Questões Militares Para bio-rio

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Q744251 Física
Com o auxílio do sistema de roldanas representado na figura, o homem consegue sustentar em repouso uma carga de 240kgf.
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Considere os fios ideais, as massas das três roldanas móveis desprezíveis e também desprezíveis todos os atritos. O módulo da força vertical F que o homem está exercendo sobre a corda é de
Q744250 Física
Um bloco de granito de massa igual a 80kg, inicialmente em repouso no solo, é preso ao cabo de um guindaste e erguido por ele até atingir uma altura na qual a sua base está a 5m acima do solo. Em seguida, o guindaste faz com que o bloco desça para uma posição na qual sua base fique a apenas 3m do solo, permanecendo em repouso nessa posição. Considere o módulo da aceleração da gravidade como sendo g = 10m/s2 . O trabalho realizado pelo peso do bloco desde que ele foi erguido do solo até o instante em que ficou em repouso com sua base a 3m do solo foi:
Q744249 Física
Alberto e Beatriz estão caminhando ao longo da mesma rodovia. Em um dado instante, tomado como instante inicial (t = 0s) eles se falam por telefone e Alberto afirma estar na marcação 20km da rodovia, enquanto Beatriz afirma estar na marcação 30km da rodovia. Suponha que, a partir desse instante, as respectivas velocidades escalares de Alberto (VA) e de Beatriz (VB ) sejam as indicadas no gráfico da figura abaixo e seja te o instante em que se encontram.
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Podemos afirmar que
Q744248 Física
A figura mostra um recipiente que contém água em seu interior e está apoiado sobre uma rampa inclinada de um certo ângulo θ em relação à horizontal. O recipiente encontra-se em repouso e a água em seu interior, em equilíbrio hidrostático. Os pontos A, B e C indicados na figura pertencem a uma mesma superfície horizontal.
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Designando por PA, PB e PC as respectivas pressões nos pontos A, B e C, podemos afirmar que
Q744247 Física
Um pequeno bloco de massa m desliza sobre a superfície plana de uma rampa inclinada de um ângulo θ em relação à superfície horizontal. O bloco desce a rampa segundo a direção de maior declive em movimento retilíneo com uma aceleração constante de módulo igual a gsenθ, sendo g o módulo da aceleração da gravidade, como indica a figura (a).
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Dentre os segmentos de reta orientados mostrados na figura (b), o único que pode representar corretamente a força resultante exercida sobre o bloco é o segmento
Q744246 Física
Um aquecedor elétrico foi projetado para funcionar sob tensão de 110V, consumindo uma potência P. O aquecedor é constituído por quatro resistores idênticos, todos de mesma resistência R, ligados como mostra o esquema abaixo.
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Deseja-se ligar esse aquecedor sob tensão de 220V consumindo a mesma potência P. Nesse caso, os resistores devem ser ligados como mostra o seguinte esquema
Q744245 Física
A figura mostra um bloco de massa m = 1kg situado sobre um bloco maior, de massa M = 4kg, que por sua vez está sobre uma superfície horizontal lisa. Sobre o bloco de massa M atua uma força horizontal, para a direita, de módulo F = 15N. Devido ao atrito entre os blocos, não há deslizamento entre eles.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
A força de atrito exercida pelo bloco maior (de massa M) sobre o bloco menor (de massa m)
Q744244 Física
Durante uma viagem à Disneylândia, uma criança se resfriou e ficou febril. O pai foi a uma farmácia e comprou um termômetro que era graduado em graus Fahrenheit. Quando foi tomada a temperatura da criança, o farmacêutico disse que ela estava muito febril e lhe receitou um antitérmico, pois sua temperatura precisava diminuir 6,3ºF para voltar ao normal. Considere a temperatura normal dos seres humanos 36,5ºC. Lembrando que uma variação de temperatura em graus Fahrenheit (ΔF) corresponde a uma variação de temperatura em graus Celsius (ΔC) tal que ΔC = 5ΔF/9, concluímos que a temperatura da criança febril era:
Q744243 Física
Da varanda de seu apartamento, a uma certa altura do solo, um jovem joga uma pedra verticalmente para cima e ela chega ao solo 3s depois de ter sido lançada. A figura abaixo representa, em gráfico cartesiano, como a altura da pedra varia em função do tempo, supondo a resistência do ar desprezível, entre o instante em que foi lançada (t = 0s) e o instante em que chegou ao solo (t = 3s).
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A distância percorrida pela pedra entre o instante em que foi lançada e o instante em que chegou ao solo foi
Q744242 Física
O valor de uma distância expresso com o número correto de algarismos significativos é 0,003565 km. A régua utilizada para medir essa distância estava graduada em
Q744241 Física
Se uma corrente elétrica de 6A passa por uma resistênciade 2Ω, a potência consumida é de:
Q744240 Física

No circuito abaixo, cada resistência vale 1Ω.

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A resistência equivalente é igual a:

Q744239 Física
Aproveitando o feriado de fim de ano, Agenor levou, em seu automóvel, a família para passar alguns dias num famoso balneário. Acontece que, devido ao grande número de pessoas que tiveram a mesma ideia, a viagem da família foi muito lenta. A tabela abaixo mostra a distância e o tempo que a família demorou para percorrer cada um dos três trechos da estrada.
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A velocidade média da viagem de Agenor foi de:
Q744238 Física
A intensidade de corrente elétrica num certo circuito é de 5 microampères. Expresso em ampères, esse número se escreve como:
Q744237 Inglês


Brazil: Forest Protection Goes Digital

Landowners who broke Brazil’s environmental laws by clearing their farms of native forest used to have just one way to make right with government inspectors: plant trees. Now, they can clear their names by just pointing and clicking.

After decades of trying to protect rapidly shrinking forests, Brazil has launched a digital platform called BVRio, short for Bolsa Verde do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro Green Exchange). Growers who have more untouched forest than legally required can sell “quotas,” one hectare at a time, to farmers who fall short for a price determined by supply and demand. Under the rule, growers have to keep a minimum amount of native growth on their properties, ranging from 20 to 80 percent of their land depending on the type of vegetation. The trading platform, launched in December 2012, allows farmers to find and negotiate directly with each other.
The opposite of the underlined word in “rapidly shrinking forests” is:
Q744236 Inglês


Brazil: Forest Protection Goes Digital

Landowners who broke Brazil’s environmental laws by clearing their farms of native forest used to have just one way to make right with government inspectors: plant trees. Now, they can clear their names by just pointing and clicking.

After decades of trying to protect rapidly shrinking forests, Brazil has launched a digital platform called BVRio, short for Bolsa Verde do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro Green Exchange). Growers who have more untouched forest than legally required can sell “quotas,” one hectare at a time, to farmers who fall short for a price determined by supply and demand. Under the rule, growers have to keep a minimum amount of native growth on their properties, ranging from 20 to 80 percent of their land depending on the type of vegetation. The trading platform, launched in December 2012, allows farmers to find and negotiate directly with each other.
“they” in “Now, they can clear their names” refers to:
Q744235 Inglês


Brazil: Forest Protection Goes Digital

Landowners who broke Brazil’s environmental laws by clearing their farms of native forest used to have just one way to make right with government inspectors: plant trees. Now, they can clear their names by just pointing and clicking.

After decades of trying to protect rapidly shrinking forests, Brazil has launched a digital platform called BVRio, short for Bolsa Verde do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro Green Exchange). Growers who have more untouched forest than legally required can sell “quotas,” one hectare at a time, to farmers who fall short for a price determined by supply and demand. Under the rule, growers have to keep a minimum amount of native growth on their properties, ranging from 20 to 80 percent of their land depending on the type of vegetation. The trading platform, launched in December 2012, allows farmers to find and negotiate directly with each other.
According to the text, BVRio operates:
Q744234 Inglês


‘Brazilian Atlantis’: Scientists discover traces of sunken continent under Atlantic Ocean

Granite formed on dry land has been discovered beneath the ocean off the coast of Brazil. Scientists suggest that it might be part of a sunken continent which disappeared millions of years ago and already branded it ‘Brazilian Atlantis’.

A Japanese-manned submersible discovered a large mass of granite and a large amount of quartz sand 900 miles off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, according to the announcement made by The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) and the Geology Service of Brazil (CPRM).

These materials, normally found on dry land, suggest that a continent once existed in the region and then sank. “It is unusual because it is granite rock,” CPRM geology director Roberto Ventura Santos as quoted by ‘The Telegraph’. “And you don’t find granite on the seabed. It is more usual to find it on the mainland.”

The granite was discovered in a seabed that was estimated to have disappeared under the ocean waters tens of millions of years ago.

“South America and Africa used to be a huge, unified continent. The area in question may have been left in water as the continent was separated in line with the movements of plates,” said Shinichi Kawakami, a professor at Gifu University, Japan Times reports.

The material was reportedly found more than 8,000 feet beneath the sea in a region known as the Rio Grande Elevation.

“This is the region that has been least explored worldwide,” added Kawakami. “So, we believe it is very important to research it.”

“From an analysis, we began to see that the area could be a piece of the continent that disappeared into the sea millions of years ago,” Santos said as quoted by AFP. “This could be Brazil’s Atlantis. We are almost certain, but we need to strengthen this hypothesis.”

The fabled island was first mentioned by Greek philosopher Plato in his dialogues ‘Timaeus’ and ‘Critias’, written about 360 BC. According to Plato, Atlantis was situated in front of the Pillars of Hercules, the phrase that was applied in Antiquity to the promontories that flank the entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar. The civilization of Atlantis conquered many parts of Western Europe and Africa approximately 9600 BC. But the continent is believed to have sunk during a catastrophic natural disaster.

Scientists plan to drill for more samples later this year, as further confirmation is needed. Experts still remain cautious about jumping to conclusions.

“may” em “may have been left” (linha 22) indica:
Q744233 Inglês


‘Brazilian Atlantis’: Scientists discover traces of sunken continent under Atlantic Ocean

Granite formed on dry land has been discovered beneath the ocean off the coast of Brazil. Scientists suggest that it might be part of a sunken continent which disappeared millions of years ago and already branded it ‘Brazilian Atlantis’.

A Japanese-manned submersible discovered a large mass of granite and a large amount of quartz sand 900 miles off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, according to the announcement made by The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) and the Geology Service of Brazil (CPRM).

These materials, normally found on dry land, suggest that a continent once existed in the region and then sank. “It is unusual because it is granite rock,” CPRM geology director Roberto Ventura Santos as quoted by ‘The Telegraph’. “And you don’t find granite on the seabed. It is more usual to find it on the mainland.”

The granite was discovered in a seabed that was estimated to have disappeared under the ocean waters tens of millions of years ago.

“South America and Africa used to be a huge, unified continent. The area in question may have been left in water as the continent was separated in line with the movements of plates,” said Shinichi Kawakami, a professor at Gifu University, Japan Times reports.

The material was reportedly found more than 8,000 feet beneath the sea in a region known as the Rio Grande Elevation.

“This is the region that has been least explored worldwide,” added Kawakami. “So, we believe it is very important to research it.”

“From an analysis, we began to see that the area could be a piece of the continent that disappeared into the sea millions of years ago,” Santos said as quoted by AFP. “This could be Brazil’s Atlantis. We are almost certain, but we need to strengthen this hypothesis.”

The fabled island was first mentioned by Greek philosopher Plato in his dialogues ‘Timaeus’ and ‘Critias’, written about 360 BC. According to Plato, Atlantis was situated in front of the Pillars of Hercules, the phrase that was applied in Antiquity to the promontories that flank the entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar. The civilization of Atlantis conquered many parts of Western Europe and Africa approximately 9600 BC. But the continent is believed to have sunk during a catastrophic natural disaster.

Scientists plan to drill for more samples later this year, as further confirmation is needed. Experts still remain cautious about jumping to conclusions.

Para os cientistas, a pesquisa:
Q744232 Inglês


‘Brazilian Atlantis’: Scientists discover traces of sunken continent under Atlantic Ocean

Granite formed on dry land has been discovered beneath the ocean off the coast of Brazil. Scientists suggest that it might be part of a sunken continent which disappeared millions of years ago and already branded it ‘Brazilian Atlantis’.

A Japanese-manned submersible discovered a large mass of granite and a large amount of quartz sand 900 miles off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, according to the announcement made by The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) and the Geology Service of Brazil (CPRM).

These materials, normally found on dry land, suggest that a continent once existed in the region and then sank. “It is unusual because it is granite rock,” CPRM geology director Roberto Ventura Santos as quoted by ‘The Telegraph’. “And you don’t find granite on the seabed. It is more usual to find it on the mainland.”

The granite was discovered in a seabed that was estimated to have disappeared under the ocean waters tens of millions of years ago.

“South America and Africa used to be a huge, unified continent. The area in question may have been left in water as the continent was separated in line with the movements of plates,” said Shinichi Kawakami, a professor at Gifu University, Japan Times reports.

The material was reportedly found more than 8,000 feet beneath the sea in a region known as the Rio Grande Elevation.

“This is the region that has been least explored worldwide,” added Kawakami. “So, we believe it is very important to research it.”

“From an analysis, we began to see that the area could be a piece of the continent that disappeared into the sea millions of years ago,” Santos said as quoted by AFP. “This could be Brazil’s Atlantis. We are almost certain, but we need to strengthen this hypothesis.”

The fabled island was first mentioned by Greek philosopher Plato in his dialogues ‘Timaeus’ and ‘Critias’, written about 360 BC. According to Plato, Atlantis was situated in front of the Pillars of Hercules, the phrase that was applied in Antiquity to the promontories that flank the entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar. The civilization of Atlantis conquered many parts of Western Europe and Africa approximately 9600 BC. But the continent is believed to have sunk during a catastrophic natural disaster.

Scientists plan to drill for more samples later this year, as further confirmation is needed. Experts still remain cautious about jumping to conclusions.

Com relação ao texto, assinale V para a afirmativa verdadeira e F para a falsa.

I - A pedra foi detectada por um avião. II - O granito deve ter pertencido à Atlântida. III - A primeira referência à Atlântida é bem recente.
As afirmativas I, II e III são respectivamente
21: D
22: C
23: D
24: B
25: D
26: A
27: C
28: D
29: C
30: D
31: D
32: B
33: B
34: D
35: B
36: A
37: A
38: D
39: B
40: C