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Q659434 Inglês

Religion ________ central to people's lives in Africa. Although the majority of Africans are now Muslim or Christian, traditional religions have endured and still play a big role. Religion runs like a thread through daily life, marked by prayers of gratitude in times of plenty and prayers of supplication in times of need. Religion confirms identity on the individual and the group.



Endure – to continue to exist for a long time

Thread – one part connecting with another  

Mark the alternative that completes the gap from the text correctly.
Q659425 Inglês

Many South Africans remain poor and unemployment is high − a factor blamed for a wave of violent attacks against migrant workers from other African countries in 2008 and protests by township residents over poor living conditions during the summer of 2009.

Land redistribution is a crucial problem that continues existing. Most farmland is still white-owned. ________ land acquisition on a "willing buyer, willing seller" basis, officials have signaled that large-scale expropriations are on the cards. The government aims to transfer 30% of farmland to black South Africans by 2014.


Mark the alternative that completes the gap with the correct verbal tense.
Q659422 Inglês

When football _____ professional in South Africa in 1959, 12 clubs broke from the amateur ranks. However, in the strict days of Apartheid, these pioneers _____ whites-only organizations and _____ today, all but a few, defunct. One of the survivors is Arcadia from Tshwane/ Pretoria, an outfit that today competes in the amateur ranks and concentrates on junior football.


Mark the alternative which completes the gaps from the text correctly.
Q658812 Inglês
The sentence “The Military Aviation [e] activated its Military Aviation School after the Great War [e]” can be rewritten, with the same meaning, as _________.
Q658694 Inglês

                          How to Become a Stunt Double

A stunt double stands in for the actor when the action or fight scene gets dangerous or goes beyond the capabilities of the actor. To become a stunt double, you must be in excellent physical condition and have special skills.  


1. Exercise regularly if you want to become a stunt double. Eat nutritiously for optimal health and strength.

2. Take lots of lessons because the more skills you have, the better. Gymnastics is extremely important in becoming a stunt double. Get good at trampoline, skateboarding, swimming and high board diving. Take scuba diving lessons. Practice rock climbing and horseback riding. Learn to water ski and snow ski.

3. Enroll in martial arts classes, especially judo. Judo is excellent for learning how to break falls.

4. Get training in CPR(1) and First Aid. This training looks good on a résumé, especially for stunt double careers. Injuries happen.

5. Have valid driver's licenses for both car and motorcycle. Take advanced driving classes so you'll be qualified for difficult driving scenes.

6. Move to Hollywood and plan to work your way up from the bottom. You must get into the Screen Actors Guild(2) and have a union card(3) .

                                                                                  Taken from Google

(1) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

(2) Annual prize promoted by the American Syndicate of Actors.

(3) A card certifying membership in an organization. 

After reading the first item of the instructions, mark the option that completes the gap in the converted sentence below.

“If you want to become a stunt double you ________ exercise regularly.”

311: A
312: D
313: B
314: B
315: D