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Q1859178 Inglês
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U.K. hospitals are overburdened. But the British love their universal health care  

March 7, 2018 

   When Erich McElroy takes the stage at comedy clubs in London, his routine includes a joke about the first time he went to see a doctor in Britain. 
   Originally from Seattle, McElroy, 45, has lived in London for almost 20 years. A stand-up comedian, he's made a career out of poking fun at the differences in the ways Americans versus Britons see the world - and one of the biggest differences is their outlook on health care.
   "| saw a doctor, who gave me a couple pills and sent me on my way. But | still hadn't really done any paperwork. | was like, 'This isn't right! " McElroy says onstage, to giggles from the crowd. "So | went back to the same woman, and | said, 'What do | do now?! And she said, You go home! " 
   The mostly British audience erupts into laughter.
   McElroy acknowledges it doesn't sound like much of a joke. He's just recounting his first experience at a UK. public hospital. But Britons find it hilarious, he says, that an American would be searching for a cash register, trying to find how to pay for treatment at a doctor's office or hospital. Itis a foreign concept here, McElroy explains.
   Onstage, McElroy recounts how, when the hospital receptionist instructed him to go home, he turned to her and exclaimed, "This is amazing!"
    Amazing, he says, because he did not have to pay - at least not at the point of service. In Britain, there is a state-funded system called the National Health Service, or NHS, which guarantees care for all. That means everything from ambulance rides and emergency room visits to long hospital stays, complex surgery, radiation and chemotherapy - are all free. They are paid for with payroll taxes. In addition, any medication you get during a hospital visit is free, and the cost of most prescription drugs at a pharmacy are cheap - a few dollars. (Private health care also exists in the U.K., paid out-of-pocket or through private insurance coverage, but only a small minority of residents opt for it.)
   Since the 2008 financial crisis, the U.K., like many countries, has been taking in less tax revenue - so it has had to cut spending. Its expenditure on the National Health Service has still grown, but at a slower pace than before. [...] Wait times at the emergency room are up, says Richard Murray, policy director at the King's Fund, a health care think tank.
   "If the ER is really busy, it makes the ambulances queue outside the front door - not great," Murray says. "And in some cases, the hospital is simply full."

(Adapted from 
hich option replaces the word “overburdened” in the title “U.K. hospitals are overburdened”, according to its meaning in the text? 
Q1853756 Inglês
Read the text and answer question.

Job Search Tips

1. You should tell all your friends that you are looking for a job.
2. You’d better not quit your present job before you find a new one.
3. You shoudn’t tell your boss that you are looking for a new job.
4. You ought to apply for several jobs at once.
5. You shoudn’t immediately ask an interviewer about job benefits.
6. You should always give the interviewer accurate salary information.

From the book Grammar Express Intermediate.
The word “accurate” in bold type means:  
Q1853746 Inglês

We can work it out

The Beatles

“Life is very short, and there’s no time for fussing and fighting, my friend.” 

The word “fussing” in bold type means: 

Q1853742 Inglês
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Ed Sheeran

(...)‘Cause we were just kids
When we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow
Your heart is all I own
And in your eyes you’re holding mine

Baby, I’m dancing in the dark
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess
I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling
You look perfect tonight

Well I found a woman, stronger
Than anyone I know
She shares my dreams
I hope that someday I’ll share her home’(...)
Choose the alternative that contains a word meaning “not wearing any shoes or socks”. 
Q1853740 Inglês
Read the text and answer question.

Building on a breakthrough: Firm hoping to extend range of hydrogen-powered plane

    The firm behind the world’s first hydrogen-electric powered passenger plane flight is hoping to extend the range of the aircraft by the end of the year.
    ZeroAvia made the breakthrough by completing a 15-minute flight at an airfield in southern England last month.
    “It is not the future, it’s reality,” Sergey Kiselev, ZeroAvia’s European chief told Euronews in an interview on Thursday, referring to hydrogen-powered planes. “We are working on expanding the range of the reach of the aircraft. By the end of the year, this exact aircraft will be able to fly about 300 nautical miles.”
    It is hoped ZeroAvia’s maiden flight will be the first step in making one of the most polluting industries green.
    “The only emission from this aeroplane in flight is water vapour,” said Val Miftakhov, CEO and founder of ZeroAvia, back in September.
    “We also have a fueling infrastructure set up that ensures zero-emission production of hydrogen itself. It’s clean, it’s less noisy, and they will be able to fly without feeling guilty for flying.”  
The word breakthrough, on the title of the text, could be best substituted by:  
51: B
52: A
53: A
54: C
55: A