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Q1126103 Inglês
The word “deadliest”, undelined in the text, is a
Q1050871 Inglês
Mark the correct option to complete the text below.
When Debbie Carr collapsed unconscious on the floor after an epileptic fit, ________ son might easily have panicked. But the youngster showed the kind of coolness in a crisis - and conversational skill - that was way beyond ________ years. ________ picked up the phone, dialled 999 and gave the operator ________ full name, _________ mother's name and the number of the house and the street where ________, lived. An ambulance was duly dispatched to Whinfield Terrace in Rowlands Gill, near Gateshead, Tyne and Wear. The operator kept ________ on the line until for around half an hour, awaiting the arrival of the ambulance.
(Adapted from: <>)
Q1050868 Inglês

Which option completes the tips below correctly?


- ______ way to lead is to lead by example. A good leader tells you how it’s done, a great one shows you how.

- As a leader,________ thing that you can give your team members is your time. A lot of them will go through a bad phase or will be clueless about what to do. At those times, they need to know you are there.

- People will look up to you. At times, even for things in which they are fa r________ than you. You don’t have to take their decisions, just provide them your confidence so that they can take their decisions.

((Abridged from:

Q1042352 Inglês
Mark the sentence in which “that” can correctly replace the pronoun.
Q1023862 Inglês


Passwords to be replaced by Web Authentication

It looks iike login usernames and passwords are on __(I)__ way out. No longer will we have to worry about the security of __(II)__ login credentiais. They are set to be replaced by an infinitely more secure login system known as Web Authentication. Web Authentication has become an official standard for logging in at the main Internet standards body, the World Wide Web Consortium (WWWC). It is a system that will be universally used by web browsers and platforms for simpier and stronger authentication processes. It will allow website users to iog in securely to their online accounts using a digital device, biometrics (such as fingerprints and facial recognition) or USB security keys.

The WWWC spoke about the days of passwords being numbered. A spokesperson said: "lt’s common knowledge that passwords have outlived their efficacy. Not only are stoien, weak or default passwords behind 81 per cent of data breaches, they are a drain of time and resources." It added: "Now is the time for web Services and businesses to adopt Web Authentication to move beyond vulnerable passwords and help web users improve the security of their online experiences," Web Authentication means users are at less risk of having their passwords and credentiais stoien. This is because login authentication is achieved via physicai vices or biometrics from our body.

              <https://breakingnewsenglish.eom/1904/190401 -webauthentication.html>

Mark the option that fills in blanks I and II, respectively.
81: A
82: E
83: D
84: C
85: A