Questões Militares Para aeronáutica

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Q1853743 Inglês
Read the text and answer question.


Ed Sheeran

(...)‘Cause we were just kids
When we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow
Your heart is all I own
And in your eyes you’re holding mine

Baby, I’m dancing in the dark
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess
I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling
You look perfect tonight

Well I found a woman, stronger
Than anyone I know
She shares my dreams
I hope that someday I’ll share her home’(...)
The word “stronger”, in the text, is used in the:  
Q1853742 Inglês
Read the text and answer question.


Ed Sheeran

(...)‘Cause we were just kids
When we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow
Your heart is all I own
And in your eyes you’re holding mine

Baby, I’m dancing in the dark
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess
I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling
You look perfect tonight

Well I found a woman, stronger
Than anyone I know
She shares my dreams
I hope that someday I’ll share her home’(...)
Choose the alternative that contains a word meaning “not wearing any shoes or socks”. 
Q1853741 Inglês
Read the text and answer questions.

Metal airplane part seems to fall from plane into Arizona family’s backyard

    An Arizona couple discovered what appeared to be a metal plate from an airplane in their backyard last week. Charlie and Jaclyn High of Phoenix found the white metal piece, which had fallen in their backyard, on Friday, CBS5 reported.
    “I kind of looked around to see if there was anything else, like another piece, or something else other than that, with writing on it. It looks like it’s from an airplane, and you think, oh man, that’s crazy,” Jaclyn told the outlet. According to images shared with CBS5, the metal piece seems to be part of the airplane lavatory.

Adapted from
Choose the alternative which has the sentence below correctly reported:
     “I kind of looked around to see if there was anything else, like another piece, or something else other than that, with writing on it. (…)”, Jaclyn told the outlet. 
Q1853740 Inglês
Read the text and answer question.

Building on a breakthrough: Firm hoping to extend range of hydrogen-powered plane

    The firm behind the world’s first hydrogen-electric powered passenger plane flight is hoping to extend the range of the aircraft by the end of the year.
    ZeroAvia made the breakthrough by completing a 15-minute flight at an airfield in southern England last month.
    “It is not the future, it’s reality,” Sergey Kiselev, ZeroAvia’s European chief told Euronews in an interview on Thursday, referring to hydrogen-powered planes. “We are working on expanding the range of the reach of the aircraft. By the end of the year, this exact aircraft will be able to fly about 300 nautical miles.”
    It is hoped ZeroAvia’s maiden flight will be the first step in making one of the most polluting industries green.
    “The only emission from this aeroplane in flight is water vapour,” said Val Miftakhov, CEO and founder of ZeroAvia, back in September.
    “We also have a fueling infrastructure set up that ensures zero-emission production of hydrogen itself. It’s clean, it’s less noisy, and they will be able to fly without feeling guilty for flying.”  
The word breakthrough, on the title of the text, could be best substituted by:  
Q1853739 Inglês
    Read the following structure:
    If he had won a million dollars, he would have traveled to China.
The correct alternative which is in the same structure is:  
Q1853738 Inglês
Flying with a Dog? Here’s What You Need to Know

    The choice to take your dog in the cabin with you versus traveling in the cargo hold will often be decided for you by the size of the animal and the airline’s policy. Some airlines restrict the total number of pets allowed on any given flight, and these spots are usually parceled out on a first-come, first-served basis—so you will want to book early.
    Expect to pay a fee to fly with your dog. Current standard fees range from around $75 to $200 each way, and can go up to several hundred dollars for larger dogs that must be transported on cargo planes.
    If at all possible, choose a direct flight. As tough as flying is on a dog, especially in the cargo hold, submitting them to even longer travel times plus multiple encounters with baggage handling can easily go sideways. My family flew cross-country with our dog several years ago, and had purchased direct flights, but due to aircraft problems on the way home had to switch to a connecting itinerary. During our connection in St. Louis, we watched helplessly through the airport windows as a baggage hander in St. Louis let our dog’s travel crate nearly free-fall onto the tarmac. When we ____________ at our home airport, the crate was shattered and the dog significantly traumatized.
Choose the alternative that completes the text with a suitable phrasal verb.  
Q1853737 Inglês
Flying with a Dog? Here’s What You Need to Know

    The choice to take your dog in the cabin with you versus traveling in the cargo hold will often be decided for you by the size of the animal and the airline’s policy. Some airlines restrict the total number of pets allowed on any given flight, and these spots are usually parceled out on a first-come, first-served basis—so you will want to book early.
    Expect to pay a fee to fly with your dog. Current standard fees range from around $75 to $200 each way, and can go up to several hundred dollars for larger dogs that must be transported on cargo planes.
    If at all possible, choose a direct flight. As tough as flying is on a dog, especially in the cargo hold, submitting them to even longer travel times plus multiple encounters with baggage handling can easily go sideways. My family flew cross-country with our dog several years ago, and had purchased direct flights, but due to aircraft problems on the way home had to switch to a connecting itinerary. During our connection in St. Louis, we watched helplessly through the airport windows as a baggage hander in St. Louis let our dog’s travel crate nearly free-fall onto the tarmac. When we ____________ at our home airport, the crate was shattered and the dog significantly traumatized.
According to the text: 
Q1853736 Inglês
Choose the alternative in which you can NOT find Present Perfect tense:  
Q1853735 Inglês


    Ice Age is an animated movie about a story that took place 20,000 thousand years ago. At that time, (I) everything was covered in ice. The movie follows the path of a mammoth, a sabertooth tiger and a sloth after they encounter an Eskimo baby and decide to protect it from the cold and other animals.
    (II) Diego, the tiger, had attacked the tribe to get the baby eskimo but was not successful. Other tigers were unhappy with Diego because of his incompetence to get the baby, who is now with Manfred, the mammoth, and Sid, the sloth. Eventually the three animals get together, although with very different agendas, and form a friendship bond while taking care of the human baby.
    The movie also features a squirrel desperately trying to bury an acorn without success. This squirrel has such a distinctive personality that we can only hope (III) he’ll star in his own movie someday.
The sentence “Diego, the tiger, had attacked the tribe to get the baby eskimo but was not successful”, from the text could be rewritten without changing the verb tense, like this:  
Q1853734 Inglês


    Ice Age is an animated movie about a story that took place 20,000 thousand years ago. At that time, (I) everything was covered in ice. The movie follows the path of a mammoth, a sabertooth tiger and a sloth after they encounter an Eskimo baby and decide to protect it from the cold and other animals.
    (II) Diego, the tiger, had attacked the tribe to get the baby eskimo but was not successful. Other tigers were unhappy with Diego because of his incompetence to get the baby, who is now with Manfred, the mammoth, and Sid, the sloth. Eventually the three animals get together, although with very different agendas, and form a friendship bond while taking care of the human baby.
    The movie also features a squirrel desperately trying to bury an acorn without success. This squirrel has such a distinctive personality that we can only hope (III) he’ll star in his own movie someday.
Choose a sentence in which the word “agenda” is used correctly and with the same meaning it has on the text. 
Q1853733 Inglês


    Ice Age is an animated movie about a story that took place 20,000 thousand years ago. At that time, (I) everything was covered in ice. The movie follows the path of a mammoth, a sabertooth tiger and a sloth after they encounter an Eskimo baby and decide to protect it from the cold and other animals.
    (II) Diego, the tiger, had attacked the tribe to get the baby eskimo but was not successful. Other tigers were unhappy with Diego because of his incompetence to get the baby, who is now with Manfred, the mammoth, and Sid, the sloth. Eventually the three animals get together, although with very different agendas, and form a friendship bond while taking care of the human baby.
    The movie also features a squirrel desperately trying to bury an acorn without success. This squirrel has such a distinctive personality that we can only hope (III) he’ll star in his own movie someday.
The sentences that are underlined in the text are in the:  
Q1846926 Física
Dois fios condutores longos, retos e paralelos, situados no vácuo e mantidos a uma distância d entre eles, são percorridos por correntes elétricas de mesma intensidade i e de sentidos contrários. Nessa condição a força magnética gerada para cada metro de comprimento de fio é dada por Fmag. Mantendo o mesmo meio e a mesma distância d, para aumentar essa força por comprimento (N/m) até que seja o quádruplo de Fmag, a nova intensidade da corrente (i’) em cada fio deverá ser dada por: 
Q1846925 Física
Assinale a alternativa que indica corretamente o que ocorrerá com a indicação do amperímetro e do voltímetro, no circuito a seguir, a partir do momento em que for feita uma ligação entre os pontos A e B, por meio de um condutor ideal.     Considere que:     - todos os condutores e componentes são ideais;     - a fonte de tensão fornece um valor de ddp V, diferente de zero; e     - todos os resistores têm o mesmo valor de resistência elétrica R, diferentes de zero.   Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Q1846924 Física
Sobre uma superfície horizontal perfeitamente lisa, sem atrito, é colocada uma esfera A, em repouso, exatamente no centro dos eixos x e y. Uma esfera B de massa igual a 3 kg que se desloca em movimento retilíneo uniforme de acordo com a seguinte função horária das posições S = 10t, expressa em unidades do Sistema Internacional de Unidades, atinge a esfera A, segundo um ângulo de 30° em relação ao eixo x, conforme a figura. Após a colisão perfeitamente elástica, a esfera A passa a descrever um movimento retilíneo uniforme exatamente sobre o eixo y e a esfera B passa a descrever um movimento retilíneo uniforme exatamente sobre o eixo x. Considerando que não há forças externas atuando sobre o sistema, esfera A - esfera B, qual o valor da velocidade, em m/s, e da quantidade de movimento, em kg.m/s, da esfera B, após a colisão?  Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Q1846923 Física
Uma partícula Y eletricamente carregada, cuja relação carga/massa é dada por 0,5 . 108 C/kg, é lançada, com velocidade v, perpendicularmente a um campo magnético uniforme de intensidade B. Devido à ação da força magnética essa partícula Y descreve um movimento circular uniforme de período igual a π . 10-7 s. Uma outra partícula X, também eletricamente carregada, é lançada da mesma forma que a partícula Y, ou seja, perpendicularmente ao mesmo campo magnético e com a mesma velocidade v. Porém, essa partícula realiza um movimento circular uniforme com o dobro do período da partícula Y. Portanto, pode-se afirmar corretamente que a relação carga/massa da partícula X é de _________ C/kg.     Assinale, dentre as alternativas a seguir, aquela que preenche corretamente a lacuna do texto anterior. 
Q1846922 Física
Uma bicicleta possui uma coroa com 42 dentes interligada por meio de uma corrente a um sistema de marchas que permite selecionar uma entre 6 catracas. A catraca menor tem 14 dentes e a maior 21 dentes e são todas concêntricas ao eixo da roda traseira, e o conjunto roda-pneu traseiro tem diâmetro externo de 60 cm, conforme o desenho a seguir com as referidas partes da bicicleta.     Em uma trajetória retilínea e horizontal, sem haver deslizamento entre os pneus e o piso, para que a bicicleta, mantenha a velocidade de 38,88 km/h, o ciclista ao selecionar a marcha com a maior razão entre os números de dentes da coroa e da catraca, terá que girar a coroa (por meio dos pedais) em uma frequência de ___ voltas por segundo.     Utilize π = 3,0  Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Q1846921 Física
Um objeto de dimensões desprezíveis é abandonado da posição A e percorre em queda livre uma altura “h” até colidir elasticamente (coeficiente de restituição igual a 1) em um plano inclinado com uma velocidade de módulo igual a “v”. Esse plano inclinado faz com a horizontal um ângulo igual a 45°. Após a colisão, o objeto leva um intervalo de tempo “t” até atingir o ponto B, seguindo uma trajetória parabólica. O comprimento “x”, representado na figura, é igual a ____ .     OBS: durante o movimento de A a B despreze a resistência do ar e considere que o objeto está sujeito apenas à gravidade de módulo igual a “g”.  Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Q1846920 Física
Uma partícula P, de massa igual a 2 kg, executa um movimento circular uniforme (MCU) e a projeção (P`) dessa partícula no diâmetro horizontal descreve exatamente um movimento harmônico simples (MHS), conforme a figura a seguir. Nesse MHS a posição da projeção P`, em função do tempo, é dada pela expressão x = 10 cos (20t), para x expresso em metros e t em segundos. A partir dessas informações, determine a intensidade, em newtons, da força centrípeta aplicada à partícula P para manter o movimento circular uniforme. Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Q1846919 Física
Uma lâmina de faces paralelas pode ser definida como um meio transparente limitado por duas superfícies planas e paralelas. Supondo que uma lâmina de faces paralelas, perfeitamente lisa, esteja imersa no ar ( índice de refração igual a 1) e que: I- na primeira face incide um raio de luz monocromático (RI) que forma um ângulo de 60º com a normal (N); e II- após refratar nessa superfície, o raio de luz refratado percorre o material e incide na segunda face formando um ângulo de 30º com a normal, conforme o desenho a seguir. Qual o valor do índice de refração do material que constitui a lâmina?  Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Q1846918 Física
Conforme figura a seguir, que representa um circuito elétrico na forma de um paralelepípedo contendo quatro resistores ôhmicos interligados por condutores ideais, se for conectada uma fonte de alimentação ideal de corrente contínua que forneça a ddp de 8,0 V entre os pontos A e B do circuito, o valor da intensidade de corrente elétrica total fornecida será de ___ ampères.   Imagem associada para resolução da questão
4341: D
4342: C
4343: A
4344: A
4345: A
4346: A
4347: B
4348: B
4349: D
4350: D
4351: C
4352: A
4353: D
4354: A
4355: B
4356: B
4357: C
4358: C
4359: B
4360: D