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Q666741 Inglês

He had felt terrible for three days, so Bob finally called his doctor’s office.

“The doctor can see you in three weeks”, he was told. An outraged Bob bellowed, “Three weeks? The doctor can’t see me for three weeks? I could be dead by then!”

Calmly the voice at the other end of the line replied, “If so, be sure to have someone call to cancel the appointment.”


outraged – ofendido, injuriado

bellow – gritar, berrar 

The underlined expression, in the text, can be replaced by
Q665976 Inglês

Child: Mom, uncle Tom looks so sleepy and tired.

Mom: He may have stayed up all night. 

“So”, underlined in the text, is closest in meaning to
Q664056 Inglês

“I have to prepare the country for the World Cup and the Olympics, but I also have another commitment, and that is to work very hard to end absolute poverty in Brazil. We still have 14 million in poverty. That’s my major challenge,” Dilma Roussef, Brazil’s first female president, said.

(Taken from The Washington Post Dec 5, 2010)


commitment – compromisso

“hard”, in bold type in the extract, is an adverb of

Q661795 Inglês
“almost”, in bold type in the text, is closest in meaning to________ , except:
76: B
77: D
78: C
79: B
80: B