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Q2201218 Inglês
Read the text and answer the question.

From space, astronaut sounds the alarm about climate crisis
The Associated Press

    A French astronaut has used a video call from space to sound the alarm about worsening repercussions from climate change that he can see ______ the International Space Station.
       Entire regions of Earth in flames. Storms trailing destruction in their wake. And the haunting fragility of humanity’s only home floating like a blue — but also tarnished — pearl in the vastness of space.
      Through the portholes ______ the International Space Station, French astronaut Thomas Pesquet has an arresting view of global warming’s repercussions. He used a video call from space to sound the alarm Thursday, as negotiators, government officials and activists continued meeting at a U.N. climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland.
        “We see the pollution of rivers, atmospheric pollution, things like that.”
        “We saw entire regions burning from the space station, ______ Canada, in California,” he said. “We saw all of California covered ______ a cloud of smoke and flames with the naked eye from 400 kilometers (250 miles) up.”

Adapted from Access on October 25th.
Mark the alternative that contains the correct sequence of words to complete the text.  
Q2201210 Inglês

Read the text and answer the question.

The pursuit of happiness can end in pain  

Maggie Mulqueen, psychologist  

Adapted from

Choose the alternative that fills in the blank with the correct words.  
Q2199911 Inglês
II. Texto de interpretação para resolução de questões de INGLÊS

February 25, 2019
By LiseAlves, Senior Contributing Reporter
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Exactly one month alter Brazil's most deadly mining disasters, firefighters and volunteers still search for at least 131 people still missing under tons of mud left behind alter adam in the Feijão mining complex, owned by Brazilian giant, Vale, gave way on January 25th. So lar 179 corpses have been retríeved and identified.
"The search starts at 5 am, when the teams gel up. At 6:30 am, we gather for directions, a safety briefing and guidelines of what will be dane throughout the day. The teams are then taken into lhe field," firefighter Lt. Col. Anderson Passos tells journalists.
"At lhe end of lhe day, when lhe teams return, they give us feedback on how the search went. We then hold a meeting to plan the next day and everything repeats itself," concluded lhe official.

(Adapted from: https;//riotimesonl ine. cornlbrazll-news!rio-politics/month-after-brumad inho-dam-tragedy-131-still-miss ing/)
" _______American?" Complete the space with the correct form of the verb and the pronoun.
Q2199908 Inglês
II. Texto de interpretação para resolução de questões de INGLÊS

February 25, 2019
By LiseAlves, Senior Contributing Reporter
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Exactly one month alter Brazil's most deadly mining disasters, firefighters and volunteers still search for at least 131 people still missing under tons of mud left behind alter adam in the Feijão mining complex, owned by Brazilian giant, Vale, gave way on January 25th. So lar 179 corpses have been retríeved and identified.
"The search starts at 5 am, when the teams gel up. At 6:30 am, we gather for directions, a safety briefing and guidelines of what will be dane throughout the day. The teams are then taken into lhe field," firefighter Lt. Col. Anderson Passos tells journalists.
"At lhe end of lhe day, when lhe teams return, they give us feedback on how the search went. We then hold a meeting to plan the next day and everything repeats itself," concluded lhe official.

(Adapted from: https;//riotimesonl ine. cornlbrazll-news!rio-politics/month-after-brumad inho-dam-tragedy-131-still-miss ing/)

Complete the sentence below using the appropriate words:

Mr. Harris ____ trains: He is afraid of airplanes and ___ like buses, bul____trains.

Q2199883 Inglês

II. Texto de interpretação para resolução de questões de INGLÊS

February 25, 2019

By LiseAlves, Senior Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Exactly one month after Brazil's most deadly mining disasters, firefighters and volunteers still search for at least 131 people still missing under tons of mud left behind after adam in the Feijão mining complex, owned by Brazilian giant, Vale, gave way on January 25th. So far 179 corpses have been retrieved and identified.

"The search starts at 5 am, when the teams get up. At 6:30 am, we gather for directions, a safety briefing and guidelines of what will be dane throughout lhe day. The teams are then taken into the field," firefighter Lt. Col. Anderson Passos tells journalists.

"At the end of lhe day, when the teams return, they give us feedback on how lhe search went. We then hold a meeting to plan lhe next day and everything repeats itself," concluded the official.

(Adapted from:ío-po!ítics/month-after-brumadínho-dam-tragedy-131-still-míssing/)

Complete the sentence below using lhe appropriate words:

Mr. Harris ____ trains: Heis afraid of airplanes and ___ like buses, but ____ trains. 

6: A
7: B
8: B
9: A
10: A