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Q2196990 Engenharia Naval
According with reference book “Tug Use in Port”, what is a rotor tug?  
Q2196989 Engenharia Naval
Pilot Gabriela needs to reduce as fast as possible the speed of a ship with 16 knots, in an emergency situation. The lateral sea room permits all available maneuvers. What is the better maneuver to be executed by Gabriela, as function of ship’s actual speed, according to “Principles of Naval Architecture”?  
Q2196988 Engenharia Naval
Analise o texto abaixo.
O Prático Fritz Smith da Silva, estava no passadiço do navio-tanque “BLUE-RIVER”, juntamente com o Comandante Petkowitch, um autêntico croata. Fritz observou que, durante a manobra, o Comandante estava empregando frases que provavelmente não estavam de acordo com o vocabulário padrão recomendado internacionalmente. Fritz anotou em seu notebook as frases ditas pelo Comandante Petkowitich, para depois compará-las com o SMCP (Standard Marine Communication Phrases).
De acordo com a resolução A-918(22), da Organização Marítima Mundial – IMO, que adotou o Standard Marine Communication Phrases, assinale com (E), as frases que devem ser evitadas e, com (C), as frases que devem ser usadas, de forma que a Comunicão Marítima atenda a máxima segurança, não gerando dúvidas com os interlocutores:
( ) I will not overtake the vessel North of you.
( ) Your position bearing 137 degrees from Big Head lighthouse distance 2.4 nautical miles.
( ) I might enter the fairway.
( ) You could be running into danger.
( ) Pilot boat is bearing 215 degrees from you.
( ) Dialog: Captain – “Blue River aft station. Stand by for making fast the tug on starboard quarter.                                   Second Officer - “Blue River bridge. The tug is fast.”                                   Captain – “Blue River aft station. Let go the tug.” 
Q2196987 Engenharia Naval
What does the word "breadth" mean, according to International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 – COLREG?
Q2196986 Engenharia Naval
According to International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 – COLREG, the use of the danger signal __________.  
116: D
117: B
118: E
119: C
120: C