Questões de Concurso Militar ESCOLA NAVAL 2010 para Aspirante - 2º Dia

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Q190808 Inglês
Which sequence best completes the text below?
Imagem 007.jpg
Q190809 Inglês
What is the correct way to complete the sentence below?
According to this article, everybody in costal cities _____ (1)find a way to escape from the 2012 tsunamis.

Q190810 Inglês
Which sequence best completes the text below?
Almost everyone who studies, lives or works abroad experiences some degree of culture shock. This period of cultural adjustment involves everything from _____ (1) the food and language to _____ (2) how to use the telephone. No matter how patient and flexible you are, _____ (3) to a new culture can, at times, be difficult and frustrating. It is easy _____ (4)lost, depressed and homesick. You may even wanct _____ (5)back home!

Q190811 Inglês
Which alternative completes the sentence correctly?
Unlike the atmosphere, which ____(1) by turbulent weather systems,
the deep waters are fairly stable. This is because it ____ (2) from
above, in contrast to the atmosphere, which ____ (3)from below.
(Adapted from http: / / oceans.html)

Q190812 Inglês
Mary saw James, her doctor, two days ago.
James said: "See me tomorrow again."
Which alternative best reports what he said?

46: B
47: B
48: D
49: A
50: D