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Q905550 Espanhol

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Absolut Vodka

Nuevo envase

Con su superfície de cristales finos, es primera vez en la historia que la marca sueca modifica la figura y textura de su icónica botella. Un regalo excepcional, que sin duda cautivará los coleccionistas de los diseños.

Absolut Limeted Edition, una botella excepcional, realizada con destellantes prismas en forma de diamante, que le otorgan al envase una superficie rugosa y tridimensional muy atactiva.

Regalo ideal.

A campanha publicitária da Vodka Absolut, afirma ao público que:

I. É a primeira vez que a marca sueca modifica a figura e a textura de sua desenhada e colorida garrafa.

II. Há dúvidas que consigam cativar aos colecionadores.

III. É o presente ideal.

IV. É a edição limitada de uma garrafa excepcional.

V. Provavelmente cativará a todos que consomem este tipo de bebida.

Assinale a alternativa correta.

Q905549 Inglês

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Argentina Raises Key Rate to 40%, Bringing Economic Uncertainty

BUENOS AIRES — Since his 2015 election, President Mauricio Macri has pushed to reconnect Argentina to the global financial system, after years of isolation.
His approach — emphasizing lower tariffs, accurate economic data, trade pacts and the freer flow of capital — was largely aimed at coaxing foreign investment back to Argentina and ending the economic exile that followed the country’s default in 2001.
But over the last week, Argentina has been reminded that when capital is free to flow in, it can also flow out, creating profound economic implications.
With foreign investors pulling their money en masse, Argentina’s central bank was forced to take drastic action to stabilize the country’s currency. On Friday, policymakers lifted the benchmark interest rate to 40 percent after days of intervening heavily in financial markets.
While it helped settle the markets, the move will weigh on the prospects for the president’s ambitious economic overhaul. It also has the potential to crimp growth, adding to political discontent.
The rate increase, a day after the Argentine peso fell 8.5 percent against the dollar, was the third in a week. The central bank said it would use “all the tools at its disposal” to slow inflation, which in March was up 25 percent from a year earlier, to 15 percent this year, a goal most analysts now see as unrealistic.
In parallel, officials announced that they would cut government spending, and reduce the primary budget deficit to 2.7 percent, from the earlier goal of 3.2 percent. Their decision was seen as a response to criticism from investors that Mr. Macri’s government had not been cutting spending quickly enough.
Mr. Macri was sworn into office in December 2015. Argentina had been closed to international markets for more than a decade amid a long-running legal fight with bondholders that followed a default on its debt.
Early on, Mr. Macri’s policies were greeted with widespread optimism by financial markets, which gobbled up the country’s newly issued bonds.
POLITI, D. MATT, P Argentina Raises Key Rate to 40%, Bringing Economic Uncertainty. The New York Times, 2018. Disponível em: <https:// n=click&contentCollection=americas&region=stream&module=stream_unit &version=latest&contentPlacement=8&pgtype=sectionfront>
According to the fragment text above, which other containment action was taken by officials?

Q905548 Inglês

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Climate change solutions

The Earth is getting warmer, and if the trend continues, humans may have some serious problems. Most of us are aware of the need for recycling and driving less, but what other ideas are the experts considering?

Man-made trees?

According to climate experts, one big problem we have right now is too much CO2 in the air. If we can out CO2 into the air, can we take it back out? At the moment, trees do this job - just not fast enough. So could we make treelike machines to do the job? Scientist Klaus Lackner of Columbia University in New York says yes and several companies are already developing the idea.

Smarter power for vehicles

• Electric car are more and more common all over the world, and the technology is getting better. And if you recharge the batteries with electricity which comes from solar and wind power, they are very clean technology.

• By law, the petrol sold in Brazil is 25% ethanol - a fuel made from sugar. It pollutes less than ordinary petrol. However, growing the sugar uses a lot of energy, and some people say the fuel can damage car engines.

• Hydrogen - a natural part of water - is used in some vehicles, including buses in cities around the world. It’s a great fuel, because the only waste it produces is water. The big problem is that making hydrogen fuel creates a lot of pollution.

Smoke to make shade?

Smoke from volcanoes and forest fires is known to block the sun and cool the Earth. Scientists at the University of Bristol in the UK have done experiments to test the idea of creating smoke to cool the world. The idea is disliked by most experts as a possibly very dangerous way to fight climate change. Dr Hugh Hunt, director of the research projects, said that the technology won’t be developed in the near future.

A vegetarian diet?

According to a report by the United Nations, producing meat creates more greenhouse gas emissions than transport - 18% of the world’s total. Eating less meat would help to reduce emissions and possibly fight global warming. Cities in Belgium, Brazil, Germany and South Africa - among many others - have “no-meat” days to bring the issue to people’s attention, and try to fight climate change close to home.

These are big ideas, but the solution in the end may be a big sum of small actions.

LANSFORD, L. Keynote Intermediate Workbook: 1. ed. National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, 2016

By the article, what is the meaning to have“non-meat” days in some countries around the world?
Q905547 Inglês

Utilize o texto abaixo para responder a questão.

Climate change solutions

The Earth is getting warmer, and if the trend continues, humans may have some serious problems. Most of us are aware of the need for recycling and driving less, but what other ideas are the experts considering?

Man-made trees?

According to climate experts, one big problem we have right now is too much CO2 in the air. If we can out CO2 into the air, can we take it back out? At the moment, trees do this job - just not fast enough. So could we make treelike machines to do the job? Scientist Klaus Lackner of Columbia University in New York says yes and several companies are already developing the idea.

Smarter power for vehicles

• Electric car are more and more common all over the world, and the technology is getting better. And if you recharge the batteries with electricity which comes from solar and wind power, they are very clean technology.

• By law, the petrol sold in Brazil is 25% ethanol - a fuel made from sugar. It pollutes less than ordinary petrol. However, growing the sugar uses a lot of energy, and some people say the fuel can damage car engines.

• Hydrogen - a natural part of water - is used in some vehicles, including buses in cities around the world. It’s a great fuel, because the only waste it produces is water. The big problem is that making hydrogen fuel creates a lot of pollution.

Smoke to make shade?

Smoke from volcanoes and forest fires is known to block the sun and cool the Earth. Scientists at the University of Bristol in the UK have done experiments to test the idea of creating smoke to cool the world. The idea is disliked by most experts as a possibly very dangerous way to fight climate change. Dr Hugh Hunt, director of the research projects, said that the technology won’t be developed in the near future.

A vegetarian diet?

According to a report by the United Nations, producing meat creates more greenhouse gas emissions than transport - 18% of the world’s total. Eating less meat would help to reduce emissions and possibly fight global warming. Cities in Belgium, Brazil, Germany and South Africa - among many others - have “no-meat” days to bring the issue to people’s attention, and try to fight climate change close to home.

These are big ideas, but the solution in the end may be a big sum of small actions.

LANSFORD, L. Keynote Intermediate Workbook: 1. ed. National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, 2016

Is not correct to say that:
Q905546 Inglês

Utilize o texto abaixo para responder a questão.

Climate change solutions

The Earth is getting warmer, and if the trend continues, humans may have some serious problems. Most of us are aware of the need for recycling and driving less, but what other ideas are the experts considering?

Man-made trees?

According to climate experts, one big problem we have right now is too much CO2 in the air. If we can out CO2 into the air, can we take it back out? At the moment, trees do this job - just not fast enough. So could we make treelike machines to do the job? Scientist Klaus Lackner of Columbia University in New York says yes and several companies are already developing the idea.

Smarter power for vehicles

• Electric car are more and more common all over the world, and the technology is getting better. And if you recharge the batteries with electricity which comes from solar and wind power, they are very clean technology.

• By law, the petrol sold in Brazil is 25% ethanol - a fuel made from sugar. It pollutes less than ordinary petrol. However, growing the sugar uses a lot of energy, and some people say the fuel can damage car engines.

• Hydrogen - a natural part of water - is used in some vehicles, including buses in cities around the world. It’s a great fuel, because the only waste it produces is water. The big problem is that making hydrogen fuel creates a lot of pollution.

Smoke to make shade?

Smoke from volcanoes and forest fires is known to block the sun and cool the Earth. Scientists at the University of Bristol in the UK have done experiments to test the idea of creating smoke to cool the world. The idea is disliked by most experts as a possibly very dangerous way to fight climate change. Dr Hugh Hunt, director of the research projects, said that the technology won’t be developed in the near future.

A vegetarian diet?

According to a report by the United Nations, producing meat creates more greenhouse gas emissions than transport - 18% of the world’s total. Eating less meat would help to reduce emissions and possibly fight global warming. Cities in Belgium, Brazil, Germany and South Africa - among many others - have “no-meat” days to bring the issue to people’s attention, and try to fight climate change close to home.

These are big ideas, but the solution in the end may be a big sum of small actions.

LANSFORD, L. Keynote Intermediate Workbook: 1. ed. National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, 2016

According to the article, choose the true statement:
1066: C
1067: C
1068: D
1069: C
1070: A