Questões de Concurso Militar ESCOLA NAVAL 2015 para Aspirante, 2° Dia

Foram encontradas 30 questões

Q572927 Inglês
Which question word best completes the paragraph below?
The National Gallery in London is among a growing number of venues that have banned selfie sticks. ________ is so wrong with walking around a gallery taking pictures of yourself ? The gallery says it needs to protect artworks and other visitors. But some users can’t see what the fuss is about.
(Adapted from
Q572928 Inglês
Which option contains a correct sentence?
Q572929 Inglês
Which of the sentences below is INCORRECT ?
Q572930 Inglês
Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.
John: I'll have to buy a new smartphone. Mine is broken. Paul: Why don't you have it ______ instead?
Q572931 Inglês
Which of the options completes the sentence correctly? Mary has a brother,____________ ?
21: C
22: B
23: C
24: E
25: B