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Q1805739 Inglês
In paragraph 2, the option that fits the gap appropriately in standard language is
Q1804055 Inglês

IMO Action Plan to address marine plastic litter from ships

  IMO?s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) in 2018 adopted the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Action Plan to address marine plastic litter from ships, which aims to enhance existing regulations and introduce new supporting measures to reduce marine plastic litter from ships.

What is marine litter? 

  Plastic materials in all shapes and sizes are omnipresent in our seas and oceans. They break down extremely slowly in the marine environment, taking in excess of 400 years. Marine litter originates from many sources and causes a wide spectrum of environmental, economic, safety, health and cultural impacts. For example, marine litter can cause harm to sea life if ingested or even death if a marine mammal becomes entangled in litter.

  Marine litter has been defined by UN Environment (United Nations Environment) as “any persistent, manufactured or processed solid material discarded, disposed of or abandoned in the marine and coastal environment. Marine litter consists of items that have been made or used by people and deliberately discarded into the sea or rivers or on beaches; brought indirectly to the sea with rivers, sewage, storm water or winds; accidentally lost, including material lost at sea in bad weather (fishing gear, cargo); or deliberately left by people on beaches and shores.”

   Marine litter, including plastics and microplastics, is known to result from land-based sources in massive quantities but can also originate from ships. Debris particles have been observed in coastal areas, in waters far from anthropogenic pollution sources, in surface waters, in the water column of deep water and in ocean sediments, and from the equator to the poles, including trapped in sea ice.

  UN Environment estimates that 15% of marine litter floats on the sea's surface, 15% remains in the water column and 70% rests on the seabed.

  According to another study, 5.25 million plastic particles, weighing 268,940 tonnes in total, are currently floating in the world”s oceans.

What problems does marinelitter cause? 

  In addition to the environmental and health problems posed by marine litter, floating garbage and plastics pose a costly as well as dangerous problem for shipping, as they can be anavigational hazard and become entangled in propellers and rudders.

  Another problem requiring urgent remedial action is the massive accumulation of plastics, not only in coastal areas but also in the deep sea.

  This litter is harmful to marine life: sea creatures can become trapped inside containers or strangled by nets or ropes, and microplastics can also enter the food chain as they are indigestible when swallowed.

(Adapted from

Mark the correct option to complete the statements below.

I - Brazilian people ______ responsible for litter discarded.

II - Shipping debris ________too.

III - Cattle _______ as important as marine species.

IV -The police __________ investigating crime against the environment.

V - New statistics on marine litter decrease ______ not reliable.

Q1804048 Inglês
Mark the correct option to complete the text below.
Achemical-laden cargo ship is sinking off the coast of Sri Lanka, sparkling fears of an environmental disaster
The Singapore-registered X-Press Pearl I- ________ on fire for almost two weeks before the blaze II- _________ this week. Hundreds of tonnes of oil from fuel tanks III- _________ into the sea, IV- ____________nearby marine life. The Sri Lankan and Indian navies V- _________jointly over the past days in an attempt VI- ________ the fire and VI- _________ the ship from breaking and sinking.
(Adapted from>news>word...)

Q1804045 Inglês

Based on the text, answer question.

What the Ever Given can tell us about mental health at sea

Captain Lee Clarke from Tapiit Live on one of the overlooked aspects stemming from last month's Suez blockage.

    Thirty days ago, a ship named Ever Given was sailing in relative anonymity. Twenty-nine days ago, that same ship found itself splashed across the front cover of every national newspaper from London to Lima.
    In a matter of hours, the ship and its 25 strong crew went from highly skilled seafarers to media targets. In the maelstrom of social media memes, newspaper cover stories and “special reports”, one major thing was forgotten, more likely ignored: the crew”'s mental well-being.
    In a world of social media, everyone is an expert, and never has that been felt more in the maritime industry than now. A frenzy of blame erupted almost instantly with little or no merit or fact-checking, as evidenced by the naming of a female officer as the Ever Given's Captain, regardless of the fact she was over 200 miles away on another vessel.
    Being a seafareris a stressful job, irrespective of a global incident, especially when you factor in being away from family for extended periods and working contract to contract with little job security. You also have to cope with fatigue, extreme weather conditions and intense time pressure placed upon the crew and its Master by multiple state and global agencies as well as the ship”s own charter. So, add to that taking the “blame” for halting $9.6 billion of trade a day, understandably, stress levels rise astronomically.
    As an industry, mental health appears still to be very much a taboo topic. Seafarers are more likely to be signed off and dismissed for being deemed “unfit to serve” than they are to receive any form of support. Whilst onboard, the mood will feel somewhat supportive with the crew banding together to keep the ship operating, internally, each and every seafarer, from deckhand to Master will be worrying about their reputation and thus, their employability.
    I-  __________ my experience as a Captain, your crew is your first line II-  ____________ defence III- ____________any major incident. As soon as something goes awry, they burst IV- _____________ action, they're trained to do so, it's instinctive. I have no doubt, everyone aboard the Ever Given did everything V- _________  their power to protect that ship and avoid a major incident, but some things are VI- __________your control. In reality, they will never be praised for saving the ship, only criticised for grounding it.
    This crew is acutely aware of the issues the incident has caused and they are reminded of it every time they open their phone or computer to read the news or speak to their families, and I feel for every single one ofthem.
    They”re now stuck in an Egyptian lake, further away from their families, without the ability to defend themselves with the threat of civil and criminal charges looming. This downward spiral will undoubtedly be taking its toll on their mental health and in the past, there hasn't been much of a support system in place to help.
    Based on my experience offshore, working for a company that provides mental well-being training, and from all of the feedback, Tapiit has garnered from its live-streamed mental health awareness courses, seafarers want and need this support. Yet, there's a deep-rooted fear that admitting they're struggling and asking for help will be the end of their careers.
    Of course, the conversation has advanced significantly, however, it's still not where it should be. The harsh reality is, the Ever Given and its crew will be forgotten about in a month or two”s time, but this crew is hurting and will continue to struggle with the mental health issues caused by the incident for years to come.
(Adapted from>what-the-ev...) 
Mark the option that completes the blank spaces,in paragraph six, in the text above.
Q1779373 Inglês
Read the text and answer question.

‘Emily in Paris’ star says he partly understands why critics
panned the ‘cliché’ Netflix show

   Despite being a huge hit for Netflix, critics across the board (particularly French critics) have slammed the show for indulging in outdated and offensive stereotypes that present Parisians as rude, sexist, and elitist.
  The main love interest in Netflix’s controversial comedy “Emily in Paris” said he partly understands why critics have panned the show. “I think they’re right in a way,” Lucas Bravo, who plays chef Gabriel in the show, said during an interview with Cosmopolitan.
   The 32-year-old French actor continued: “At some point, if you want to tell a story about Paris, you have to choose an angle. You have to choose a vision. French critics, they didn’t understand the fact that it’s just one vision. They’re like, ‘Oh, this is not what Paris is.’ Of course. Paris is many things.”
Adapted from 
In the sentence “At some point, if you want to tell a story about Paris, you have to choose an angle”, the words “have to” could be substituted by:
71: B
72: C
73: C
74: E
75: B