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Díspõem -se de três lâmpadas idênticas de 24 W -12V cada uma e, para alimentá-las, uma bateria capaz de manter em seus terminais uma diferença de potencial constante igual a 18 V. Para que elas possam ser ligadas à bateria e funcionem de acordo com suas especificações, é necessário utilizar um resistor adicional, de resistência R, como ilustra o esquema a seguir.
O valor da resistência R do resistor adicional é:
A figura mostra um bloco em repouso sobre uma rampa inclinada em relação à horizontal. Nela, estão desenhados quatro segmentos orientados.
O segmento orientado que pode representar a força
exercida pela rampa sobre o bloco é:
Uma caixa muito pesada deve ser mantida em repouso, suspensa por dois fios ideais de mesmo comprimento a um suporte horizontal. As figuras a seguir sugerem quatro modos de suspender a caixa.
O modo no qual é maior a probabilidade de os fios se
romperem por não suportarem as tensões a que ficam
submetidos é:
Dispõe-se de dois resistores idênticos, ambos de mesma resistência R, e de uma bateria capaz de manter em seus terminais uma diferença de potencial constante. Há dois modos de ligar os resistores à bateria, como ilustram os esquemas abaixo.
Seja P1 a potência consumida pelos resistores quando
estão ligados, como ilustra o esquema (1), e P2 a potência
consumida por eles quando estão ligados como ilustra o
esquema (2). A razão P1/P2 é igual a:
Um operário deseja sustentar em repouso uma carga de peso P com o auxílio de três roldanas. Associando as roldanas como mostra a figura 1, ele consegue sustentar a carga exercendo uma força de módulo igual a F1. Já associando as roldanas como mostra a figura 2, ele precisa exercer uma força de módulo igual a F2. Finalmente, associando as roldanas como mostra a figura 3, ele precisa exercer uma força de módulo igual a F3.
Considere os fios e as roldanas ideais e desprezíveis
os atritos nos eixos das roldanas fixas. Nesse caso,
F1, F2 e F3 são tais que:
Com o auxílio de um motor elétrico, faz-se um bloco de massa m subir uma altura h, com velocidade escalar constante, como ilustra a figura 1 . Nesse caso, supondo a resistência do ar desprezível, o motor realiza um trabalho W1 e desenvolve uma potência P1 Com o auxílio de um outro motor elétrico, faz-se o mesmo bloco deslizar ao longo da reta de maior declive de uma rampa inclinada, percorrendo a distância d com a mesma velocidade escalar constante, até subir a mesma altura h como ilustra a figura 2.
Nesse caso, supondo os atritos desprezíveis, o motor realiza um trabalho W2 e desenvolve uma potência P2.
Comparando os trabalhos realizados e as potências
desenvolvidas, verifica-se que:
A figura 1 m ostra duas barras m etálicas na temperatura θ1: (A) com 64 cm de comprimento e (B),maior, com comprimento X.
A figura 2 mostra as mesmas barras na temperatura θ2 > θ1. Observe, porém, que embora ambas as barras tenham aumentado de tamanho, a diferença d entre seus comprimentos continua a mesma.
Os coeficientes de dilatação linear dos metais das barras (A) e (B) valem, respectivamente, αA = 2,0. 10-5 °C-1 e αB = 1,6. 10-5 °C-1. Nesse caso, X é igual a:
Um helicóptero de resgate dos bombeiros conseguiu localizar uns excursionistas que se perderam no interior de uma reserva florestal. O grupo foi localizado numa pequena clareira existente entre árvores muito altas e frondosas, o que impedia a descida do helicóptero. O comandante, então, posicionou o helicóptero na vertical em cima da clareira para deixar cair, de paraquedas, um pacote com material de primeiros socorros. O gráfico a seguir representa como a velocidade do pacote varia em função do tempo, enquanto cai verticalmente, entre o instante em que foi abandonado (t = 0) e o instante T em que chegou ao solo.
O trecho I mostra como a velocidade do pacote varia antes de o paraquedas se abrir e os trechos II e III, depois de o paraquedas se abrir.
A resultante das forças que atuam sobre o pacote durante a queda é:
A figura representa, em gráfico cartesiano, como a velocidade escalar de uma partícula varia em função do tempo.
Se no instante t = 1 s, a partícula se encontrar na posição
de coordenada S1 = 12 m, no instante t = 4 s ela se
encontrará na posição de coordenada:
A tabela a seguir mostra a velocidade atingida por alguns animais em uma corrida:
Dentre esses animais, o que consegue atingir maior
velocidade é:
Com base no texto abaixo, responda à pergunta:
Working for the Navy can be a very interesting career choice. It will start with specialist training, both at sea and on-shore. As a result, you will develop practical and technical skills and will find yourself equipped with the confidence to interact in a team.
The Navy offers a lot of career options - from technical to non-technical posts, and for officer to civilian posts. There are hundreds of j ob opportunities available. But some positions come with high responsibilities.
For instance, Navy Electronics Technicians (ETs) are an exclusive group of professionals specially trained in electronic engineering and computer skills. They can operate and manage the electronic system s of the world’s most advanced ships and airplanes.
Another example of a Navy career is a Navy Hull Technician (HT). HTs maintain a ship’s marine sanitation system and also repair and maintain the small boats found aboard Navy ships.
Finally, Marine Technicians (MTs) operate, maintain and repair the ship’s machinery, as well as look after the power generation and distribution, and electrical control systems of ships.
Sound good so far? Take a look at the pathways to careers at sea. And find out where a j ob at sea could take you. W here do you see yourself? Click here.
(adaptado de
Com base no texto abaixo, responda à pergunta:
Working for the Navy can be a very interesting career choice. It will start with specialist training, both at sea and on-shore. As a result, you will develop practical and technical skills and will find yourself equipped with the confidence to interact in a team.
The Navy offers a lot of career options - from technical to non-technical posts, and for officer to civilian posts. There are hundreds of j ob opportunities available. But some positions come with high responsibilities.
For instance, Navy Electronics Technicians (ETs) are an exclusive group of professionals specially trained in electronic engineering and computer skills. They can operate and manage the electronic system s of the world’s most advanced ships and airplanes.
Another example of a Navy career is a Navy Hull Technician (HT). HTs maintain a ship’s marine sanitation system and also repair and maintain the small boats found aboard Navy ships.
Finally, Marine Technicians (MTs) operate, maintain and repair the ship’s machinery, as well as look after the power generation and distribution, and electrical control systems of ships.
Sound good so far? Take a look at the pathways to careers at sea. And find out where a j ob at sea could take you. W here do you see yourself? Click here.
(adaptado de
Com base no texto abaixo, responda à pergunta:
Working for the Navy can be a very interesting career choice. It will start with specialist training, both at sea and on-shore. As a result, you will develop practical and technical skills and will find yourself equipped with the confidence to interact in a team.
The Navy offers a lot of career options - from technical to non-technical posts, and for officer to civilian posts. There are hundreds of j ob opportunities available. But some positions come with high responsibilities.
For instance, Navy Electronics Technicians (ETs) are an exclusive group of professionals specially trained in electronic engineering and computer skills. They can operate and manage the electronic system s of the world’s most advanced ships and airplanes.
Another example of a Navy career is a Navy Hull Technician (HT). HTs maintain a ship’s marine sanitation system and also repair and maintain the small boats found aboard Navy ships.
Finally, Marine Technicians (MTs) operate, maintain and repair the ship’s machinery, as well as look after the power generation and distribution, and electrical control systems of ships.
Sound good so far? Take a look at the pathways to careers at sea. And find out where a j ob at sea could take you. W here do you see yourself? Click here.
(adaptado de
Com base no texto abaixo, responda à pergunta:
Working for the Navy can be a very interesting career choice. It will start with specialist training, both at sea and on-shore. As a result, you will develop practical and technical skills and will find yourself equipped with the confidence to interact in a team.
The Navy offers a lot of career options - from technical to non-technical posts, and for officer to civilian posts. There are hundreds of j ob opportunities available. But some positions come with high responsibilities.
For instance, Navy Electronics Technicians (ETs) are an exclusive group of professionals specially trained in electronic engineering and computer skills. They can operate and manage the electronic system s of the world’s most advanced ships and airplanes.
Another example of a Navy career is a Navy Hull Technician (HT). HTs maintain a ship’s marine sanitation system and also repair and maintain the small boats found aboard Navy ships.
Finally, Marine Technicians (MTs) operate, maintain and repair the ship’s machinery, as well as look after the power generation and distribution, and electrical control systems of ships.
Sound good so far? Take a look at the pathways to careers at sea. And find out where a j ob at sea could take you. W here do you see yourself? Click here.
(adaptado de
Com base no texto abaixo, responda à pergunta:
Working for the Navy can be a very interesting career choice. It will start with specialist training, both at sea and on-shore. As a result, you will develop practical and technical skills and will find yourself equipped with the confidence to interact in a team.
The Navy offers a lot of career options - from technical to non-technical posts, and for officer to civilian posts. There are hundreds of j ob opportunities available. But some positions come with high responsibilities.
For instance, Navy Electronics Technicians (ETs) are an exclusive group of professionals specially trained in electronic engineering and computer skills. They can operate and manage the electronic system s of the world’s most advanced ships and airplanes.
Another example of a Navy career is a Navy Hull Technician (HT). HTs maintain a ship’s marine sanitation system and also repair and maintain the small boats found aboard Navy ships.
Finally, Marine Technicians (MTs) operate, maintain and repair the ship’s machinery, as well as look after the power generation and distribution, and electrical control systems of ships.
Sound good so far? Take a look at the pathways to careers at sea. And find out where a j ob at sea could take you. W here do you see yourself? Click here.
(adaptado de