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Q1695470 Inglês
Which is the correct alternative to complete the paragraph below?

Many ofthe same questions that ________ about coal-powered propulsion _______ of the Internet of Things (loT) today: What's wrong with the traditional way; how will this benefit my fleet; why do we need to malee this change? They _______ all good questions, and they ______ a very natural human interest in the three areas that should matter most in deciding whether to use any maritime technology: safety, effectiveness and cost. The biggest challenges to IoT adoption _______. In large part, this is due to the ready availability of high-performance data collection.
(Adapted from: Sea Technology, December 2018).
Q1695460 Inglês
Development of world's first autonomous, zeroemission feeder postponed amid COVID-19 crisis

        Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the changed global outlook, the development of the world's first autonomous and electric container vessel Yara Birkeland is put on hold, Norwegian company Yara announced.
        Yara has decided to pause further development of the vessel and will assess next steps together with its partners, the company stated. The hull of the Yara Birkeland vessel was launched to sea in Romania in February 2020. The ship is expected to arrive at the Norwegian shipyard in May where it will be fitted with various control and navigation systems and undergo testing before delivery to Yara.
       Yara and technology company Kongsberg teamed up in 2017 with the ambition to build the world's first autonomous and zero-emission container vessel.
        Replacing 40,000 truck journeys a year, Yara Birkeland seeks to reduce NOx and CO2 emissions and improve road safety in a densely populated urban area in Norway.

(Adapted from:
In "[... ] the world's first autonomous and electric container vessel Yara Birkeland is put on hold [... ].",the idiom in bold means:
Q1695323 Inglês
Read the dialogue below.
John: "I am about to fall asleep. I need to stay awake!" Katie: I"______ you some coffee."

Complete the dialogue with the right option. 
Q1695322 Inglês
Read the sentence below.
He feels like eating a lot of ice cream on Friday.

Change the sentence to Simple Past tense and negative form. Then, mark the correct option.
Q1695307 Inglês
Coronavirus: Venice Carnival closes as Italy imposes lockdown

23 February 2020

Italian officials have cut short the Venice Carnival as they try to control what is now the worst outbreak of the coronavirus in Europe.

        Authorities in the Veneto region said the event would end later on Sunday, two days earlier than scheduled. Italy has by far the highest number of coronavirus cases in Europe, with 152. Three people have died.Italy has imposed strict quarantine restrictions in two northern "hotspot" regions close to Milan and Venice.
        About 50,000 people cannot enter or leave several towns in Veneto and Lombardy for the next two weeks without special permission. Even outside the zone, many businesses and schools have suspended activities. and sporting events have been cancelled. The BBC's Mark Lowen described the situation just outside the zone. ln neighbouring Austria, a train from Venice was stopped at the Austrian border after it emerged that two passengers had fever symptoms. Austria's Interior Minister Karl Nehammer later confirmed to the BBC that the pair tested negative for coronavirus.
        ºAll authorities have acted quickly and with great caution in this case," said Mr Nehammer in a statement. "The reporting chain worked without delay." Elsewhere, authorities in South Korea and Iran are battling to control rising numbers of infections. South Korea has raised its coronavirus alert to the "highest level".
        The new strain of coronavirus, which originated last year in Hubei province in China, causes a respiratory disease called Covid-19. China has seen more than 76,000 infections and 2,442 deaths.

What is happening in Italy?

        Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced on Saturday that "extraordinary measures" would come into force to try to stem the rising number of coronavirus cases.
        He said the quarantine restrictions could last for weeks. Police, and if necessary the armed forces, will have the authority to ensure the regulations are enforced.
        Angelo Borrelli, the head of Italy's Civil Protection Department, told reporters that 11 O of the confirmed cases were in Lombardy, with 21 in Veneto with others in EmiliaRomagna and Lazio. Officials reported a third death on Sunday, an elderly woman from the town of Crema suffering from cancer. Italian officials say they are still trying to trace the source of the outbreak.
        Universities in Milan have been closed and the city's mayor, Giuseppe Sala, said schools would also close their doors while the outbreak continued. "As a precaution I think that the schools have to be closed in Milan. I will propose to the president of the region to enlarge the precaution to the entire metropolitan city area. lt is just a precautton, we don't want to create parue," he said.
        Meanwhile Giorgio Armanì's fashion show, scheduled to be held (I) Milan (li) Sunday, went ahead but without any media or buyers present. The show was livestreamed (lii) its website, lnstagram and Facebook pages.

Adapted from: https ://www. b be. com/news/world-e u rope51602007
Mark the sentence from the text that contains the use of Present Continuous.
86: E
87: C
88: C
89: C
90: E