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Q1616520 Português

Para a questão, considere a tirinha “Mocoronga vírus”. 

( Acesso em 08.07.2020)

Para responder à questão, leia também o texto:
“… a compreensão de um texto é um processo que se caracteriza pela utilização de conhecimento prévio: o leitor utiliza na leitura o que ele já sabe, o conhecimento adquirido ao longo da vida. É mediante a interação de diversos níveis de conhecimento, como o conhecimento linguístico, o textual, o conhecimento de mundo, que o leitor consegue construir o sentido do texto. É porque o eleitor utiliza justamente diversos níveis de conhecimento que interagem entre si, a leitura é considerada um processo interativo. Pode-se dizer que sem o engajamento prévio do leitor não haverá compreensão”. (Kleiman, 2005, p. 13)
Na sequência dos quadrinhos, o conhecimento prévio considera que o leitor tenha, além de conhecimentos linguísticos, o conhecimento de todo um contexto. Assim, para a construção de sentido, é necessário que o leitor se utilize de informações
Q1616519 Português
Leia o texto para responder à questão.
Conquistar o diploma universitário, arranjar emprego, sair da casa dos pais. É um desenrolar natural do ciclo da vida para aqueles jovens já com alguma renda. Certo? Não, muitos jovens preferem manter-se na casa dos pais. (Veja, 8 de julho de 2020, p. 62. Adaptado)
Koch e Elias (2011, p. 152-173) tratam da sequenciação textual, indicando “os diversos tipos de atividades realizadas pelo produtor para fazer o texto progredir, mantendo o fio discursivo”. Assim, de acordo com as autoras, a sequenciação desse texto caracteriza-se por
Q1616518 Português
Veja: Os professores sairão mais valorizados desta pandemia?

Alexandre Schneider: Será importante a retomada do respeito pela profissão, da autoridade do professor em sala de aula. Obviamente, quando os pais participam, a escola fica melhor. Mas a participação deles tem de ser na melhora no coletivo. Entretanto muitos atravessam a fronteira e entendem que eles têm de dizer como o professor deve exercer o seu ofício. Ou, mais grave, entendem que o professor não tem o direito de chamar a atenção de um estudante. Talvez este seja um bom momento de reflexão. Estamos vendo com os nossos filhos como é difícil colocá-los na frente de um computador ou de um tablet para as tarefas escolares.

(Alexandre Schneider. Enem deveria ser transferido para o meio do ano que vem. Veja São Paulo, 8 de julho de 2020, p.15. Adaptado)
De acordo com Koch (2008, p. 36), “a reativação de referentes no texto é realizada através da referenciação anafórica ou catafórica, formando-se, deste modo, cadeias coesivas mais ou menos longas”. Assim, a coesão estabelecida pelos termos deles e muitos é
Q1616513 Pedagogia
Segundo Teresa Mauri (in Coll,1999, capítulo 4), atualmente, são três as concepções da aprendizagem e do ensino escolar mais habituais entre os docentes. Para a primeira concepção, aprender consiste em conhecer as respostas corretas para as perguntas formuladas pelos professores, cabendo ao ensino reforçar positivamente tais respostas. Para a segunda concepção, aprender consiste em adquirir conhecimentos relevantes de uma cultura, competindo ao ensino proporcionar aos alunos as informações de que necessitam. Finalmente, para a terceira concepção, a aprendizagem escolar consiste em construir conhecimentos culturais a partir de atividade pessoal; o aluno é um ser ativo que aprende a aprender.
Conforme expõe Mauri no referido texto, nessa terceira vertente, o papel do ensino consiste em
Q1616511 Pedagogia
Assinale a alternativa correta a partir dos conceitos de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento para Piaget.
Q1616508 Pedagogia
Na obra coletiva A Educação Especial na Perspectiva da Inclusão Escolar: a escola comum inclusiva, as autoras Edilene Ropoli et. al. afirmam que a inclusão cinde com as concepções que sustentam as escolas, questionando os fundamentos dos sistemas educacionais.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta uma afirmação correta sobre os ambientes escolares, segundo a referida obra.
Q1616489 Português
Qual é o papel de um museu que
conta histórias de vida?

      O Museu da Pessoa foi criado em 1991 com o objetivo de registrar e preservar histórias de vida de todo e qualquer indivíduo. A ideia é valorizar essas memórias e torná-las uma fonte de compreensão, conhecimento e conexão entre as pessoas, dos narradores aos visitantes que a instituição atrai.
     O Museu da Pessoa é colaborativo, ou seja, qualquer pessoa pode se voluntariar para contar sua história. Todas as pessoas que se dispõem a falar são entrevistadas por colaboradores da instituição, que durante longas conversas buscam estimular os participantes a lembrar os detalhes de sua trajetória. É possível encontrar nos arquivos histórias de professores, poetas, comerciantes e trabalhadores rurais, de variadas idades e regiões do país.
      A curadora e fundadora do Museu da Pessoa, Karen Worcman, teve a ideia de criar a instituição no fim dos anos 1980, quando participou de um projeto de entrevistas com imigrantes no Rio e percebeu que os depoimentos ouvidos ajudavam a contar a história mais ampla do país. Mais de 25 anos depois da fundação do museu, Worcman pensa o mesmo. “A história de cada pessoa é uma perspectiva única sobre a história comum que todos nós vivemos como sociedade”, disse a curadora ao jornal Nexo.
    Para Worcman, as narrativas do acervo podem fazer o público do museu não só conhecer a vida de outras pessoas mas também “aprender sobre o mundo e a sociedade com o olhar do outro”. Abertas a outros pontos de vista, as pessoas transformam seu modo de ver o mundo e criam uma sociedade mais justa e igualitária.

(Mariana Vick, Nexo Jornal, 29 de junho de 2020. Adaptado)
Considere os enunciados:
•  O Museu da Pessoa possibilita_____ qualquer indivíduo o registro de suas memórias. •  Devido______ entrevistas realizadas por colaboradores da instituição, é possível encontrar histórias de muitas pessoas, de variadas idades e regiões do país. •  A instituição_____ qual Karen Worcman estava vinculada realizava entrevistas com imigrantes no Rio de Janeiro.
Em conformidade com as considerações de Almeida (2006), no Dicionário de questões vernáculas, sobre o emprego do acento indicativo de crase, as lacunas dos enunciados devem ser preenchidas, respectivamente, com:
Q1613607 Inglês

Leia os dois parágrafos a seguir para responder à questão.

    An international student who majors in engineering drops by the engineering department office and asks the secretary, “Can you tell me where the English department is?” The secretary smiles and responds, “I don’t know, actually. It’s probably somewhere in the Humanities Building. Do you have a campus map?” The student turns around and leaves. The secretary is taken aback and feels slightly uncomfortable. She wonders why the student left so abruptly.


    People who interact with ESL students have commented that some seem to express gratitude excessively for small considerations, even to the point of embarrassing the person they are speaking. Others seem downright rude because they do not say thank you when they are expected to.

(Celce-Murcia, M. 2001.)

The fragment “when they are expected to”, which ends the text, is an instance of passive voice. According to Celce-Murcia and Larsen-Freeman (1999), there are semantic constraints that make the transformation from passive to active voice inadequate. Select the alternative which represents one such situation.
Q1613606 Inglês

Leia os dois parágrafos a seguir para responder à questão.

    An international student who majors in engineering drops by the engineering department office and asks the secretary, “Can you tell me where the English department is?” The secretary smiles and responds, “I don’t know, actually. It’s probably somewhere in the Humanities Building. Do you have a campus map?” The student turns around and leaves. The secretary is taken aback and feels slightly uncomfortable. She wonders why the student left so abruptly.


    People who interact with ESL students have commented that some seem to express gratitude excessively for small considerations, even to the point of embarrassing the person they are speaking. Others seem downright rude because they do not say thank you when they are expected to.

(Celce-Murcia, M. 2001.)

In the context of the first paragraph, the expression “taken aback” means the secretary was
Q1613605 Inglês

Leia os dois parágrafos a seguir para responder à questão.

    An international student who majors in engineering drops by the engineering department office and asks the secretary, “Can you tell me where the English department is?” The secretary smiles and responds, “I don’t know, actually. It’s probably somewhere in the Humanities Building. Do you have a campus map?” The student turns around and leaves. The secretary is taken aback and feels slightly uncomfortable. She wonders why the student left so abruptly.


    People who interact with ESL students have commented that some seem to express gratitude excessively for small considerations, even to the point of embarrassing the person they are speaking. Others seem downright rude because they do not say thank you when they are expected to.

(Celce-Murcia, M. 2001.)

The expression “drop by” belongs to a category called phrasal verbs (verb + particle). Sometimes verb and particle can be separated, sometimes they cannot. Choose the alternative that displays a separable phrasal verb.
Q1613603 Inglês

Read the following extract to answer question.


   Innovation in the language teaching field in the late 1980s and 1990s has been stimulated by a special concern for the language learning process. New methods propose that language learning is best served when students are interacting – completing a task or learning content or resolving real-life issues – where linguistic structures are not taught one by one, but where attention to linguistic form is given as necessary. These views of language learning have been informed by research in second language acquisition. Also giving learning a special focus are methodological innovations of the late 1980s and 1990s. These include teaching learning strategies, using cooperative learning, and planning lessons in such a way that different intelligences are addressed.

(Larsen-Freeman, D. 2000)

In the fragment “These include teaching learning strategies”, the referent of the underlined word is:
Q1613602 Inglês

Read the following extract to answer question.


   Innovation in the language teaching field in the late 1980s and 1990s has been stimulated by a special concern for the language learning process. New methods propose that language learning is best served when students are interacting – completing a task or learning content or resolving real-life issues – where linguistic structures are not taught one by one, but where attention to linguistic form is given as necessary. These views of language learning have been informed by research in second language acquisition. Also giving learning a special focus are methodological innovations of the late 1980s and 1990s. These include teaching learning strategies, using cooperative learning, and planning lessons in such a way that different intelligences are addressed.

(Larsen-Freeman, D. 2000)

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta classe gramatical que precisa necessariamente de mais de um elemento para formar o sintagma que leva seu nome.
Q1613601 Inglês

Read the following extract to answer question.


   Innovation in the language teaching field in the late 1980s and 1990s has been stimulated by a special concern for the language learning process. New methods propose that language learning is best served when students are interacting – completing a task or learning content or resolving real-life issues – where linguistic structures are not taught one by one, but where attention to linguistic form is given as necessary. These views of language learning have been informed by research in second language acquisition. Also giving learning a special focus are methodological innovations of the late 1980s and 1990s. These include teaching learning strategies, using cooperative learning, and planning lessons in such a way that different intelligences are addressed.

(Larsen-Freeman, D. 2000)

In the fragment from the text “innovation in the language teaching field in the late 1980s and 1990s”, the underlined expression is an instance of
Q1613600 Inglês

Read the following extract to answer question.


   Innovation in the language teaching field in the late 1980s and 1990s has been stimulated by a special concern for the language learning process. New methods propose that language learning is best served when students are interacting – completing a task or learning content or resolving real-life issues – where linguistic structures are not taught one by one, but where attention to linguistic form is given as necessary. These views of language learning have been informed by research in second language acquisition. Also giving learning a special focus are methodological innovations of the late 1980s and 1990s. These include teaching learning strategies, using cooperative learning, and planning lessons in such a way that different intelligences are addressed.

(Larsen-Freeman, D. 2000)

Nos trechos retirados do texto “that language learning is best served” e “include teaching learning strategies”, a palavra destacada está sendo usada, respectivamente, como
Q1613599 Inglês

Read the following extract to answer question.


   Innovation in the language teaching field in the late 1980s and 1990s has been stimulated by a special concern for the language learning process. New methods propose that language learning is best served when students are interacting – completing a task or learning content or resolving real-life issues – where linguistic structures are not taught one by one, but where attention to linguistic form is given as necessary. These views of language learning have been informed by research in second language acquisition. Also giving learning a special focus are methodological innovations of the late 1980s and 1990s. These include teaching learning strategies, using cooperative learning, and planning lessons in such a way that different intelligences are addressed.

(Larsen-Freeman, D. 2000)

O parágrafo descreve possibilidades para a sala de aula que remetem à aplicação de
Q1613598 Inglês

Read the text below and answer the question.

Thought-in-Action Links

    It is important to recognize that methods link thoughts and actions, because teaching is not entirely about one or the other. As a teacher of language, you have thoughts about your subject matter – what language is, what culture is – and about your students – who they are as learners and how it is they learn. You also have thoughts about yourself as a teacher and what you can do to help your students to learn. Many of your thoughts have been formed by your own experience as a language learner. With this awareness, you are able to examine why you do what you do and perhaps choose to think about or do things differently.

    As an example, let us relate an anecdote about a teacher with whom Diane Larsen-Freeman was working some time ago. From her study of methods in Stevick (1980), Heather (not her real name) became interested in how to work with teacher control and student initiative in her teaching. She determined that during her student teaching internship, she would exercise less control of the lesson in order to encourage her students to take more initiative, and have them impose the questions in the classroom, since so often it is the teacher who asks all the questions, not the students.

    However, she felt that the students were not taking the initiative, but she could not see what was wrong. When Diane Larsen Freeman, who was her supervisor, visited her class, she observed the following:

    HEATHER: Juan, ask Anna what she is wearing.

    JÜAN: What are you wearing?

    ANNA: I am wearing a dress.

    HEATHER: Anna, ask Muriel what she is writing.

    ANNA: What are you writing?

    MÜRIEL: I am writing a letter.

    This pattern continued for some time. It was clear to see that Heather had successfully avoided the common problem of the teacher asking all the questions in the class. The teacher was not asking the questions – the students were. However, Heather had not achieved her goal of encouraging student initiative.

(Larsen-Freeman, D. 2000. Adaptado)

The fragment from the last paragraph “who was her supervisor” is an example of an adjective clause. Mark the alternative in which the deletion of the relative pronoun (and only the relative pronoun) is possible.
Q1613597 Inglês

Read the text below and answer the question.

Thought-in-Action Links

    It is important to recognize that methods link thoughts and actions, because teaching is not entirely about one or the other. As a teacher of language, you have thoughts about your subject matter – what language is, what culture is – and about your students – who they are as learners and how it is they learn. You also have thoughts about yourself as a teacher and what you can do to help your students to learn. Many of your thoughts have been formed by your own experience as a language learner. With this awareness, you are able to examine why you do what you do and perhaps choose to think about or do things differently.

    As an example, let us relate an anecdote about a teacher with whom Diane Larsen-Freeman was working some time ago. From her study of methods in Stevick (1980), Heather (not her real name) became interested in how to work with teacher control and student initiative in her teaching. She determined that during her student teaching internship, she would exercise less control of the lesson in order to encourage her students to take more initiative, and have them impose the questions in the classroom, since so often it is the teacher who asks all the questions, not the students.

    However, she felt that the students were not taking the initiative, but she could not see what was wrong. When Diane Larsen Freeman, who was her supervisor, visited her class, she observed the following:

    HEATHER: Juan, ask Anna what she is wearing.

    JÜAN: What are you wearing?

    ANNA: I am wearing a dress.

    HEATHER: Anna, ask Muriel what she is writing.

    ANNA: What are you writing?

    MÜRIEL: I am writing a letter.

    This pattern continued for some time. It was clear to see that Heather had successfully avoided the common problem of the teacher asking all the questions in the class. The teacher was not asking the questions – the students were. However, Heather had not achieved her goal of encouraging student initiative.

(Larsen-Freeman, D. 2000. Adaptado)

Sometimes, the user of the foreign language is uncertain about what verb to choose in a particular situation. Learning collocations may be helpful. Mark the alternative in which the collocation with common verbs needs to be corrected.
Q1613594 Inglês

Read the text below and answer the question.

Thought-in-Action Links

    It is important to recognize that methods link thoughts and actions, because teaching is not entirely about one or the other. As a teacher of language, you have thoughts about your subject matter – what language is, what culture is – and about your students – who they are as learners and how it is they learn. You also have thoughts about yourself as a teacher and what you can do to help your students to learn. Many of your thoughts have been formed by your own experience as a language learner. With this awareness, you are able to examine why you do what you do and perhaps choose to think about or do things differently.

    As an example, let us relate an anecdote about a teacher with whom Diane Larsen-Freeman was working some time ago. From her study of methods in Stevick (1980), Heather (not her real name) became interested in how to work with teacher control and student initiative in her teaching. She determined that during her student teaching internship, she would exercise less control of the lesson in order to encourage her students to take more initiative, and have them impose the questions in the classroom, since so often it is the teacher who asks all the questions, not the students.

    However, she felt that the students were not taking the initiative, but she could not see what was wrong. When Diane Larsen Freeman, who was her supervisor, visited her class, she observed the following:

    HEATHER: Juan, ask Anna what she is wearing.

    JÜAN: What are you wearing?

    ANNA: I am wearing a dress.

    HEATHER: Anna, ask Muriel what she is writing.

    ANNA: What are you writing?

    MÜRIEL: I am writing a letter.

    This pattern continued for some time. It was clear to see that Heather had successfully avoided the common problem of the teacher asking all the questions in the class. The teacher was not asking the questions – the students were. However, Heather had not achieved her goal of encouraging student initiative.

(Larsen-Freeman, D. 2000. Adaptado)

Heather might have improved the classroom situation if she had
Q1613593 Inglês

Leia o texto.

Design relates to the thinking underlying materials. This will involve the consideration of areas such as the apparent aim of materials (such as the development of ‘general English’, English for Specific Purposes (ESP), or specific skills), how the tasks, language and content in the materials are selected and sequenced, and the nature and focus of the content in the materials.

(Andrew Littlejohn. “The analysis of language teaching materials: inside the Trojan House”. IN: B. Tomlinson (ed). Material Development in Language Teaching. Adaptado)

Materials designed for ESP courses should

Q1613592 Inglês

Leia o texto para responder à questão.

    A ‘dificuldade’ de um texto não se mede pelo tipo de oração ou complexidade sintática que ele contém. Não há texto fácil ou difícil do ponto de vista linguístico, simplesmente. Na sala de aula, o sucesso de um texto como parte de uma atividade depende do que se vai fazer com ele.

    Um texto autêntico oferece mais oportunidades para o aluno e o professor tomarem contato com o inglês “de verdade”, aquele usado em comunicação real, no mundo real. Um texto real possui todos os defeitos e as virtudes da vida real: é complexo, rico, imprevisível, interessante e arriscado. As sequências de palavras de um texto autêntico ecoam nas vozes dos milhões de falantes de inglês no mundo. Um texto artificial, por sua vez, ecoa apenas parcialmente e não exibe o encanto e o desafio do texto autêntico.

(Tony B. Sardinha. “The book is not on the table: autenticidade e idiomaticidade do texto para ensino de inglês na perspectiva da linguística de corpus”. IN: Maria Cristina Damianovic (org). Material Didático: Elaboração e Avaliação. Adaptado)

A pertinent reading activity with an authentic English text for use with adult beginner students is presented in alternative:
6661: B
6662: E
6663: D
6664: B
6665: E
6666: E
6667: C
6668: B
6669: C
6670: C
6671: D
6672: A
6673: B
6674: E
6675: C
6676: B
6677: D
6678: E
6679: B
6680: A