Questões de Concurso Militar DPC - Marinha 2006 para Praticante de Prático

Foram encontradas 43 questões

Q2196990 Engenharia Naval
According with reference book “Tug Use in Port”, what is a rotor tug?  
Q2196992 Engenharia Naval
In the book “Tug Use in Port”, Capitain Henk Hensen, states that despite other risk situations, the critical situations a tug may be involved in can be simply divided as follows:
Q2196993 Engenharia Naval
According to the studies of Chase, stated in the book “Principles of Naval Architecture”, when clearing a ship slip, what is the adequate criterion for judging backing speed with respect a ship’s operators (Pilot included) opinion: 
Q2196994 Engenharia Naval
Assinale a afirmativa correta, com relação a nomenclatura do navio, de acordo com Maurílio M. Fonseca, no livro Arte Naval: 
Q2196997 Engenharia Naval
The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 – COLREG states that certain factors are to be taken into account when determining safe speed. One of the factors is the __________.  
36: D
37: E
38: B
39: A
40: D