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Q2199881 Inglês

II. Texto de interpretação para resolução de questões de INGLÊS

February 25, 2019

By LiseAlves, Senior Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Exactly one month after Brazil's most deadly mining disasters, firefighters and volunteers still search for at least 131 people still missing under tons of mud left behind after adam in the Feijão mining complex, owned by Brazilian giant, Vale, gave way on January 25th. So far 179 corpses have been retrieved and identified.

"The search starts at 5 am, when the teams get up. At 6:30 am, we gather for directions, a safety briefing and guidelines of what will be dane throughout lhe day. The teams are then taken into the field," firefighter Lt. Col. Anderson Passos tells journalists.

"At the end of lhe day, when the teams return, they give us feedback on how lhe search went. We then hold a meeting to plan lhe next day and everything repeats itself," concluded the official.

(Adapted from:ío-po!ítics/month-after-brumadínho-dam-tragedy-131-still-míssing/)

 "__ American?" Complete the space with the carreei form of the verb and the pronoun. 
Q2198290 Inglês
February 25, 2019
By LiseAlves, Senior Contributing Reporter
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Exactly one month after Brazil's most deadly mining disasters, firefighters and volunteers still search for at least 131 people still missing under tons of mud left behind alter adam in the Feijão mining complex, owned by Brazilian giant, Vale, gave way on January 25th. So far 179 corpses have been retrieved and identified.
"The search starts at 5 am, when the teams get up. At 6:30 am, we gather for directions, a safety briefing and guidelines of what will be done throughout the day. The teams are then taken into the field," firefighter Lt. Col. Anderson Passos tells journalists.
"At the end of the day, when lhe teams return, they give us feedback on how the search went. We then hold a meeting to plan the next day and everything repeats itself," concluded the official.

(Adapted from: https:/iriolimesonline. com/brazl!-news/rio-politics/month-after-brumadinho-dam-tragedy-131-still-míssing/)

Complete the sentence below using the appropriate words:

Mr. Harris ____ trains: Heis afraid of airplanes and ____ like buses, but ___ trains.

Q2198288 Inglês
February 25, 2019
By LiseAlves, Senior Contributing Reporter
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Exactly one month after Brazil's most deadly mining disasters, firefighters and volunteers still search for at least 131 people still missing under tons of mud left behind alter adam in the Feijão mining complex, owned by Brazilian giant, Vale, gave way on January 25th. So far 179 corpses have been retrieved and identified.
"The search starts at 5 am, when the teams get up. At 6:30 am, we gather for directions, a safety briefing and guidelines of what will be done throughout the day. The teams are then taken into the field," firefighter Lt. Col. Anderson Passos tells journalists.
"At the end of the day, when lhe teams return, they give us feedback on how the search went. We then hold a meeting to plan the next day and everything repeats itself," concluded the official.

(Adapted from: https:/iriolimesonline. com/brazl!-news/rio-politics/month-after-brumadinho-dam-tragedy-131-still-míssing/)
" ___ American?" Complete lhe space with lhe correct form of lhe verb and the pronoun.
Q2172982 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the question.

Rice is a staple food for a large part of the world’s population, providing more than one fifth of the calories consumed worldwide, making it the second-most-consumed cereal grain. The rice plant grows about 2 to 5 feet high and is a flowering plant.

Rice is composed of the grain and husk. The grain is mainly used as food, but the vitamins, including Bcomplex, are found in the husk. Most people prefer to eat polished rice without the husk, but this can create a vitamin deficiency because polished rice doesn’t have many vitamins.

Much of the rice that we eat comes from southeastern Asia and grows in all countries that have a warm and moist climate, including India, China, and Japan. The traditional method for cultivating rice is to flood the fields after planting the seedlings. This simple method requires planning and maintenance of the water supply, but reduces the growth of weeds and deters vermin. Flooding is not mandatory, but all other methods of irrigation require more effort in weed and pest control and different methods of fertilization.

COOK, Ann, Grammar: American Accent Training – 2009, Page 208.
As a complex carb, it ___ the primary source of energy ____ over half of the world's people. Depending ___ the strain of rice, it can contain decent amounts ___ fibre, protein, vitamin B, iron and manganese. This means it can play a vital role against malnutrition:
Marque a opção gramaticalmente CORRETA para completar as lacunas do texto acima.
Ano: 2023 Banca: IBGP Órgão: CBM-MG Prova: IBGP - 2023 - CBM-MG - Cadete |
Q2101201 Inglês
Instruction: For question, read the passage below.

How to become a firefighter

Those who fight fires are trained to do their job anywhere – from forests to rural areas to urban high-rises. Firefighters work first and foremost to protect lives, and then they turn their attention to protecting property. Some firefighters choose to work their way up the ladder, so to speak, starting with volunteer work at their local firehouse, coupled with their high school diploma. Those who want to advance up the ranks faster can turn to a fire science degree that will prepare them for responsibilities at the state or federal level. Understanding different types of firefighting careers and what each entails is the first step to choosing the right path.

What Does a Firefighter Do?

Firefighters show up at the scene of a fire or emergency and rely on advanced tools and equipment to handle the situation. That's a very broad overview; now let's get down to the details.

Firefighter Careers Basics

Firefighters receive expert training that prepares them to handle a variety of emergency situations. Though fighting fires are what they are best known for (as the name implies), firefighters also handle medical emergencies, rescuing and treating the injured, educating the public and more. Their work often requires them to be on call at all hours; some respond to calls from their private homes, while others stay in the firehouse during their shifts in order to respond to calls much faster, especially in urban areas.

Availabe in: Access in: 11/10/2022.
A preposition is a word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show purpose, direction, time, place, location, or spatial relationships, or to introduce an object, among other meanings not listed here. Choose the alternative that CORRECTLY identifies the excerpt with a preposition that indicates purpose
11: E
12: E
13: A
14: B
15: B