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Ano: 2023 Banca: IBFC Órgão: PM-PB Prova: IBFC - 2023 - PM-PB - Soldado PM - Combatente |
Q2289394 Inglês
Car crashes into second floor
of Pennsylvania home

    A man drove his car into the second floor of a Pennsylvania home on Sunday in what officials say was an "intentional act".
   Charges are pending against the driver after police found a grey vehicle sticking out of the side of the house in the city of Lewistown.
   Officials have not said how exactly the vehicle made its way to the second floor.         "The pictures speak for themselves", a fire official told the BBC.
    Anywhere from one to three people were inside the home at the time of the crash but were not injured, according to Sam Baumgardner, an administrator at the Junction Fire Company, which assisted in the response to the crash.
    The driver was able to climb out onto the roof after the crash and was taken to the hospital with injuries, Mr Baumgardner said.
    He added that the car likely hit the second floor because of a culvert - a tunnel that carries a stream under a road or railway - on the left side of the house.
   The driver "went into the culvert and propelled into the air and landed on the second floor", Mr Baumgardner said.
    In a report, Lewistown police said they had determined through an investigation that the crash was "an intentional act".
   Officials added that the driver will face charges for the crash.
     The BBC has reached out to police for comment.
   The fire department said it took about three hours to remove the car from the second floor.
   "The crew that was on the rescue definitely had to think outside the box," Mr Baumgardner said.
    Rescue crews helped stabilise the house and put a tarp over the hole from the crash because of upcoming storms, the Junction Fire Company said in a post on Facebook.

Internet: BBC News
Na frase “The BBC has reached out to police for comment”, podemos afirmar que a expressão sublinhada significa:
Ano: 2023 Banca: IBFC Órgão: PM-PB Prova: IBFC - 2023 - PM-PB - Soldado PM - Combatente |
Q2289392 Inglês
Car crashes into second floor
of Pennsylvania home

    A man drove his car into the second floor of a Pennsylvania home on Sunday in what officials say was an "intentional act".
   Charges are pending against the driver after police found a grey vehicle sticking out of the side of the house in the city of Lewistown.
   Officials have not said how exactly the vehicle made its way to the second floor.         "The pictures speak for themselves", a fire official told the BBC.
    Anywhere from one to three people were inside the home at the time of the crash but were not injured, according to Sam Baumgardner, an administrator at the Junction Fire Company, which assisted in the response to the crash.
    The driver was able to climb out onto the roof after the crash and was taken to the hospital with injuries, Mr Baumgardner said.
    He added that the car likely hit the second floor because of a culvert - a tunnel that carries a stream under a road or railway - on the left side of the house.
   The driver "went into the culvert and propelled into the air and landed on the second floor", Mr Baumgardner said.
    In a report, Lewistown police said they had determined through an investigation that the crash was "an intentional act".
   Officials added that the driver will face charges for the crash.
     The BBC has reached out to police for comment.
   The fire department said it took about three hours to remove the car from the second floor.
   "The crew that was on the rescue definitely had to think outside the box," Mr Baumgardner said.
    Rescue crews helped stabilise the house and put a tarp over the hole from the crash because of upcoming storms, the Junction Fire Company said in a post on Facebook.

Internet: BBC News
When the Officials added that the driver will face charges. The underlined sentence means: 
Ano: 2023 Banca: IBFC Órgão: PM-PB Prova: IBFC - 2023 - PM-PB - Soldado PM - Combatente |
Q2289384 Direito da Criança e do Adolescente - Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) - Lei nº 8.069 de 1990
Sobre o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), assinale a alternativa incorreta.
Ano: 2023 Banca: IBFC Órgão: PM-PB Prova: IBFC - 2023 - PM-PB - Soldado PM - Combatente |
Q2289383 Direito da Criança e do Adolescente - Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) - Lei nº 8.069 de 1990
A respeito do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), analise as afirmativas abaixo e dê valores Verdadeiro (V) ou Falso (F).
( ) Considera-se criança, para os efeitos desta Lei, a pessoa até treze anos de idade incompletos. ( ) Nos casos de prática de ato infracional, a internação, antes da sentença, pode ser determinada pelo prazo máximo de sessenta dias. ( ) São direitos do adolescente privado de liberdade, entre outros, receber visitas, ao menos, mensalmente. ( ) Uma das medidas previstas no ECA é a prestação de serviços à comunidade, cujas tarefas serão atribuídas conforme as aptidões do adolescente, devendo ser cumpridas durante jornada máxima de oito horas semanais, aos sábados, domingos e feriados ou dias úteis, de modo a não prejudicar a frequência à escola ou à jornada normal de trabalho. ( ) Rege a aplicação das medidas específicas de proteção previstas no ECA, entre outros, o princípio da intervenção mínima.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta de cima para baixo.
Ano: 2023 Banca: IBFC Órgão: PM-PB Prova: IBFC - 2023 - PM-PB - Soldado PM - Combatente |
Q2289382 Direito Penal
A Lei nº 8.072, de 25 de julho de 1990, dispõe sobre os crimes hediondos. A respeito desta normativa, assinale a alternativa correta.
6: D
7: B
8: C
9: C
10: B