Questões da Prova Aeronáutica - 2018 - EEAR - Sargento da Aeronáutica - Aeronavegantes e Não-Aeronavegantes (Turma 2)

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Q950694 Inglês


The word “take-down” in the text means
Q950693 Inglês

United States Coast Guard cadets graduate from the Academy.

Two hundred newly graduated United States Coast Guard Academy students, classified as officers, toss their cadet covers into the air during their graduation ceremony in New London, Conn. on May 23, 2018. Wednesday’s commencement ceremony was the 137th at the academy.


Based on the text, choose the best alternative.

Q950692 Inglês
The sentence in the text “As you know, if you dedicate to your studies, you will succeed in life.”, lines 11 and 12, is classified by
Q950691 Inglês
According to the text, what are advantages of learning English with Podcasts?
Q950690 Inglês
The sentence in bold type in the text refers to
16: A
17: D
18: C
19: B
20: A