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Q2350474 Inglês
Text 1A2-II

         Chagas disease, also known as American trypanosomiasis, is a potentially life-threatening illness caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. About 6-7 million people worldwide are estimated to be infected with T. cruzi. The disease is found mainly in endemic areas of 21 continental Latin American countries, where it has been mostly transmitted to humans and other mammals by contact with feces or urine of triatomine bugs (vector-borne), known as kissing bugs, among many other popular names, depending on the geographical area.

        Chagas disease is named after Carlos Ribeiro Justiniano Chagas, a Brazilian physician and researcher who discovered the disease in 1909. Chagas disease was once entirely confined to continental rural areas of the Region of the Americas (excluding the Caribbean islands). Due to increased population mobility over previous decades, most infected people now live in urban settings and the infection has been increasingly detected in the United States of America, Canada, and many European and some African, Eastern Mediterranean and Western Pacific countries.

           Chagas disease’s transmission is caused by T. cruzi parasites, which are mainly transmitted by contact with feces/urine of infected blood-sucking triatomine bugs. Normally they hide during the day and become active at night when they feed on animal blood, including human blood. They usually bite an exposed area of skin such as the face (hence its common name, kissing bug), and the bug defecates or urinates close to the bite. The parasites enter the body when the person instinctively smears the bug’s feces or urine into the bite, other skin breaks, the eyes, or the mouth. T. cruzi can also be transmitted by consumption of food or beverages contaminated with T. cruzi through, for example, contact with feces or urine of infected triatomine bugs or common opossums. This kind of transmission typically causes outbreaks with more severe cases and mortality; passage from an infected mother to her newborn during pregnancy or childbirth; blood or blood product transfusion from infected donors; some organ transplants using organs from infected donors; and laboratory accidents.

Internet: <>  (adapted). 
Choose the option in which is presented an expression that could correctly replace “Due to” (third sentence of the second paragraph of text 1A2-II). 
Q2259749 Inglês
     Fricatives are consonants with the characteristic that air escapes through a narrow passage and makes a hissing sound. The dental fricatives are sometimes described as if the tongue were placed between the front teeth, and it is common for teachers to make their students do this when they are trying to teach them the sound. The thing is, however, that the tongue is normally placed behind the teeth; the air escapes through the gaps between the tongue and the teeth. There is a distiction between fortis (unvoiced) fricatives, as in the word “thin”, and lenis (voiced) fricatives, as in “thus”. (Roach 2003)

(Mark Roach,. English Phonetics and Phonology.
Cambridge: CUP, 2003. Adaptado)
In a more formal register, the word in bold in “The thing is, however, that the tongue” could be adequately replaced by:
Q2201226 Inglês

Read the text and answer the question.

Choose the alternative that contains the plural form of the following words from the comic strip: man - cat - dog 
Q2201217 Inglês
Read the text and answer the question.

From space, astronaut sounds the alarm about climate crisis
The Associated Press

    A French astronaut has used a video call from space to sound the alarm about worsening repercussions from climate change that he can see ______ the International Space Station.
       Entire regions of Earth in flames. Storms trailing destruction in their wake. And the haunting fragility of humanity’s only home floating like a blue — but also tarnished — pearl in the vastness of space.
      Through the portholes ______ the International Space Station, French astronaut Thomas Pesquet has an arresting view of global warming’s repercussions. He used a video call from space to sound the alarm Thursday, as negotiators, government officials and activists continued meeting at a U.N. climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland.
        “We see the pollution of rivers, atmospheric pollution, things like that.”
        “We saw entire regions burning from the space station, ______ Canada, in California,” he said. “We saw all of California covered ______ a cloud of smoke and flames with the naked eye from 400 kilometers (250 miles) up.”

Adapted from Access on October 25th.
The word from the text that has an irregular plural form is 
Ano: 2023 Banca: IBGP Órgão: CBM-MG Prova: IBGP - 2023 - CBM-MG - Cadete |
Q2101200 Inglês
Instruction: For question, read the passage below.

How to become a firefighter

Those who fight fires are trained to do their job anywhere – from forests to rural areas to urban high-rises. Firefighters work first and foremost to protect lives, and then they turn their attention to protecting property. Some firefighters choose to work their way up the ladder, so to speak, starting with volunteer work at their local firehouse, coupled with their high school diploma. Those who want to advance up the ranks faster can turn to a fire science degree that will prepare them for responsibilities at the state or federal level. Understanding different types of firefighting careers and what each entails is the first step to choosing the right path.

What Does a Firefighter Do?

Firefighters show up at the scene of a fire or emergency and rely on advanced tools and equipment to handle the situation. That's a very broad overview; now let's get down to the details.

Firefighter Careers Basics

Firefighters receive expert training that prepares them to handle a variety of emergency situations. Though fighting fires are what they are best known for (as the name implies), firefighters also handle medical emergencies, rescuing and treating the injured, educating the public and more. Their work often requires them to be on call at all hours; some respond to calls from their private homes, while others stay in the firehouse during their shifts in order to respond to calls much faster, especially in urban areas.

Availabe in: Access in: 11/10/2022.
A suffix is a letter, or a group of letters attached to the end of a word to form a new word or to change the grammatical function (or part of speech) of the word.
Choose the alternative that CORRECTLY identifies the noun which has a suffix that indicates “a person who does something”.
1: A
2: D
3: C
4: C
5: A