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Q1662097 Inglês
The passage “the damage was nothing compared to what had happened in Siberia nearly one hundred years ago” (lines 7 to 9) states that the incident occurred _______ a century ago.
Q1660122 Inglês


I’ve paid my dues

Time after time

I’ve done my sentence

But committed no crime

And bad mistakes

I’ve made a few

I’ve had my share of sand kicked in my face

But I’ve come through

We are the champions, my friends

And we’ll keep on fighting ‘til the end

We are the champions

We are the champions

No time for losers

‘Cause we are the champions of the world

Adapted from: https:



The word “losers” underlined in the text is
Q1659878 Inglês

Many advertisements also contain a ________slogan or a ________ to attract the consumer’s attention. Effective slogans are usually short, easy to remember and to repeat. Another technique for advertising is ________ commercials. It’s when a person, often a famous one, shows up in ads and commercials. They speak on behalf of a product and they promote from hygiene items to financial institutions. Sponsors pay high ________ to these “posters boys” because it’s been proved that celebrities are a status symbol that not only play a role model but can easily influence people.

Adapted from Grad Two.

Choose the best alternative to complete the text subsequently.
Q1659870 Inglês

Diary: your life day by day

    Most people consider diaries indispensable - a reminder of what they have to do each day. This is especially true in the professional world. A diary can help you keep track of your agenda and make it easier for you to follow a planned schedule. In this sense, it is similar to a notebook with dates in which you write meetings and other things to remember. At school or at work, diaries are very useful.

    However, a diary can be more than a list of appointments: it can be a secret record of private thoughts. People write these diaries for different reasons: for fun or to read them years later. “It makes you think and form an opinion on what you are writing” - when you express your feelings and experiences, it’s easier to overcome your problems; it’s like a therapy.

    Nowadays, some people write e-diaries, called blogs or web logs. “They open their hearts” to other people on the Net.

     In fact, many people, famous or ordinary in fiction or in real life, write diaries.

Adapted from Inglês de olho no mundo do trabalho.

In…“A diary can help you keep track of your agenda”, the underlined words are closest in meaning to:
Q1659864 Inglês

Oil contaminating Brazil’s beaches very likely from


Anna Jean Kaiser

    Thick crude oil that has stained hundreds of miles of pristine Brazilian beach in recent weeks probably originated in Venezuela, the Brazilian government has said, in an accusation likely to further strain relations between the two countries.

    Brazilians authorities have been investigating the growing disaster for more than a month, as the oil has spread to more than 130 beaches across nine states.

    Ricardo Salles, the country’s environment minister, told that a study by Petrobrás had concluded that the oil “is very likely from Venezuela. He said that a foreign ship near Brazil’s coastline appeared to have caused the spill.

    There was no immediate response from Venezuela.

    Social media users have shared shocking images of the spill, showing kilometers of white sand stained with oil blotches and dead, oil-covered turtles and dolphins. One shows thick black oil lapping up against a rocky jetty.

Adapted from The Guardian.  

The word “‘strain”, underlined in the text, is closest in meaning to, EXCEPT:
101: C
102: C
103: A
104: C
105: A