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Q834781 Inglês
Choose the correct sentence.
Q834771 Inglês
Mark the only option which is NOT grammatically correct.
Q833010 Inglês

Na Língua Inglesa há regras específicas para a construção do plural dos substantivos.

A seguir, encontra-se um pequeno trecho de um texto sobre inteligências múltiplas cujos substantivos que estão entre parênteses no singular, deverão ser escritos na forma plural.

[...] Linguistic - using ___________ (word) effectively. These ____________ (learner) like reading, taking notes in their ________ (class), making up poetry or ___________(story). Interpersonal - understanding, interacting with others. These ______________ (student) learn through interaction. They like group ___________ (activity), ____________ (seminar), __________ (debate), _________ (interview). Logical-Mathematical - reasoning, calculating. __________ (Person) who excel in this intelligence like to experiment, solve ____________ (puzzle) play with logic __________ (game), read about ___________ (investigation), and solve ___________ (mystery).

Assinale a alternativa que completa correta e respectivamente as lacunas considerando os plurais de substantivos em inglês americano.

Q833009 Inglês

Nas sentenças apresentadas abaixo, falta um ou mais pronomes para que, gramaticalmente, elas estejam completas e corretas. Leia cada uma delas e complete-as com o pronome adequado.

I. I need to see the doctor. I’ll call ____ to make an appointment.

II. Pancreatic cancer is the 4th overall cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. because ____ is relatively symptom-free in the early stages.

III. My grandfather has always believed that a strict diet and daily exercise help avoid diseases. It seems to work for ____. _____ is 80 and healthy.

IV. Dr. Jack created a test to diagnose pancreatic cancer more quickly. _____ detects an abnormal protein that’s an indicator of the disease.

Assinale a alternativa que completa correta e respectivamente as lacunas.

Q829318 Inglês
The expression “further” (line 51) introduces an idea of
131: D
132: E
133: D
134: A
135: D