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Choose the correct alternative to complete the paragraph below.
Fatal accident during mooring operation on deck
During the mooring operation, the forward spring line _________________ beneath the berth fender and________________tightened up without awareness of the risk. Suddenly, the taut rope ________ ___________from beneath the berth fender and________________on the OS causing his death.
(Abridged from
Choose the correct altemative to complete the excerpt below.
“I agonized _______ whether I wanted to splurge _____a private tour and have a little more autonomy ______ where we went and how long we spent ______ each place, but ultimately went _______ a Gamma Travei group tour.”
(Abridged from: 1-after-the-n...)
Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph below.
Is an autonomous ship a 'ship' in the eyes of the law?
Different defmitions of 'ship' appear in different statutes and conventions, and it has often fallen to judges to decide if a floating object is, or is not, a 'ship'. ______________ , none of the defmitions of'ship' requires that the floating object be manned, generally simply requiring that it be used or be capable of being used in navigation. Whether this is by remote control or fully autonomous would not appear to be a problem in terms of the legal definition of a 'ship'. It appears probable,________________ , that autonomous ships are likely to fali within the legal definition of 'ship' and so will have to comply with the relevant laws and conventions ______________ the laws themselves might require some modification.
(Abridged from SEAWAYS -The International Journal o f the Nautical Inslitute. Dec/2017).
Text II
Millions of people need homes. Millions of shipping containers are going unused. Could this be an answer to the global housing crisis? Cleveland Containers explore further.
England is facing a housing crisis. According to housing charity Shelter, more than 50,000 households a year are being forced out of their homes, and there are more than 9 million renters in unsecure rented accommodations.
The situation is shaky even for those who own their own homes. 28,900 homes were repossessed across the UK in 2013.
But this situation isn't unique to England. House prices are soaring across the world, which is placing home ownership out of reach for millions. And that's just in the developed world. Around 850 million people are currently living in “informal settlements”. In numerous rapidly urbanising cities, the average housing costs can be up to 200% of the net monthly income.
There is no single explanation as to why the world's facing a housing crisis, and there's no easy answer for how to solve it. But one major factor is a general dearth of good quality, affordable housing. Many developments in the housing market are focused on constructing high-end units that are expensive to build and out of the price range of most. This needs to change.
Desperate times often call for radical Solutions. One thing the world isn't lacking is shipping containers. There may be up to 40 million shipping containers in the world right now, and experts believe that only six million are currently in use.
Who'd live in a shipping Container?
Shipping containers are built to be strong, secure and practical. These are all sound benefits for storage and mass transit, but do they make for comfortable accommodation?
The idea of living in a shipping Container might strike some as odd, unfeasible, impractical and maybe even a little unappealing. But it's important to think of shipping containers not as finished products, but as raw materiais - as exoskeletons for future homes.
Because, really, there's no end to what you can do with a shipping Container. They can easily be insulated and fitted with Windows, doors, indoor partitions, electricity and running water - everything that's needed for human inhabitation. A single shipping Container can be transformed into a cosy dwelling in no time at all. But if more space is needed, you can just stack multiple containers on top of each other.
And if you're really wondering whether people would be comfortable living in converted shipping containers, just consider the great reaction that greets shipping containers converted for retail use. They're thought of as cool, hip and quirky. When used as affordable housing, it's no stretch to say that many won't think of shipping containers as a last resort, so much as actively desirable.
(Abridged and adapted from
Text II
Millions of people need homes. Millions of shipping containers are going unused. Could this be an answer to the global housing crisis? Cleveland Containers explore further.
England is facing a housing crisis. According to housing charity Shelter, more than 50,000 households a year are being forced out of their homes, and there are more than 9 million renters in unsecure rented accommodations.
The situation is shaky even for those who own their own homes. 28,900 homes were repossessed across the UK in 2013.
But this situation isn't unique to England. House prices are soaring across the world, which is placing home ownership out of reach for millions. And that's just in the developed world. Around 850 million people are currently living in “informal settlements”. In numerous rapidly urbanising cities, the average housing costs can be up to 200% of the net monthly income.
There is no single explanation as to why the world's facing a housing crisis, and there's no easy answer for how to solve it. But one major factor is a general dearth of good quality, affordable housing. Many developments in the housing market are focused on constructing high-end units that are expensive to build and out of the price range of most. This needs to change.
Desperate times often call for radical Solutions. One thing the world isn't lacking is shipping containers. There may be up to 40 million shipping containers in the world right now, and experts believe that only six million are currently in use.
Who'd live in a shipping Container?
Shipping containers are built to be strong, secure and practical. These are all sound benefits for storage and mass transit, but do they make for comfortable accommodation?
The idea of living in a shipping Container might strike some as odd, unfeasible, impractical and maybe even a little unappealing. But it's important to think of shipping containers not as finished products, but as raw materiais - as exoskeletons for future homes.
Because, really, there's no end to what you can do with a shipping Container. They can easily be insulated and fitted with Windows, doors, indoor partitions, electricity and running water - everything that's needed for human inhabitation. A single shipping Container can be transformed into a cosy dwelling in no time at all. But if more space is needed, you can just stack multiple containers on top of each other.
And if you're really wondering whether people would be comfortable living in converted shipping containers, just consider the great reaction that greets shipping containers converted for retail use. They're thought of as cool, hip and quirky. When used as affordable housing, it's no stretch to say that many won't think of shipping containers as a last resort, so much as actively desirable.
(Abridged and adapted from
Text II
Millions of people need homes. Millions of shipping containers are going unused. Could this be an answer to the global housing crisis? Cleveland Containers explore further.
England is facing a housing crisis. According to housing charity Shelter, more than 50,000 households a year are being forced out of their homes, and there are more than 9 million renters in unsecure rented accommodations.
The situation is shaky even for those who own their own homes. 28,900 homes were repossessed across the UK in 2013.
But this situation isn't unique to England. House prices are soaring across the world, which is placing home ownership out of reach for millions. And that's just in the developed world. Around 850 million people are currently living in “informal settlements”. In numerous rapidly urbanising cities, the average housing costs can be up to 200% of the net monthly income.
There is no single explanation as to why the world's facing a housing crisis, and there's no easy answer for how to solve it. But one major factor is a general dearth of good quality, affordable housing. Many developments in the housing market are focused on constructing high-end units that are expensive to build and out of the price range of most. This needs to change.
Desperate times often call for radical Solutions. One thing the world isn't lacking is shipping containers. There may be up to 40 million shipping containers in the world right now, and experts believe that only six million are currently in use.
Who'd live in a shipping Container?
Shipping containers are built to be strong, secure and practical. These are all sound benefits for storage and mass transit, but do they make for comfortable accommodation?
The idea of living in a shipping Container might strike some as odd, unfeasible, impractical and maybe even a little unappealing. But it's important to think of shipping containers not as finished products, but as raw materiais - as exoskeletons for future homes.
Because, really, there's no end to what you can do with a shipping Container. They can easily be insulated and fitted with Windows, doors, indoor partitions, electricity and running water - everything that's needed for human inhabitation. A single shipping Container can be transformed into a cosy dwelling in no time at all. But if more space is needed, you can just stack multiple containers on top of each other.
And if you're really wondering whether people would be comfortable living in converted shipping containers, just consider the great reaction that greets shipping containers converted for retail use. They're thought of as cool, hip and quirky. When used as affordable housing, it's no stretch to say that many won't think of shipping containers as a last resort, so much as actively desirable.
(Abridged and adapted from
Read the statements about the text and decide whether they are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Mark the correct option.
I - There is a surfeit of dwellings in England.
II - Housing is wobbly in England.
III - House prices are steep worldwide.
IV - Home ownership is attainable for many people.
V - Living in a shipping Container is alluring and ordinary throughout the world.
Text I
Read the text below and choose the correct option.
Buy a beach cruiser and help save sea turtles on Kiawah
Every spring, fierce female sea turtles-mostly loggerheads-make their way from the ocean to Kiawah Island during nesting season.
From May through October, Kiawah's beaches are home to 400 nests and thousands of baby loggerheads. But many of these endangered hatchlings would not survive without the island's hands-on nest protection program. Specifícally, the Kiawah Island Turtle Patrol efforts that help 75% of hatchlings make it from their nests to the ocean. Without these efforts: less than 10% have a chance.
Sea turtles are an endangered species and the loggerhead turtle has been on the threatened list since 1978. Over the years, the Kiawah Island Turtle Patrol has become one of the largest volunteer turtle efforts in the United States. From relocating nests to helping hatchlings find the sea, volunteering is open to island residents and guests, and the program relies on the community to help raise awareness about the importance of nesting season.
This May, you'11 see a custom fleet of beach cruisers with an original turtle print designed by Peter Millar at the new Timbers Kiawah Ocean Club and Residences.
“We approached Peter Millar, a favorite on Kiawah, to design a turtle-pattemed bike as a fun way to raise our owners' awareness about the turtles and show our commitment to protecting the wildlife on Kiawah”, says Chris Burden, managing director for Timbers Kiawah.
You don't have to be a Timbers' owner to help: the limited-edition beach cruisers are for sale to the public and 100% of the proceeds go to the turtle patrol. “Kiawah Island is one of the country's most vital nesting areas for loggerhead sea turtles and the turtle patrol is responsible for nesting patrols and monitoring efforts up and down the beach. The contributions will be used to fund their initiatives in whatever way they see fit”, Burden says. Anyone can volunteer in the nesting and hatching programs by contacting Kiawah Island Turtle Patrol.
(Abridged and adapted from
It is possible to infer from the text that
Considere as figuras I e II abaixo.
O fenômeno ocorrido na sequência I - II é denominado:
Analise o gráfico abaixo, que representa o aquecimento e o resfriamento de uma substância.
Sobre essse gráfico, é correto afirmar que:
Considere as seguintes equações de neutralização.
H2SO4 + 2 NaOH → X + 2 H2O
H2SO4 + NaOH → Y + H2O
As substâncias que correspondem às letras X e Y são, respectivamente:
Considere dois navios de guerra, uma Corveta e uma Fragata navegando paralelamente e no mesmo sentido em um trecho retilíneo.
Sabendo que a Corveta apresenta comprimento 100 m e
se locomove em movimento uniforme com velocidade
escalar média de 20 m/s e a Fragata apresenta
comprimento 130 m e se locomove também em
movimento uniforme mas com velocidade escalar média
de 10 m/s. Calcule, em segundos, o intervalo de tempo
necessário para que a Corveta ultrapasse a Fragata a
partir do momento em que a frente da Corveta estiver
posicionada exatamente ao lado da traseira da Fragata e
ao finai da ultrapassagem quando a traseira da Corveta
estiver posicionada exatamente ao lado da frente da
Fragata, e assinale a opção correta.
Aplica-se uma força () de intensidade constante 10 N, sempre na mesma direção e sentido, sobre um corpo, inicialmente em repouso, de massa 2,0 kg, localizado sobre uma superfície horizontal sem atrito. Sabendo-se que além da força mencionada atuam sobre o corpo somente o seu peso e a normal, calcule, em metros, o deslocamento escalar sofrido pelo corpo ao final de um intervalo de tempo de 4,0 s de aplicação da referida força e assinale a opção correta, considerando g=10m/s2 e o corpo um ponto material.
Observe a reportagem.
Começa a campanha de vacinação contra gripe na rede pública de saúde
Previsão é vacinar mais de 54 milhões de pessoas. Vacina protege contra três vírus: H3N2, influenza B e H1N1.
A campanha de vacinação contra a gripe já está valendo em toda a rede pública de saúde no Brasil. Tem direito a tomar a vacina de graça grupos prioritários: idosos, grávidas, mulheres com recém-nascidos de até 45 dias, índios, presidiários, trabalhadores da saúde, professores e crianças de pelo menos seis meses de idade e menores de cinco anos. Além de pessoas com doenças crônicas, como hipertensão, asma e bronquite.
Disponível em;<>
Em relação às vacinas e ao funcionamento do sistema imune, analise as afirmativas abaixo.
I- O anticorpo reage apenas com o corpo estranho contra o qual foi produzido. Os anticorpos são produzidos por um tipo de célula do sistema imune.
II- As vacinas são produzidas a partir de vírus inativados ou atenuados, que, ao serem colocados no nosso corpo, estimulam a produção de anticorpos e células de memória pelo nosso sistema imunológico.
III- A produção de vacinas é realizada no corpo de outro ser vivo, que normalmente é um mamífero de grande porte, como um cavalo.
IV- Diferente das vacinas, os soros são usados em casos em que há necessidade de tratamento rápido, ou seja, quando não é possível esperar a produção de anticorpos pelo nosso corpo.
Estão corretas apenas as afirmativas:
Leia o texto abaixo.
"Musgo renasce 1.500 anos depois de ficar congelado na Antártica. Pesquisa descreveu pela 1ª vez espécie que sobreviveu por longo tempo.
Um musgo na Antártica renasceu após passar mais de 1.500 anos sob uma camada de gelo, um recorde que marca o maior ciclo vital de qualquer planta conhecida, revelou um estudo feito por cientistas britânicos e divulgado esta semana nos Estados Unidos.
Os cientistas capturaram amostras das profundezas de um banco de musgos congelados na Antártica. Eles cortaram os núcleos destas plantas e os colocaram em uma incubadora, a temperaturas e níveis de luz que estimulariam seu crescimento em condições normais.
Depois de algumas semanas, o musgo começou a crescer.”
Disponível em:<>
Sobre os musgos é correto afirmar que:
Não matem os macacos! Eles são aliados da saúde no combate à febre amarela.
“Eles servem como anjos da guarda, como sentinelas da ocorrência da febre amarela”, explica Renato Alves, gerente de vigilância das Doenças de Transmissão Vetorial, do Ministério da Saúde. Esse é um alerta para que a população não mate os macacos, principalmente em regiões onde há incidência de febre amarela em humanos. Os macacos não são responsáveis pela transmissão, muito pelo contrário: servem como guias para a elaboração de ações de prevenção.
Disponível em:<!es-sao-aliados-da-saude-no-combate-a-febre-amarela>
É correto afirmar que a febre amarela é causada por:
Leia o texto abaixo e responda a pergunta a seguir.
O homem cujo sangue ficou branco de tanta gordura.
Médicos tiveram de tirar todo o sangue do paciente e trocar pelo de um doador após gordura entupir filtros usados para tirar parte da gordura. De acordo com o relato do caso, publicado na revista “Annals of Internai Medicine", o homem foi submetido imediatamente a um tratamento intensivo, onde os testes revelaram que seu sangue tinha "síndrome de hiperviscosidade devido ao nível extremamente alto de triglicérides". Os triglicérides são um tipo de gordura que vem de alimentos como a manteiga e óleos, embora níveis elevados possam ter outras causas, como doenças genéticas, obesidade, uso de drogas ou álcool e cigarro em excesso.
Disponível em:<Ía/2019/03/07/o-hotnem-cujo-sangue-ficou-branco-de-tantagordura. ghtml>
Assinale a opção que apresenta uma importância
biológica dos lipídios.