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Q1820812 Inglês
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    Although English is not the language with the largest number of native or ‘first’ language speakers, it has become a lingua franca. A lingua franca can be defined as a language widely adopted for communication between two speakers whose native languages are different from each other’s and where one or both speakers are using it as a ‘second’ language.
(HARMER, Jeremy. The practice of English language teaching. 4th ed. Longman, 2007. p.1. Adaptado)
No que concerne ao ensino da língua Inglesa, crescem os desafios para priorizar seu status como lingua franca, especialmente quando questões de política educacional linguística estão envolvidas. Assim, o ensino de inglês como língua franca ou língua internacional implica
Q1820811 Inglês
Collocation is the way in which words co-occur – combinations which, through custom and practice, have come to be seen as normal and acceptable. An acceptable collocation in the English language is being correctly used in alternative
Q1820810 Inglês

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    One school of thought which is widely accepted by many language teachers is that the development of our conceptual understanding and cognitive skills is a main objective of all education. Such conceptual understanding is arrived at not through ‘blind learning’, but through a process of discovery which leads to genuine understanding (Lewis 1986: 165). The things we learn for ourselves are absorbed more effectively than things we are taught.

    The practical implications of this view are quite clear: instead of explicitly teaching the present perfect tense, for instance, we will expose students to examples of it and then allow them, under our guidance, to work out for themselves how it is used. Instead of telling students which words collocate with crime, we can get them to look at a computer concordance of the word and discover the collocations on their own. Instead of telling them about spoken grammar we can get them to look at transcripts and come to their own conclusions about how it differs from written grammar. What we are doing, effectively, is to provoke ‘noticing for the learner’.

(HARMER, Jeremy. The practice of English language teaching. 4th ed. Longman, 2007. pp. 72-73. Adaptado)

The examples provided in the second paragraph illustrate a teacher very much concerned with
Q1820809 Inglês

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    One school of thought which is widely accepted by many language teachers is that the development of our conceptual understanding and cognitive skills is a main objective of all education. Such conceptual understanding is arrived at not through ‘blind learning’, but through a process of discovery which leads to genuine understanding (Lewis 1986: 165). The things we learn for ourselves are absorbed more effectively than things we are taught.

    The practical implications of this view are quite clear: instead of explicitly teaching the present perfect tense, for instance, we will expose students to examples of it and then allow them, under our guidance, to work out for themselves how it is used. Instead of telling students which words collocate with crime, we can get them to look at a computer concordance of the word and discover the collocations on their own. Instead of telling them about spoken grammar we can get them to look at transcripts and come to their own conclusions about how it differs from written grammar. What we are doing, effectively, is to provoke ‘noticing for the learner’.

(HARMER, Jeremy. The practice of English language teaching. 4th ed. Longman, 2007. pp. 72-73. Adaptado)

A proposal such as the one pictured in the excerpt is directed to teachers who believe that
Q1820808 Inglês

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Culture is really an integral part of the interaction between language and thought. Cultural patterns of cognition and customs are sometimes explicitly coded in language. Conversational discourse styles, for example, may be a factor of culture. Consider the “directness” of discourse of some cultures: in the United States, for example, casual conversation is said to be less frank and more concerned about face-saving than conversation in Greece, and therefore a Greek conversation may be more confrontational than a conversation in the United States, In Japanese, the relationsltip of one’s interlocutor is almost always expressed explicitly, either verbally and/or non-verbally. Perhaps those forms shape one’s perception of others in relation to self.

(Douglas Brown. Principles of language learning and teaching. 5th ed. Longman, 2000. P. 211. Adaptado)

Note the use of the passive in “Casual conversation is said to be less frank than conversation in Greece”. Another correct use of an impersonal passive is found in alternative
821: D
822: C
823: E
824: B
825: A