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Q999277 Inglês
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Selecting the Olympic Sports 

1  There are 28 sports permitted in the Summer Olympic Games. The list of Olympic Sports has many of the world’s best-loved sports on it, such as baseball, judo, soccer, tennis, and volleyball. This list of sports hadn’t changed in 70 years
5  and the process for changing these sports is long and difficult. That is why it was surprising news when the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced that it was studying new sports for the list. At a meeting in Singapore in 2005, the IOC voted on each of the 28 sports from the 2004 Olympic
10  Games in Athens, Greece. Twenty-six of the 28 sports were selected for the 2012 Summer Olympic Games, which took place in London, England. The two sports that did not receive 50 percent of the votes were baseball and softball. Because these two sports were not selected, the IOC
15  started the process of voting for two new sports. The five sports to select from were roller skating, golf, rugby, squash, and karate. After the first vote, karate and squash were submitted to the IOC for the final vote.
To become an Olympic sport, a sport must receive two-
20  thirds of the votes of the IOC. When the final vote took place, squash received 39 “yes” votes and 63 “no” votes. Karate received 38 “yes” votes and 63 “no” votes. It meant that neither squash nor karate would feature in the 2012 Olympic Games. And sad fans didn’t believe that their sports could be
25  selected for the 2016 Olympic Games.

Adapted from Anderson, Neil J. - Active Skills for Reading -
second Edition
The numbers 28, 70, 2005 and 2016, in bold type in the text, are respectively expressed in words as _______.
Q997247 Inglês
Read the text to answer question.

The cabin crew battled to save the passenger 

Ben Graham

     Shocked passengers watched as doctors and cabin crew tried to save the life of a critically ill passenger on a Qantas flight to Sidney on Friday. 
    A Qantas spokeswoman confirmed that the passenger ________ received tratment during the medical emergency couldn’t survive. 
   The flight from London, via Singapore, was forced to land in Adelaide because of the incident. No passengers got off the flight while it was in Adelaide.
    A witness on board told that everything started with a cabin announcement asking for any doctors on board. There were two passengers with medical training, but nothing could be done to save the passenger. The crew did everything they could, including performing CPR with a doctor on board, but unfortunately the passenger has passed away.

Adapted from

Choose the correct verb to replace the phrasal verb “passed away”, in bold type in the text:
Q997242 Inglês
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The legislation follows a year-on-year increase in drone incidents. 

Joana Whitehead

    New laws introduced today will restrict all drones from flying above 400 feet or within one kilometer of airport boundaries. The legislation follows a year-on-year increase of drones incidents with aircraft, with 93 reported in 2017. The measures are hoped to reduce the possibility of damage to windows and engines of planes and helicopters. 
    Further laws will require owners of drones weighing 250 grams or more to register with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). The majority of drones users considered it is vital for drone pilots to adhere to the rules and guidelines of the CAA, a set of rules introduced to promote safe and responsible drone use.
Drones are here to stay, not only as a recriational pastime, but as a vital tool in many industries – from agriculture to blue-light services – so incresing public trust through safe drone flying is crucial. 

Adapted from

The verb “to adhere”, in bold type in the text, is closest in meaning to
Q997240 Inglês
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Celebrity Doubles

A group of teenagers is standing outside a shop in Manchester, England. Many of _____ have cameras and are looking in the shop window. ____ want to see the movie star Daniel Radcliffe. A man in the shop looks like Radcliffe, but ______ isn’t the famous actor. He’s Andrew Walker - a twenty-two-year old shop clerk. 
Walker isn’t surprised by the teenagers. People often stop _____ on the street and want to take his picture. Walker is a clerk, but he also makes money as Daniel’s double. Today, many companies work with celebrity doubles. They look like famous athletes, pop singers, and actors. The companies pay doubles to go to parties and business meetings. Doubles are also on TV and in newspapers ads. 
Why do people want to look like a celebrity? One double in the USA says, “I can make good money. I also make a lot of people happy”.

Adapted from World Link - Developing English Fluency

In “Walker is a clerk, but he also makes money as Daniel’s double (...)”, the underlined word means that Walker _________ Daniel. 
Q997237 Inglês
Read the text to answer question.

Roller skating


Roller skating used to be strictly for children. Nowadays, with the new neoprene wheels and frictionless ballbearings, rollerskating has become popular with people with of all ages and all social classes.  
Not only do people skate, they also dance on roller skates – ______ the term roller-disco.
To cater to the new fad, many indoor roller – disco rinks are opening all over the country. There people can dance on roller skates ______ in winter when there is snow and ice on the ground.

Life in the USA.

In “Roller skating used to be strictly for children.”, the verb “used to”, in bold type is closest in meaning to:
171: A
172: A
173: B
174: A
175: D