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Q1042187 Inglês

                      Prison without guards or weapons in Brazil

      Tatiane Correia de Lima is a 26-year-old mother of two who is serving a 12-year sentence in Brazil. The South American country has the world’s fourth largest prison population and its jails regularly come under the spotlight for their poor conditions, with chronic overcrowding and gang violence provoking deadly riots.

      Lima had just been moved from a prison in the mainstream penitential system to a facility run ______(1) the Association for the Protection and Assistance to Convicts (APAC) in the town of Itaúna, in Minas Gerais state. Unlike in the mainstream system, “which steals your femininity”, as Lima puts it, at the APAC jail she is allowed to wear her own clothes and have a mirror, make-up and hair dye. But the difference between the regimes is far more than skin-deep.

      The APAC system has been gaining growing recognition as a safer, cheaper and more humane answer to the country’s prison crisis. All APAC prisoners must have passed through the mainstream system and must show remorse and be willing to follow the strict regime of work and study which is part of the system’s philosophy. There are no guards or weapons and visitors are greeted by an inmate who unlocks the main door to the small women’s jail.

      Inmates are known as recuperandos (recovering people), reflecting the APAC focus ______(2) restorative justice and rehabilitation. They must study and work, sometimes in collaboration with the local community. If they do not - or if they try to abscond - they risk being returned to the mainstream system. There have been physical fights but never a murder at an APAC jail.

                          Adapted from

Choose the alternative containing the correct words to respectively complete gaps (1) and (2).
Q1042029 Inglês
Smartphones are rewiring our brains
With beeps, buzzes and chimes alerting us to crucial intelligences like the latest software updates we'll regret installing, and our work colleague's groundbreaking new profile picture, our mastery of concentration is slipping away. Focus is becoming a lost art. One study reported that adults between the ages of 18 and 33 interact with their phones an astounding 85 times a day, spending about 5 hours doing so. Interestingly, their usage was largely unconscious. They all thought they spent about half the time. For Larry Rosen, a psychologist at Califórnia State University, smartphones are really influencing our behavior.
Benjamim Storm, a psychologist at the University of Califórnia says: “The scope of the amount of information we have at our fíngertips is beyond anything we've ever experienced. The temptation to become reliant on it seems to be greater”. One of his studies offered strong evidence that the more students were allowed to use the internet to answer questions, the more they were prone to continue to use the internet, even when the questions became easier. “Some people think memory is absolutely declining as a result of us using technology”, he says. “Others disagree”. Based on the current data, though, I don't think we can really make strong conclusions one way or the other”.
(Adapted and abridged from:

In the excerpt “[...] the more they were prone to continue to use the internet [...]”, the word in bold means:
Q1042026 Inglês
Mark the correct sentence.
Q1042022 Inglês

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences below.

I. She congratulated m e ______passing the driving test.

II. My parents discouraged me _____ quitting my job.

III. She got married______a foreigner.

IV. Many young people dream______living abroad.

V. The mayor was forced to resign ______ his position.

Q1042015 Inglês

Choose the correct altemative to complete the excerpt below.

“I agonized _______ whether I wanted to splurge _____a private tour and have a little more autonomy ______ where we went and how long we spent ______ each place, but ultimately went _______ a Gamma Travei group tour.”

(Abridged from: 1-after-the-n...)

106: E
107: B
108: D
109: C
110: C