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Ano: 2021 Banca: Exército Órgão: EsSA Prova: Exército - 2021 - EsSA - Sargento - Geral |
Q1879469 Inglês
In the sentence “Jackson wasn´t really angry, he was only pretending.”, the verb in bold means that: 
Ano: 2021 Banca: Exército Órgão: EsSA Prova: Exército - 2021 - EsSA - Sargento - Geral |
Q1879468 Inglês
Which option has one word out of context?
Ano: 2021 Banca: Exército Órgão: EsSA Prova: Exército - 2021 - EsSA - Sargento - Saúde |
Q1879408 Inglês
In the sentence “Jackson wasn´t really angry, he was only pretending.”, the verb in bold means that:
Ano: 2021 Banca: Exército Órgão: EsSA Prova: Exército - 2021 - EsSA - Sargento - Saúde |
Q1879407 Inglês
Which option has one word out of context?
Q1878750 Inglês

Read text V to answer question .


There are no excuses for racism. 

Racism take$ many forms and can happen 1 __ many places. lt includes prejudice, discrimination ar hatred directed at someone because of their colour, ethnicity or national origin.

People often associate racism with acts of abuse or harassment. However, it doesn't need to involve violent or intimidating behaviour. Take racial name-calling and jokes. Or consider situations when people may be excluded from groups or activities because of where they come 2 _______.

Racism can be revealed through people's actions as well as their altitudes. !t can also be reflected in systems and institutions. But sometímes it may not be revealed at ali. Not ali racism is obvious. For examp!e, someone may look 3 _______ a list of job applicants and decide not to interview people with certain surnames.

Racism is more than just words, beliefs and actions. lt includes ali the barriers that prevent people from enjoying dignity and equality because of their race. 


Read the following sentence.

"People often associate racism with acts of abuse or harassment."

The underlined word "often" can be replaced by

61: A
62: D
63: B
64: E
65: B