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Q1820790 Inglês
No trecho “because they may need to make “in-flight” changes in response to the actuality of the classroom.”, o verbo destacado traz a ideia de
Q1820787 Inglês

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Because we all have different styles of teaching, and therefore planning, orientations about course planning and delivery should not be meant to be prescriptive. As Bailey (1996) points out, a lesson plan is like a road map “which describes where the teacher hopes to go in a lesson, presumably taking the students along”. It is the latter part of this quote that is important for teachers to remember, because they may need to make “in-flight” changes in response to the actuality of the classroom. As Bailey (1996) correctly points out, “In realizing lesson plans, part of a skilled teacher’s logic in use involves managing such departures to maximimize teaching and learning opportunities”. Clearly thought-out lesson plans will more likely maintain the attention of students and increase the likelihood that they will be interested.

(RICHARDS, Jack C.; RENANDYA, Willy A.(Ed.). Methodology in language teaching: an anthology of current practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. p. 36. Adaptado) 

The underlined phrase in “orientations about course planning and delivery should not be meant to be prescriptive” (line 3)
Q1806564 Inglês

First study of all Amazon greenhouse gases suggests the

damaged forest is now worsening climate change

    The Amazon rainforest is most likely now a net contributor to warming of the planet, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis from more than 30 scientists.

    For years, researchers have expressed concern that rising temperatures, drought, and deforestation are reducing the capacity of the world’s largest rainforest to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and help offset emissions from fossil-fuel burning. Recent studies have even suggested that some portions of the tropical landscape already may release more carbon than they store.

    But the inhaling and exhaling of CO2 is just one way this damp jungle, the most species-rich on Earth, influences the global climate. Activities in the Amazon, both natural and human-caused, can shift the rainforest’s contribution in significant ways, warming the air directly or releasing other greenhouse gases that do.

    Yet no team had ever tried to assess the cumulative impact of these processes, even as the region is being rapidly transformed. The research estimates that atmospheric warming from all of these sources combined now appears to swamp the forest’s natural cooling effect.

    The damage, however, can still be reversed. Halting global emissions from coal, oil, and natural gas would help restore balance, but curbing Amazon deforestation is a must, along with reducing dam building and increasing efforts to replant trees. Continuing to clear land at current rates appears certain to make warming worse for the entire world.

Internet:<> (adapted). 

Based on the text above, judge the follow item.

The terms “inhaling” and “exhaling” (third paragraph) are verbs that express the idea that the action is happening now.

Q1805750 Inglês
In the text, the phrasal verb that means have a harmonious and friendly relationship is
Q1805739 Inglês
In paragraph 2, the option that fits the gap appropriately in standard language is
56: D
57: E
58: E
59: B
60: B