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Q1042026 Inglês
Mark the correct sentence.
Q1042022 Inglês

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences below.

I. She congratulated m e ______passing the driving test.

II. My parents discouraged me _____ quitting my job.

III. She got married______a foreigner.

IV. Many young people dream______living abroad.

V. The mayor was forced to resign ______ his position.

Q956585 Inglês


      America’s deadliest building fire for more than a decade struck Oakland, California, on December 2nd 2016, killing 36 people attending a dance party in a warehouse that had become a cluttered artist collective. The disaster highlights an open secret: many cities lack resources to inspect for fire risk all the structures that they should. Even though the Oakland building had no fire sprinklers and at least ten people lived there illegally, no inspector had visited in about 30 years. How might cities make better use of the inspectors they do have?

      A handful of American cities have begun to seek help from a new type of analytics software. By crunching diverse data collected by government bodies and utilities, the software works out which buildings are most likely to catch fire and should therefore be inspected first. Plenty of factors play a role. Older, wooden buildings, unsurprisingly, pose more risk, as do those close to past fires and leaks of gas or oil. Poverty also pushes up fire risk, especially if lots of children, who may be attracted to mischief, live nearby. More telling are unpaid taxes, foreclosure proceedings and recorded complaints of mould, rats, crumbling plaster, accumulating rubbish, and domestic fights, all of which hint at property neglect. A building’s fire risk also increases the further it is from its owner’s residence.

      Predictive software designed at Harvard that Portland, Oregon, will soon begin using will do that. Perhaps more importantly, the city’s fire chief noticed that buildings marked as being the biggest risks are clustered in areas lacking good schools, public transport, health care and food options. Healthier, happier people start fewer fires, he concluded. He now lobbies officials to reduce Portland’s pockets of deteriorated areas.

(The Economist. /2018/08/29/how-cities-can-better-prevent-fires. Adaptado)

No trecho do primeiro parágrafo “Even though the Oakland building had no fire sprinklers”, a expressão em destaque equivale, em português, a
Q933368 Inglês
Choose the correct alternative.
Q933367 Inglês
Which option is correct?
31: D
32: C
33: A
34: B
35: A