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Q1042014 Inglês

Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph below.

Is an autonomous ship a 'ship' in the eyes of the law?

Different defmitions of 'ship' appear in different statutes and conventions, and it has often fallen to judges to decide if a floating object is, or is not, a 'ship'. ______________ , none of the defmitions of'ship' requires that the floating object be manned, generally simply requiring that it be used or be capable of being used in navigation. Whether this is by remote control or fully autonomous would not appear to be a problem in terms of the legal definition of a 'ship'. It appears probable,________________ , that autonomous ships are likely to fali within the legal definition of 'ship' and so will have to comply with the relevant laws and conventions ______________ the laws themselves might require some modification.

(Abridged from SEAWAYS -The International Journal o f the Nautical Inslitute. Dec/2017).

Ano: 2019 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: PM-SP Prova: VUNESP - 2019 - PM-SP - Aluno-Oficial - PM |
Q1035625 Inglês

What is Interpol? 

      Founded in 1923, Interpol is an international police organisation made up of 194 member countries. It is not a police force in the traditional sense – its agents are not able to arrest criminals. Instead, it is more of an informationsharing network, providing a way for national police forces to co-operate effectively and tackle international crime ranging from human trafficking and terrorism to money laundering and illegal art dealing.

      The organisation, based in France, operates centralised criminal databases that contain fingerprint records, DNA samples and stolen documents: a treasure trove so valuable that police consulted it 146 times every second in 2017. Interpol’s other main function is to issue notices: alerts to member states for missing or wanted persons. The bestknown of these is the “Red Notice”, a notification that a member state would like someone arrested. States are not obliged to follow these notices, but will often treat them as a warrant for someone’s arrest and extradition. “Diffusions”, which can be issued with less bureaucracy, are another popular way of seeking arrests through Interpol.

      Notices and diffusions lie at the heart of the organisation’s recent turmoil. Though Interpol’s constitution explicitly forbids any activities of a political character, activists accuse it of failing to enforce this rule.

    ( what-is-interpol. Adaptado)

No trecho do primeiro parágrafo “It is not a police force in the traditional sense – its agents are not able to arrest criminals”, o travessão pode ser substituído, sem alteração de sentido, por
Q1023866 Inglês

Observe the city map.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

lt’s correct to say that the

Q999280 Inglês

Read the text to answer question

                                  Across the Atlantic!

_____ Monday May 24, 1976, two Concorde jets crossed the Atlantic ocean _____ three hours and fifty minutes. The planes took off and landed _____ the same time.

                                                 Source Bonner, Margaret – Grammar Express - Longman

Choose the best alternative to complete the text.
Q978259 Inglês

                                                     Texto 1


      I’m guessing that some younger readers __(21)_ who Hedy Lamarr was. Old-timers remember her as a popular Hollywood star of the mid-20th century. Characterized by MGM studio mogul Louis B. Mayer as “the most beautiful girl in the world,” a title said to originally have been bestowed by stage director Max Reinhardt, she appeared in some 25 Hollywood films between 1938 and 1958.

       __(22)__ her fans and many of her Hollywood colleagues was her creative side. They were unaware that __(23)__ the cameras were not rolling, Ms. Lamarr might be at home at her drawing board, diligently working at some concept that might lead to a commercial product or a patentable invention.

      ___(24)_ an admirer of Hedy Lamarr the movie star (I particularly remember her in “Ziegfeld Girl,” costarring James Stewart, Judy Garland, Lana Turner, and Tony Martin, and “H. M. Pulham, Esq.,” with Robert Young and Van Heflen), I too was unaware of her innovative proclivities until 1984, when historian of cryptology David Kahn authored an article in IEEE Spectrum. It revealed to the uninitiated the existence of a 1941 patent __(25)__ to Lamarr and her co-inventor, George Antheil, based on frequency-hopping and titled “Secret Communication System.” World War II __(26)__ in Europe, and Hedy, a native Austrian, left her munitions magnate husband Friedrich Mandl and relocated to the United States in 1937. As Hitler moved relentlessly in his attempt to conquer most of northern Europe, she was appalled by the German U-boat sinking of the SS City of Benarus. (…). She considered quitting the movie business and offering her services to the newly organized National Inventors Council (NIC), __(27)__ to evaluate technology that could be useful in wartime, and chaired by inventor Charles Kettering. She did __(28)__, however.

In Hollywood, Hedy had met George Antheil, not an engineer but a composer with “a fair grasp of electronics,” as historian Kahn expressed it. Antheil joined her in her attempt to devise a jamproof guidance system for Allied torpedoes. A year before Pearl Harbor, she told Antheil she knew “a good deal about new munitions and various secret weapons,” presumably knowledge acquired while she was privy to discussions between Mandl and his munitions agents.

      While not on the movie set, Lamarr would work with Antheil in her apartment to move her idea from concept to a practical system. In her early working documents a reference is made to the 116RX, the 1939 Philco radio console that featured the first wireless remote control (termed the Mystery Control and offering the listener options to select up to eight stations, a volume control, and an off switch). This ___29__ just one among several inputs that inspired her to __30__ the idea she called “hopping of frequencies” (...)

CHRISTIANSEN, D. Adaptado de From Film Star to Frequency-Hopping Inventor. In: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 15/06/2018.

Choose the best option to fill in the blank with the number __29__
41: E
42: D
43: D
44: B
45: B