Questões da Prova Marinha - 2013 - EFOMM - Oficial da Marinha Mercante - Primeiro Dia

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Q644676 Inglês
There are two options for the sentences below, choose the ONLY one that both options are possible.
Q644675 Inglês
In which sentence below can you leave out the relative pronoun?
Q644674 Inglês

Choose the option that completes the text below:

I had a really funny evening yesterday, Mary. I got talking to this boy in the pub, very nice-looking he was, and I could see he _________ me. He said he _________ anybody like me before, and he felt I _________ a very unusual kind of beauty. Oh, yes? I said. Then he asked me if I _________ a lift home, so I said no, I _________ hungry, so we went out for a curry.

Q644673 Inglês
Which statement CAN NOT be inferred from the text?
Q644672 Inglês
The prefix un as in ‘unclear’ (line 17) is used correctly in all alternatives EXCEPT:
31: B
32: B
33: C
34: A
35: E