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Ano: 2020 Banca: Exército Órgão: EsSA Prova: Exército - 2020 - EsSA - Sargento |
Q1862832 Inglês
Brazilian Armed Forces

The Brazilian Armed Forces is the unified military organization formed by the Brazilian Army (including the Brazilian Army Aviation), the Brazilian Navy (including the Brazilian Marine Corps and Brazilian Naval Aviation) and the Brazilian Air Force.

Brazil's arrned forces are the third largest in the Amaricas, after the United States and Colombia, and the largest in Latin America by the level of mililary equipment, with approximalely 318,480 active-duty troops and officers. They are expanding their presence in the Amazon under the Northern Corridor (Calha Norte) program. ln 1994, Brazilian troops joined United Nations (UN) peacekeeping forces in five countries.

The Brazilian military, especially the army, is more involved in civic-action programs, education, health care, and constructing roads, bridges, and railroads across the nation. The 1988 Constitution preserves the externai and internal roles of the Armed Forces, but it places the military under presidential authority. (Adaptado de Brazilian Armed Forces. Revolvy, 2019.

Disponível em Acessoem: 19 de ago. de 2019) 
 According to the text, it is correct to say that: 
Q1859193 Inglês
Which option completes the text below correctly? 
     Do you feel mentally drained out ________ office? Are you constantly worried ________ meeting your deadline or are unable ________ achieve your targets? All these can lead ________ stress, a phenomenon faced _________ the majority of the working population.  
Q1859187 Inglês
Read the information below.  

           How do I know if I'm eligible to apply to the Naval Academy?

           You must be: 

- at least 17 years of age and must not have passed your 23rd birthday on July 1st of the year of admission;
- unmarried, not pregnant and have no incurred obligations of parenthood; and
- a United States citizen (except for the limited quotas of international midshipmen specifically authorized by Congress). 

(Adapted from

 Considering only the requirements above, who can apply to the Naval Academy?
Q1859186 Inglês
Which is the correct option to complete the text below?
   Personnel aboard HMS Queen Elizabeth _______ in a sports day to reinvigorate interest in team sports.
   The event, led by the NAVYfit team at HMS Temeraire, working under Covid-19 guidance, provided an opportunity for personnel to ______ in a range of activities, designed to show the importance of sport and fitness to health and well-being.

(“Sporting opportunities for carrier personnel”, Naval News, p. 36, December 2020.)  
Q1859185 Inglês
Choose the correct option to complete the text below.
    In February, the Royal Navy's submarine HMS Talent (S92) ______ the upgraded Spearfish torpedo near the Isle of Skye to rigorously test it before it ______ service.
   During the three-day trial, the torpedo ______ at Talent three times and ______ to safely pass the submarine.
    The trials ______ valuable data in the final stages of the upgraded torpedo's development ahead of its entry into service.
    The operational version of the weapon ______ to all front-line Royal Navy submarines by 2025.

(Adapted from https:/ 
216: D
217: B
218: D
219: A
220: B