 study found when participants were asked to consume the amount of food they believed they burned in calories, they ended up eating two to three times the amount of calories they burned. This suggests calorie expenditure doesn’t really count for much.

      Diet is a major factor in weight control; portion sizes and what we're eating is crucial to maintaining a healthy body weight. To lose weight and improve health, we need to both eat well and find the time to exercise.


About the text, it is true that: choose the correct alternative.
Q793709 Inglês

                 Eating well may count more than exercise for weight loss: study

                                                                          (By Lizette Borreli on 2/12/17 AT 9:10 AM.)

      We’ve all heard that to lose weight we need to do two things: eat less, exercise more. This makes sense: Burning more calories than we consume will lead to weight loss. But this exercise-based approach provides only short-term results. Now, researchers at Loyola University of Chicago confirm that a healthy diet, not exercise, is the key to losing weight – and keeping it off.

      “Our study results indicate that physical activity may not protect you from gaining weight,” said Lara Dugas, lead author of the study and an assistant professor in the Department of Public Health Sciences of Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, in a statement.

      Previous research has found exercise does help people lose weight by burning fat. A 10-month study split 141 obese or overweight people into three groups to see how cardio affected them – group 1 had to burn 400 calories doing cardio, 5 days a week; group 2 had to burn 600 calories doing cardio, 5 days a week; and group 3 did no exercise. Most participants lost 4.3 percent of their body weight in group 1; group 2 lost a little more at 5.7 percent; and the control group actually gained 0.5 percent.

      The benefits of exercise on weight are notable, but most studies don't take into account its behavioral effects. For example, working out makes people hungrier, which means they are more likely to consume more calories. This suggests how much and what we eat has a bigger impact on our weight than exercise.

      In the new study, published in Peer J, Dugas and her colleagues examined about 2,000 adults from the U.S. and four other countries: Ghana, South Africa, Jamaica and Seychelles, to measure their physical activity levels and weight change throughout the course of three years. Participants wore tracking devices – accelerometers – on their waists for a week, to track their energy expenditure and step count. Weight, height and body fat were also measured at baseline, one year and two years after.

      In the beginning, Ghana participants had the lowest average weights (139 pounds for both men and women), and Americans the highest weights (202 pounds for women, 206 pounds for men). Ghanaians were more fit han Americans; 76 Ghanaian men and 44 percent Ghanaian women met the U.S. Surgeon General physical activity guidelines, while only 44 percent of American men and 20 percent of American women met the guidelines. Adults need 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, like brisk walking, each week, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

      Surprisingly, participants with higher rates of physical activity actually gained more weight than those with lower rates. American men who met the guidelines gained a half pound per year, while American men who did not meet the guidelines lost 0.6 pounds. This shows there's no significant relationship between sedentary time at baseline, and subsequent weight gain or weight loss. The only factors that were significantly linked to weight at baseline were age and gender.

      “From our study it is not evident that higher volumes of PA [physical activity] alone are protective against future weight gain, and by deduction our data suggest that other environmental factors such as the food environment may have a more critical role”, concluded the researchers.

      Exercise-focused weight loss regimens yield low success rates because we tend to poorly estimate calories we consume and calories we burn. For example, a 2010 study found when participants were asked to consume the amount of food they believed they burned in calories, they ended up eating two to three times the amount of calories they burned. This suggests calorie expenditure doesn’t really count for much.

      Diet is a major factor in weight control; portion sizes and what we're eating is crucial to maintaining a healthy body weight. To lose weight and improve health, we need to both eat well and find the time to exercise.


Read the text and choose the correct alternative. The pattern of use for “gaining” (2 nd par) is the same in
Q793710 Inglês

Read the comic strip carefully to answer.

Read the comic strip. In the context “Resolutions” are
Q793711 Inglês

Read the comic strip carefully to answer.

Read the Comic strip. About the text, we can infer that Calvin is
Q793712 Inglês

Fire in South Korea

Four people died after a fire broke out in a shopping centre in South Korea. The fire broke out in a children´s play area inside the centre. There were no children inside at the time.

The centre is next to some flats. More than a hundred people from the flats immediately evacuated.


“Broke out” (1 st par) means. Read the text and choose the correct option

21: B
22: A
23: B
24: D
25: B
26: C
27: D
28: C
29: B
30: D
31: B
32: D
33: D
34: D
35: C
36: A
37: D
38: D
39: A
40: B