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Q326056 Inglês
Para as questões de 26 a 30, encontram-se em destaque cinco termos ou expressões. Assinale a alternativa correspondente ao termo cujo emprego está INCORRETO.
After dining,Richard Flaming, a mechanical engineer,described his 10-year odyssey to break the wind powered land speed recording at 126.2 mph, on March 20th .

Q326055 Inglês
Para as questões de 26 a 30, encontram-se em destaque cinco termos ou expressões. Assinale a alternativa correspondente ao termo cujo emprego está INCORRETO.
Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai are home to three brands new chapters as part of the expanding Imperial College Teachers’ Association:

Q326054 Inglês
Para as questões de 26 a 30, encontram-se em destaque cinco termos ou expressões. Assinale a alternativa correspondente ao termo cujo emprego está INCORRETO.
Whether you are interested in reconnecting with friends,and wish to organize a class reunion,the Alumni Relations team is here to help

Q326053 Inglês

Para as questões, leia o texto seguinte e complete as lacunas com a palavra ou expressão correta.

Atmospheric Physics is the study of physical processes in the atmosphere; understanding the climate and the weather, and the physical reasons it is as it is and how it might change in the future. My own particular research background is in radiative transfer and  I mean the transport of electromagnetic radiation through the atmosphere;  the Sun’s radiation coming in, getting absorbed and scattered in the air, and the transfer of heat radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface. From a physics perspective there’s an awful lot of things about the atmosphere that we don’t understand, and of course, it’s very classical physics in the  that it’s looking at fluid dynamics and thermodynamics applied to the natural environment. What motivates us really is to try and explain what we see in the environment, what  it and what might change it in the future, both in  of local weather but also climate, by  I mean larger areas and larger timescales. My background has led me to an interest in how solar radiation in the atmosphere, so __________ at how changes in the Sun might affect the climate for the past year.
Q326052 Inglês

Para as questões, leia o texto seguinte e complete as lacunas com a palavra ou expressão correta.

Atmospheric Physics is the study of physical processes in the atmosphere; understanding the climate and the weather, and the physical reasons  it is as it is and how it might change in the future. My own particular research background is in radiative transfer and  I mean the transport of electromagnetic radiation through the atmosphere; the Sun’s radiation coming in, getting absorbed and scattered in the air, and the transfer of heat radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface. From a  physics perspective there’s an awful lot of things about the atmosphere that we don’t understand, and of course, it’s very classical physics in the  that it’s looking at fluid dynamics and thermodynamics applied to the natural environment. What motivates us really is to try and explain what we see in the environment, what  it and what might change it in the future, both in  of local weather but also climate, by  I mean larger areas and larger timescales. My background has led me to an interest in how solar radiation __________ in the atmosphere, so at how changes in the Sun might affect the climate for the past year.
Q326051 Inglês

Para as questões, leia o texto seguinte e complete as lacunas com a palavra ou expressão correta.

Atmospheric Physics is the study of physical processes in the atmosphere; understanding the climate and the weather, and the physical reasons  it is as it is and how it might change in the future. My own particular research background is in radiative transfer and  I mean the transport of electromagnetic radiation through the atmosphere; the Sun’s radiation coming in, getting absorbed and scattered in the air, and the transfer of heat radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface. From a  physics perspective there’s an awful lot of things about the atmosphere that we don’t understand, and of course, it’s very classical physics in the  that it’s looking at fluid dynamics and thermodynamics applied to the natural environment. What motivates us really is to try and explain what we see in the environment, what  it and what might change it in the future, both in of local weather but also climate, by __________ I mean larger areas and larger timescales. My background has led me to an interest in how solar radiation  in the atmosphere, so at how changes in the Sun might affect the climate for the past year.

Q326050 Inglês
Para as questões, leia o texto seguinte e complete as lacunas com a palavra ou expressão correta.

Atmospheric Physics is the study of physical processes in the atmosphere; understanding the climate and the weather, and the physical reasons it is as it is and how it might change in the future. My own particular research background is in radiative transfer and I mean the transport of electromagnetic radiation through the atmosphere;  the Sun’s radiation coming in, getting absorbed and scattered in the air, and the transfer of heat radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface. From a physics perspective there’s an awful lot of things about the atmosphere that we don’t understand, and of course, it’s very classical physics in the  that it’s looking at fluid dynamics and thermodynamics applied to the natural environment. What motivates us really is to try and explain what we see in the environment, what  it and what might change it in the future, both in __________ of local weather but also climate, by I mean larger areas and larger timescales. My background has led me to an interest in how solar radiation  in the atmosphere, so  at how changes in the Sun might affect the climate for the past year.

Q326049 Inglês
Para as questões, leia o texto seguinte e complete as lacunas com a palavra ou expressão correta.

Atmospheric Physics is the study of physical processes in the atmosphere; understanding the climate and the weather, and the physical reasons  it is as it is and how it might change in the future. My own particular research background is in radiative transfer and  I mean the transport of electromagnetic radiation through the atmosphere;  the Sun’s radiation coming in, getting absorbed and scattered in the air, and the transfer of heat radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface. From a  physics perspective there’s an awful lot of things about the atmosphere that we don’t understand, and of course, it’s very classical physics in the  that it’s looking at fluid dynamics and thermodynamics applied to the natural environment. What motivates us really is to try and explain what we see in the environment, what __________ it and what might change it in the future, both in of local weather but also climate, by I mean larger areas and larger timescales. My background has led me to an interest in how solar radiation  in the atmosphere, so  at how changes in the Sun might affect the climate for the past year.
Q326048 Inglês
Para as questões, leia o texto seguinte e complete as lacunas com a palavra ou expressão correta.

Atmospheric Physics is the study of physical processes in the atmosphere; understanding the climate and the weather, and the physical reasons  it is as it is and how it might change in the future. My own particular research background is in radiative transfer and  I mean the transport of electromagnetic radiation through the atmosphere;  the Sun’s radiation coming in, getting absorbed and scattered in the air, and the transfer of heat radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface. From a physics perspective there’s an awful lot of things about the atmosphere that we don’t understand, and of course, it’s very classical physics in the __________ that it’s looking at fluid dynamics and thermodynamics applied to the natural environment. What motivates us really is to try and explain what we see in the environment, what  it and what might change it in the future, both in  of local weather but also climate, by I mean larger areas and larger timescales. My background has led me to an interest in how solar radiation  in the atmosphere, so  at how changes in the Sun might affect the climate for the past year.

Q326047 Inglês
Para as questões, leia o texto seguinte e complete as lacunas com a palavra ou expressão correta.

Atmospheric Physics is the study of physical processes in the atmosphere; understanding the climate and the weather, and the physical reasons  it is as it is and how it might change in the future. My own particular research background is in radiative transfer and  I mean the transport of electromagnetic radiation through the atmosphere; the Sun’s radiation coming in, getting absorbed and scattered in the air, and the transfer of heat radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface. From a __________ physics perspective there’s an awful lot of things about the atmosphere that we don’t understand, and of course, it’s very classical physics in the  that it’s looking at fluid dynamics and thermodynamics applied to the natural environment. What motivates us really is to try and explain what we see in the environment, what  it and what might change it in the future, both in of local weather but also climate, by I mean larger areas and larger timescales. My background has led me to an interest in how solar radiation  in the atmosphere, so  at how changes in the Sun might affect the climate for the past year.
Q326046 Inglês

Para as questões, leia o texto seguinte e complete as lacunas com a palavra ou expressão correta.

Atmospheric Physics is the study of physical processes in the atmosphere; understanding the climate and the weather, and the physical reasons  it is as it is and how it might change in the future. My own particular research background is in radiative transfer and  I mean the transport of electromagnetic radiation through the atmosphere; __________ the Sun’s radiation coming in, getting absorbed and scattered in the air, and the transfer of heat radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface. From a  physics perspective there’s an awful lot of things about the atmosphere that we don’t understand, and of course, it’s very classical physics in the  that it’s looking at fluid dynamics and thermodynamics applied to the natural environment. What motivates us really is to try and explain what we see in the environment, what  it and what might change it in the future, both in  of local weather but also climate, by  I mean larger areas and larger timescales. My background has led me to an interest in how solar radiation  in the atmosphere, so  at how changes in the Sun might affect the climate for the past year.

Q326045 Inglês

Para as questões, leia o texto seguinte e complete as lacunas com a palavra ou expressão correta.

Atmospheric Physics is the study of physical processes in the atmosphere; understanding the climate and the weather, and the physical reasons it is as it is and how it might change in the future. My own particular research background is in radiative transfer and __________ I mean the transport of electromagnetic radiation through the atmosphere;  the Sun’s radiation coming in, getting absorbed and scattered in the air, and the transfer of heat radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface. From a  physics perspective there’s an awful lot of things about the atmosphere that we don’t understand, and of course, it’s very classical physics in the  that it’s looking at fluid dynamics and thermodynamics applied to the natural environment. What motivates us really is to try and explain what we see in the environment, what it and what might change it in the future, both in  of local weather but also climate, by  I mean larger areas and larger timescales. My background has led me to an interest in how solar radiation in the atmosphere, so at how changes in the Sun might affect the climate for the past year.

Q326044 Inglês

Para a questão, leia o texto seguinte e complete as lacunas com a palavra ou expressão correta.

Atmospheric Physics is the study of physical processes in the atmosphere; understanding the climate and the weather, and the physical reasons __________ it is as it is and how it might change in the future. My own particular research background is in radiative transfer and I mean the transport of electromagnetic radiation through the atmosphere;  the Sun’s radiation coming in, getting absorbed and scattered in the air, and the transfer of heat radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface. From a physics perspective there’s an awful lot of things about the atmosphere that we don’t understand, and of course, it’s very classical physics in the  that it’s looking at fluid dynamics and thermodynamics applied to the natural environment. What motivates us really is to try and explain what we see in the environment, what  it and what might change it in the future, both in  of local weather but also climate, by  I mean larger areas and larger timescales. My background has led me to an interest in how solar radiation  in the atmosphere, so  at how changes in the Sun might affect the climate for the past year.

Q326043 Português
Considere a seguinte afirmação de Heráclito de Éfeso (2500 a. C.) para responder a esta questão:“Uma pessoa não entra no mesmo rio duas vezes, porque ambos estão em constante mudança e transformação.”I. A afirmação constitui-se de um período composto por coordenação.II.A afirmação constitui-se de um período composto por subordinação.III.A oração iniciada pela conjunção “porque” introduz uma explicação.Assinale a alternativa correta.

Q326042 Português
Os versos destacados a seguir servem de base para esta questão. “A gente espera do mundo” / “E o mundo espera de nós” (v. 18 e 19, Texto III) A construção de sentido do texto Paciência é elaborada, basicamente, pelo jogo de oposições. Os autores dos versos exploram duas ocorrências do termo mundo em diferentes contextos sintáticos para manterem esse jogo que conduz a letra da canção. Assinale a alternativa em que a função sintática desempenhada pelo termo mundo nos versos acima está corretamente identificada.

Q326041 Português
Assinale a alternativa em que a análise da relação de sentido expressa pelo elo coesivo destacado em negrito está EQUIVOCADA.

Q326040 Português
Assinale a alternativa em que as orações abaixo, que aparecem destacadas nos textos, exercem função de substantivo e de adjetivo em relação à sua oração principal, respectivamente.

Q326039 Português
A vida não para (v. 5)/a vida tão rara (v.10) um pouco mais de calma (v. 2)/um pouco mais de alma (v.4) .Dentreas alternativas abaixo,assinale aquela em que a mudança de significado se estabelece por motivo diferente da que se encontra nos versos acima destacados de Lenine e Dudu Falcão:

Q326038 Português
Assinale a alternativa em que está CORRETA a classificação morfológica das palavras.mesmo e até que iniciam as orações subordinadas adverbiais nos versos: “Mesmo quando tudo pede um pouco mais de calma” e “até quando o corpo pede um pouco mais de alma”

Q326037 Português
Quanto à função sintática de termos do texto III abaixo destacados:I - “tudo” (v. 1), “eu” (v. 8), “todo mundo” (v. 11), “mundo” (v. 16) e “nós” (v. 19) exercem a função sintática de sujeito. II - “Um pouco mais de calma” (v. 2), “um pouco mais de alma” (v. 4), “hora” (v. 8), “a cura do mal” (v. 12), “que isso tudo é normal”(v. 14) exercem função sintática de objeto direto. III - “Mais” e “veloz” (v. 17) são adjuntos adverbiais de
intensidade:Assinale a alternativa correta.

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