Questões de Concurso Militar ESCOLA NAVAL 2015 para Aspirante, 2° Dia

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Q572912 Inglês
Based on the text below, answer question.

                                                          How to Become a USNA Midshipman

Posted by: Jacqui Murray j December 8, 2010 There are lots of how-to books on getting in the Naval Academy, but they1re quite dry and impersonal. Mine - Buildinq a Midshipman - is from the perspective of a woman who did it (my daughter!) and how she accomplished such a lofty goal. It's down-to-earth and should give confidence to any teen, male or female, considering a military academy as their college of choice.
I wrote this because there was a need for a book like this. When my daughter wanted a step-by-step on how to get into the Naval Academy, ali she could find were books that told her how hard it was, how selective they were, how very few could achieve it. My daughter brushed the negativity off, but I wondered how many kids were discouraged by that approach.
I decided to write a book (a) explaining how to achieve the goal, not why kids couldnTt; (b) showing how teens can solve the problems that stand in their way rather than why they can't, and (c) sharing the many but predictable steps that will take a motivated, committed applicant where they want to go rather than why they can't get there. That approach worked for my daughter and I had no doubt it would work for others. From what I hear from readers, it1s true. I hope you find it useful. .

(MURRAY, Jacqui. Building a USNA Midshipman. How to crack the United States Naval Academy Application, 2n edition, 2008. Adapted from https://
Considering the text, the words "lofty" in how she accomplished such a lofty goal.n and "brushed off" in "[...] she brushed the negativity off [...] ." mean respectively.
Q572913 Inglês
Based on the text below, answer question.

                                                 The Future of Libraries Has Little to Do with Books

On a Monday morning between Christmas and New Year's Eve in Paris, the line for modern art museum Centre Georges Pompidou winds around the block. But the patrons waiting in the cold aren't there to catch a glimpse of a Magritte —they're young locais queueing for access through the museum’s back door to another attraction: the public library.
In a digital age that has left book publishers reeling, libraries in the world's major cities seem poised for a comeback, though it1s one that has very little to do with books. The Independent Library Report — published in December by the U.K.'s Department for Culture, Media, and Sport — found that libraries across the nation are reinventing themseives by increasingly becoming "vibrant and attractive community hubs", focusing on the "need to create digital literacy, and in an ideal world, digital fluency.”
Taking into account the proliferation of freelancing, the gig economy, and remote working (also known as 'technomadism'), the rise of library as community hub begins to make sense. Cities are increasingly attracting location independent workers, and those workers need space and amenities that expensive and unreliable coffee shops simply cannot provide enough of.
Furthermore, when one considers that the most vulnerable and underserved city dwellers are also those who generally do not have access to the Internet, the need for a free and publicly connected space becomes even clearer.
According to a 2013 Pew poli, 90 percent in the U.S. said their community would be negatively impacted if their local library closed. But if libraries are going to survive the digital age, they need to be more about helping patrons filter vast quantities of digital Information rather than access to analog materiais. Good news carne for U.S. libraries in November, when Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler announced a 62 percent increase in spending on high-speed Internet for schools and public libraries.
When it comes to this need for connectivity, Britainfs library report stated a "Wi-Fi connection should be delivered in a comfortable, retail standard environment with the usual amenities of coffee, sofas and etc." The report suggested that libraries focus less on loaning physical books and more on widening access via loaning of e-books, which the report noted was up by 80 percent in Britain from 2013.
Also in 2013, the first bookless public library in the United States opened in San Antonio, Texas. The cityTs BiblioTech offers an all-digital, cloud-based collection of more than 10,000 e-books, plus e-readers available for checkout. Located in San Antonio’s underserved South Side, the BiblioTech provides an important digital hub in a city with a population that still struggles to connect to wireless Internet, Last month saw the opening of Canada's Halifax Central Library, designed by a world-leading Danish design firm. With its auditorium, meeting space for entrepreneurs, multiple cafes, adult literacy classes and gaming facilities, actual books seemed like an afterthought.

(Abridged from
Mark the only option that is FALSE according to the text.
Q572914 Inglês
Based on the text below, answer question.

                                                 The Future of Libraries Has Little to Do with Books

On a Monday morning between Christmas and New Year's Eve in Paris, the line for modern art museum Centre Georges Pompidou winds around the block. But the patrons waiting in the cold aren't there to catch a glimpse of a Magritte —they're young locais queueing for access through the museum’s back door to another attraction: the public library.
In a digital age that has left book publishers reeling, libraries in the world's major cities seem poised for a comeback, though it1s one that has very little to do with books. The Independent Library Report — published in December by the U.K.'s Department for Culture, Media, and Sport — found that libraries across the nation are reinventing themseives by increasingly becoming "vibrant and attractive community hubs", focusing on the "need to create digital literacy, and in an ideal world, digital fluency.”
Taking into account the proliferation of freelancing, the gig economy, and remote working (also known as 'technomadism'), the rise of library as community hub begins to make sense. Cities are increasingly attracting location independent workers, and those workers need space and amenities that expensive and unreliable coffee shops simply cannot provide enough of.
Furthermore, when one considers that the most vulnerable and underserved city dwellers are also those who generally do not have access to the Internet, the need for a free and publicly connected space becomes even clearer.
According to a 2013 Pew poli, 90 percent in the U.S. said their community would be negatively impacted if their local library closed. But if libraries are going to survive the digital age, they need to be more about helping patrons filter vast quantities of digital Information rather than access to analog materiais. Good news carne for U.S. libraries in November, when Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler announced a 62 percent increase in spending on high-speed Internet for schools and public libraries.
When it comes to this need for connectivity, Britainfs library report stated a "Wi-Fi connection should be delivered in a comfortable, retail standard environment with the usual amenities of coffee, sofas and etc." The report suggested that libraries focus less on loaning physical books and more on widening access via loaning of e-books, which the report noted was up by 80 percent in Britain from 2013.
Also in 2013, the first bookless public library in the United States opened in San Antonio, Texas. The cityTs BiblioTech offers an all-digital, cloud-based collection of more than 10,000 e-books, plus e-readers available for checkout. Located in San Antonio’s underserved South Side, the BiblioTech provides an important digital hub in a city with a population that still struggles to connect to wireless Internet, Last month saw the opening of Canada's Halifax Central Library, designed by a world-leading Danish design firm. With its auditorium, meeting space for entrepreneurs, multiple cafes, adult literacy classes and gaming facilities, actual books seemed like an afterthought.

(Abridged from
The word "unreliable" in " [...] those workers need space and amenities that expensive and unreliable coffee shops simply cannot provide enough of." is the opposite of.
Q572915 Inglês
Based on the text below, answer question.

                                                 The Future of Libraries Has Little to Do with Books

On a Monday morning between Christmas and New Year's Eve in Paris, the line for modern art museum Centre Georges Pompidou winds around the block. But the patrons waiting in the cold aren't there to catch a glimpse of a Magritte —they're young locais queueing for access through the museum’s back door to another attraction: the public library.
In a digital age that has left book publishers reeling, libraries in the world's major cities seem poised for a comeback, though it1s one that has very little to do with books. The Independent Library Report — published in December by the U.K.'s Department for Culture, Media, and Sport — found that libraries across the nation are reinventing themseives by increasingly becoming "vibrant and attractive community hubs", focusing on the "need to create digital literacy, and in an ideal world, digital fluency.”
Taking into account the proliferation of freelancing, the gig economy, and remote working (also known as 'technomadism'), the rise of library as community hub begins to make sense. Cities are increasingly attracting location independent workers, and those workers need space and amenities that expensive and unreliable coffee shops simply cannot provide enough of.
Furthermore, when one considers that the most vulnerable and underserved city dwellers are also those who generally do not have access to the Internet, the need for a free and publicly connected space becomes even clearer.
According to a 2013 Pew poli, 90 percent in the U.S. said their community would be negatively impacted if their local library closed. But if libraries are going to survive the digital age, they need to be more about helping patrons filter vast quantities of digital Information rather than access to analog materiais. Good news carne for U.S. libraries in November, when Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler announced a 62 percent increase in spending on high-speed Internet for schools and public libraries.
When it comes to this need for connectivity, Britainfs library report stated a "Wi-Fi connection should be delivered in a comfortable, retail standard environment with the usual amenities of coffee, sofas and etc." The report suggested that libraries focus less on loaning physical books and more on widening access via loaning of e-books, which the report noted was up by 80 percent in Britain from 2013.
Also in 2013, the first bookless public library in the United States opened in San Antonio, Texas. The cityTs BiblioTech offers an all-digital, cloud-based collection of more than 10,000 e-books, plus e-readers available for checkout. Located in San Antonio’s underserved South Side, the BiblioTech provides an important digital hub in a city with a population that still struggles to connect to wireless Internet, Last month saw the opening of Canada's Halifax Central Library, designed by a world-leading Danish design firm. With its auditorium, meeting space for entrepreneurs, multiple cafes, adult literacy classes and gaming facilities, actual books seemed like an afterthought.

(Abridged from
in the excerpt "But if libraries are going to survive the digital age, they need to be more about helping patrons filter vast quantities of digital Information rather than access to analog materials." the pronoun "they" refers to:
Q572916 Inglês
Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?
I don't know how some teachers _____ such disrespectful and rude students.
6: D
7: B
8: A
9: A
10: E