Questões de Concurso Militar PM-AM 2011 para Cabo - Auxiliar de Enfermagem

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Q726142 Português

Rainforest police target illegal logging

Brazil’s environment ministry has taken steps to save the rainforest by disrupting the illegal logging industry.

About $2.7 million dollars worth of illegally logged wood from indigenous lands were seized by environmental police during a surprise raid in Nova Esperança do Piria. According to Reuters, some 13 logging companies and sawmills were shut down while tractors, guns, and ammunitions were seized in the remote area […]

The government aims to reduce deforestation to a record low in the year to July. It hopes to ensure that deforestation, the cutting down or burning of the rainforest, does not exceed 3,700 square miles. Recent research has shown that the rainforest is a valuable global resource as not only does it harbour a variety of animal and plant species, but it also absorbs a significant amount of greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.

(adapted from

De acordo com o texto, a ação da polícia em Nova Esperança do Piria foi:
Q726143 Inglês

Rainforest police target illegal logging

Brazil’s environment ministry has taken steps to save the rainforest by disrupting the illegal logging industry.

About $2.7 million dollars worth of illegally logged wood from indigenous lands were seized by environmental police during a surprise raid in Nova Esperança do Piria. According to Reuters, some 13 logging companies and sawmills were shut down while tractors, guns, and ammunitions were seized in the remote area […]

The government aims to reduce deforestation to a record low in the year to July. It hopes to ensure that deforestation, the cutting down or burning of the rainforest, does not exceed 3,700 square miles. Recent research has shown that the rainforest is a valuable global resource as not only does it harbour a variety of animal and plant species, but it also absorbs a significant amount of greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.

(adapted from

A palavra while em “some 13 logging companies and sawmills were shut down while tractors, guns, and ammunitions were seized” indica:
Q726144 Noções de Informática
Avalie as assertivas a seguir, referentes ao uso de navegadores e endereços da Web:
I – Internet Explorer e Firefox são exemplos de programas navegadores que podem ser utilizados para acessar conteúdo na Internet. II – Dado o seguinte endereço de um sítio na Internet:, podemos afirmar que a parte deste endereço que define o protocolo utilizado é o “www”. III – Os cookies são links para páginas que foram recentemente visitadas pelo usuário.
O número de assertivas corretas é igual a:
Q726145 Noções de Informática
O dispositivo de uma rede de computadores cuja função inclui regular o tráfego entre redes distintas e impedir a transmissão e/ou a recepção de acessos não autorizados de uma rede para outra, aplicando uma política de segurança a um determinado ponto da rede é o:
Q726146 Noções de Informática
São exemplos de partes dos componentes de hardware de um computador:
16: C
17: A
18: B
19: C
20: A