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Ano: 2015 Banca: Aeronáutica Órgão: EEAR Prova: Aeronáutica - 2015 - EEAR - Sargento |
Q1326234 Inglês

Read the article and answer question.

“largest”, (line 2 ), was used in the text as a
Q1175345 Inglês

Read the text and answer question. 


One fall day, as you walk down the street, you might see ghosts, strange animals, and other weird things. What’s going on? It’s probably October 31, or Halloween. Halloween is a day when people go out wearing costumes and colorful makeup.

People think that Halloween started in Ireland during the 400s. October 31 was the end of summer, and people believe that everyone who died during the year come back on that day. To scare away the dead, people put on costumes and went out into the streets to make noise.

Different cultures have different ways of celebrating Halloween. In the United States, it’s the night when children dress up in costumes and go to neighbors’ houses to “trick or treat”, or ask for candy. Some adults wear funny or scary costumes and go to parties or parades. Halloween has become a fun holiday for both adults and children.

Adapted from Interchange.

All the underlined words from the text are phrasal verbs, except:
Q1126107 Inglês
Choose the best alternative to have the text completed correctly.
Q1126103 Inglês
The word “deadliest”, undelined in the text, is a
Q1126095 Inglês
Choose the best verbal form to have the text completed correctly.
186: A
187: A
188: C
189: A
190: D