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Q1658690 Inglês

All of me

John Legend

‘Cause all of me

Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me

I’ll give my all to you

You’re my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I’m winning

‘Cause I give you all of me

And you give me all of you  

The words in bold in the text (me - your - you) are:
Q1658689 Inglês

All of me

John Legend

‘Cause all of me

Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me

I’ll give my all to you

You’re my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I’m winning

‘Cause I give you all of me

And you give me all of you  

All of the words bellow are verbs, EXCEPT:
Q1658687 Inglês

“The Little Prince”, now, is a movie

Alex Weiss

    An all-time favorite children’s book, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry has been turned into a beautifully animated movie — and it’s finally being released. The inspiring lessons, timeless story, and beautiful quotes from The Little Prince make this a perfect choice for an on-screen adaptation. At one point or another, your parents read this book to you when you were a child, and then you picked it up later on in life, realizing how incredibly important this small book truly is.

Adapted from:  

The verbs in bold are, respectively, in the
Q1658686 Inglês

In The End

Linkin Park

One thing, I don’t know why

It doesn’t even matter how hard you try

Keep that in mind

I designed this rhyme

To remind myself of a time when

I tried so hard

In spite of the way you were mocking me

Acting like I was part of your property

Remembering all the times you fought with me

I’m surprised it got so

Things aren’t the way they were before

You wouldn’t even recognize me anymore

Not that you knew me back then

But it all comes back to me in the end

You kept everything inside

And even though I tried, it all fell apart

What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when

I tried so hard

And got so far

But in the end

It doesn’t even matter

I had to fall

To lose it all

But in the end

It doesn’t even matter

I’ve put my trust in you

Pushed as far as I can go

For all this

There’s only one thing you should know

I’ve put my trust in you

Pushed as far as I can go

For all this

There’s only one thing you should know

The words in bold are, respectively, synonyms for
Q1658685 Inglês

In The End

Linkin Park

One thing, I don’t know why

It doesn’t even matter how hard you try

Keep that in mind

I designed this rhyme

To remind myself of a time when

I tried so hard

In spite of the way you were mocking me

Acting like I was part of your property

Remembering all the times you fought with me

I’m surprised it got so

Things aren’t the way they were before

You wouldn’t even recognize me anymore

Not that you knew me back then

But it all comes back to me in the end

You kept everything inside

And even though I tried, it all fell apart

What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when

I tried so hard

And got so far

But in the end

It doesn’t even matter

I had to fall

To lose it all

But in the end

It doesn’t even matter

I’ve put my trust in you

Pushed as far as I can go

For all this

There’s only one thing you should know

I’ve put my trust in you

Pushed as far as I can go

For all this

There’s only one thing you should know

The negative form of the underlined sentence, in the text, is
Q1658684 Inglês



Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes

‘Cause I need to know

You say I’ll never get your blessing till the day I die

Tough luck my friend but the answer is no!

Why you gotta be so rude?

Don’t you know I’m human too

Why you gotta be so rude

I’m gonna marry her anyway

(Marry that girl) Marry her anyway

(Marry that girl) Yeah no matter what you say

(Marry that girl) And we’ll be a family 

What is the correct plural form of the words, in bold type, in the text?
Q1658683 Inglês



Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes

‘Cause I need to know

You say I’ll never get your blessing till the day I die

Tough luck my friend but the answer is no!

Why you gotta be so rude?

Don’t you know I’m human too

Why you gotta be so rude

I’m gonna marry her anyway

(Marry that girl) Marry her anyway

(Marry that girl) Yeah no matter what you say

(Marry that girl) And we’ll be a family 

Based on the text, we can infer that the couple
Q1658681 Inglês

Price Tag

Jessie J.

Seems like everybody’s got a price

I wonder how they sleep at night

When the sale comes first

And the truth comes second

Just stop for a minute and smile

Why is everybody so serious

Acting so damn mysterious

Got shades on your eyes

And your heels so high

That you can’t even have a good time

Everybody look to the left

Everybody look to the right

Can you feel that yeah

We’re paying with love tonight

It’s not about the money money money

We don’t need your money money money

We just wanna make the world dance

Forget about the price tag

Ain’t about the uh cha-ching cha-ching

Ain’t about the yeah b-bling b-bling

Wanna make the world dance

Forget about the price tag 

The underlined words, in the text, are
Q1658680 Inglês

Price Tag

Jessie J.

Seems like everybody’s got a price

I wonder how they sleep at night

When the sale comes first

And the truth comes second

Just stop for a minute and smile

Why is everybody so serious

Acting so damn mysterious

Got shades on your eyes

And your heels so high

That you can’t even have a good time

Everybody look to the left

Everybody look to the right

Can you feel that yeah

We’re paying with love tonight

It’s not about the money money money

We don’t need your money money money

We just wanna make the world dance

Forget about the price tag

Ain’t about the uh cha-ching cha-ching

Ain’t about the yeah b-bling b-bling

Wanna make the world dance

Forget about the price tag 

The verb WONDER, in bold in the text, can be replaced by ______________ without change in meaning.
Q1658679 Inglês

The Lazy Song

Bruno Mars

Today I don’t feel like doing anything

I just wanna lay in my bed

Don’t feel like picking up my phone

So leave a message at the tone

‘Cause today I swear I’m not doing anything lazysong-11/brunomars.html 

Based on the song extract, the person in the song
Q1658678 Inglês

Alice in Wonderland

Lewis Carroll

    “If you ___________ know where you want to go, then it ___________ matter which path you take” 

Complete the text with the appropriate words.
Q1658676 Inglês

According to the text, Garfield:

Q1658667 Português


“Discreta e formosíssima Maria,/ Enquanto estamos vendo a qualquer hora/ Em tuas faces a rosada Aurora,/ Em teus olhos e boca, o sol e o dia:/ Goza, goza da flor da mocidade,/ Que o tempo trata a toda ligeireza/ E imprime em toda flor sua pisada.” (Gregório de Matos)

As locuções adverbiais destacadas exprimem, respectivamente, as circunstâncias de

Q1658588 Física
O gráfico a seguir representa o comportamento do fluxo magnético através de uma espira imersa em um campo magnético uniforme, em função do tempo. Em qual(ais) intervalo(s) de tempo, um amperímetro, ligado aos terminais da espira, não acusará passagem de corrente elétrica?

Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Q1658586 Física

Carlos, professor de Física, procurou, em uma de suas aulas, discutir com seus alunos a facilidade de girar uma porca, com auxílio de uma chave, conforme a figura a seguir. Explicou, então, aos alunos que, para que as forças F1 e F2 , de instensidades distintas, possibilitem à porca, a mesma facilidade de girar em torno do seu eixo, o valor da intensidade de F2 deverá ser:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Q1658585 Física
No circuito da figura, aplica-se entre os terminais da associação, uma ddp de 90 V. Sabendo-se que os capacitores C1 e C2 adquirem cargas, respectivamente iguais a 12 μC e 3 μC, e que a tensão no capacitor C1 é de 60 V, a capacitância equivalente, em μF, entre os capacitores C2 e C3 será:

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Q1658582 Física

A figura a seguir representa a propagação de uma onda ao longo de uma corda. Considerando a velocidade de propagação dessa onda igual a 0,32 m/s e observando o gráfico, podemos afirmar corretamente que sua amplitude e sua frequência são, respectivamente, iguais a:

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Q1658579 Física

Na figura a seguir, um bloco de massa m = 1 kg, preso a uma mola, por meio de um fio ideal, a comprime em 10 cm. Determine a altura máxima H, em metros, alcançada pelo bloco, após o fio ser cortado. Considere a constante elástica da mola igual a k = 1000 N/m, a trajetória de A até B sem atrito e a aceleração da gravidade g = 10 m/s2 .

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Q1658578 Física

A figura a seguir representa um bloco em forma de paralelepípedo, em repouso, com arestas iguais a 2 cm, 4 cm e 5 cm. Determine a razão R entre as pressões exercidas pela face de maior área e a de menor área, ambas sobre o solo. Dado: massa do bloco igual a 2 Kg e aceleração da gravidade g = 10 m/s2 .

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Q1658577 Física

O Ciclo de Carnot, proposto no século XVIII pelo físico e engenheiro Nicolas Leonard Sadi Carnot, consiste em uma sequência de transformações gasosas, na qual uma máquina térmica, operando entre duas fontes térmicas, alcança rendimento máximo se operar em um ciclo totalmente reversível, independentemente da substância utilizada. Considerando o Ciclo de Carnot para um gás ideal, assinale a alternativa correta.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

3001: A
3002: C
3003: A
3004: A
3005: D
3006: D
3007: C
3008: A
3009: D
3010: A
3011: C
3012: D
3013: C
3014: A
3015: C
3016: C
3017: D
3018: A
3019: A
3020: A