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Learn to code, it’s more important than English as a second language
Apple CEO Tim Cook says coding is the best foreign language that a student in any country can learn. The tech executive made the remarks to French outlet Konbini while in the country for a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron. The tech leader gave some brief thoughts on education:
“If I were a French student and I were 10 years old, I think it would be more important for me to learn coding than English. I’m not telling people not to learn English in some form – but I think you understand what I am saying is that this is a language that you can use to express yourself to 7 billion people in the world. I think that coding should be required in every public school in the world.”
Of course, it’s in Cook’s best interest to have the world learning how to code. He runs a tech company that depends on access to a constantly growing pipeline of talent. But it could be in your interest too: studying coding could increase your chances of pulling in a big salary. A computer-science education, at least in countries like the US, is one of the most viable and lucrative career paths open to young people today.
But, Cook says, the benefits go beyond that. “It’s the language that everyone needs, and not just for the computer scientists. It’s for all of us”. He added that programming encourages students of all disciplines to be inventive and experimental: “Creativity is the goal. Coding is just to allow that. Creativity is in the front seat; technology is in the backseat. With the combination of both of these you can do such powerful things now.”
Adapted from
Leia o texto a seguir e responda à questão.
Learn to code, it’s more important than English as a second language
Apple CEO Tim Cook says coding is the best foreign language that a student in any country can learn. The tech executive made the remarks to French outlet Konbini while in the country for a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron. The tech leader gave some brief thoughts on education:
“If I were a French student and I were 10 years old, I think it would be more important for me to learn coding than English. I’m not telling people not to learn English in some form – but I think you understand what I am saying is that this is a language that you can use to express yourself to 7 billion people in the world. I think that coding should be required in every public school in the world.”
Of course, it’s in Cook’s best interest to have the world learning how to code. He runs a tech company that depends on access to a constantly growing pipeline of talent. But it could be in your interest too: studying coding could increase your chances of pulling in a big salary. A computer-science education, at least in countries like the US, is one of the most viable and lucrative career paths open to young people today.
But, Cook says, the benefits go beyond that. “It’s the language that everyone needs, and not just for the computer scientists. It’s for all of us”. He added that programming encourages students of all disciplines to be inventive and experimental: “Creativity is the goal. Coding is just to allow that. Creativity is in the front seat; technology is in the backseat. With the combination of both of these you can do such powerful things now.”
Adapted from
Leia o texto a seguir e responda à questão.
Learn to code, it’s more important than English as a second language
Apple CEO Tim Cook says coding is the best foreign language that a student in any country can learn. The tech executive made the remarks to French outlet Konbini while in the country for a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron. The tech leader gave some brief thoughts on education:
“If I were a French student and I were 10 years old, I think it would be more important for me to learn coding than English. I’m not telling people not to learn English in some form – but I think you understand what I am saying is that this is a language that you can use to express yourself to 7 billion people in the world. I think that coding should be required in every public school in the world.”
Of course, it’s in Cook’s best interest to have the world learning how to code. He runs a tech company that depends on access to a constantly growing pipeline of talent. But it could be in your interest too: studying coding could increase your chances of pulling in a big salary. A computer-science education, at least in countries like the US, is one of the most viable and lucrative career paths open to young people today.
But, Cook says, the benefits go beyond that. “It’s the language that everyone needs, and not just for the computer scientists. It’s for all of us”. He added that programming encourages students of all disciplines to be inventive and experimental: “Creativity is the goal. Coding is just to allow that. Creativity is in the front seat; technology is in the backseat. With the combination of both of these you can do such powerful things now.”
Adapted from
I- O Estado devia intervir na economia. II- Abertura total às empresas e aos capitais estrangeiros. III- O Brasil deveria alinhar-se com os EUA incondicionalmente. IV- Criação das empresas estatais em áreas estratégicas.
A alternativa que apresenta propostas do liberalismo conservador é
I- Defendia a conquista do Estado e o estabelecimento de uma ditadura. II- Era contraria a existência do Estado. III- Valorizava o partido politico como meio de organizar as lutas. IV- Não concordava com as eleições pois viam nestas um meio de manipulação do povo.
A opção que apresenta os fatos relacionados à doutrina do Anarquismo é
I- Modelo econômico agroexportador. II- Comissão Verificadora de Poderes. III- Possibilidade do Presidente nomear Interventores estaduais. IV- Criação da Consolidação das Leis Trabalhistas.
Assinale a opção que apresenta elementos relacionados à Primeira República.
I- Criação do Conselho de Estado. II- Criação das Assembleias Legislativas provinciais. III- A regência deixava de ser trina para se tornar una. IV- Fundação do Clube da Maioridade.
Assinale a opção em as afirmativas estão relacionadas ao Ato Adicional.
I- o desenvolvimento da Teoria do Heliocentrismo II- o desenvolvimento da imprensa III- a estratificação da sociedade IV- a ação dos mecenas
Assinale abaixo o item que apresenta os aspectos que influenciaram o aumento da produção cultural renascentista, assim como da sua qualidade.
Sobre as características da agropecuária brasileira, pode-se afirmar que:
I- com a modernização da agricultura na Região Nordeste, as práticas agrícolas tradicionais foram excluídas e substituídas, na Região, pela fruticultura irrigada e pela moderna agricultura da soja, voltadas para exportação. II- as áreas de pastagens apresentam redução na maior parte do País, mas aumentam consideravelmente nas Regiões Centro-Oeste e Norte, as quais apresentam produção de gado bovino que já supera a produção da Região Sul do País, tradicional área de pecuária bovina. III- a produção canavieira nordestina, inicialmente restrita à Zona da Mata, já suplanta a produção da Região Centro-Sul, pois, impulsionada pelas boas perspectivas dos biocombustíveis, vem expandindo-se rumo ao oeste baiano e ao sul do Piauí. IV- na agroindústria da laranja e do fumo no Centro-Sul, pequenos e médios proprietários familiares participam ativamente da cadeia global do agronegócio, fornecendo matérias-primas para as indústrias processadoras. V- as modernas propriedades rurais passam a integrar cadeias produtivas que envolvem uma rede de estabelecimentos ligados aos setores primário, secundário e terciário da economia, transformando a matéria-prima, animal ou vegetal, em produtos de maior valor agregado.
Assinale a alternativa em que todas as afirmativas estão corretas.