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Read the text and mark the correct option.
The Radar
The word RADAR stands for Radio Detection and Ranging. It is a technology which was properly used for the first time during the Second World War by the allied troops against the Germans. Basically, a radar is an anti-collision tool and can measure the bearing and the distance of a selected target. It is therefore a vital aid on ships and airplanes, especially in case of low or blind-visibility navigation. To detect a target’s position, the radar dish or antenna sends out pulses of electromagnetic waves. When these waves hit the target their echo is returned to the aerial and transformed into visual signals shown on a screen called PPI (Plan Position Indicator) or display. The capacity of the antenna to concentrate the irradiation energy in the dish is called gain. The whole process is based on the principle that radio waves bounce off solid surfaces. It is therefore possible to determine the bearings and distances of far away targets and deduce infonnation about potential hazards. The Radar can also be used to find out the position of a ship at sea, but only in the case in which a fix (a fixed point of reference on the land) is available. For this, other more precise, handy and faster tools, like the GPS, are used.
(Adapted from: Flash on English for Transport and
Language, brain and disability
It has often been remarked that we come to appreciate_____unique complexity and function of language only when it starts to go wrong. This happens daily in many small ways - when we detect ambiguity, express ourselves incoherently, or speak at cross-purposes. Less commonly, it happens in _____ dramatic and devastating manner, in _____ form of language disability. Those who find it difficult or impossible to communicate, on account of some physical, psychological, or other disability, face _____ frustrating, isolated, and uncertain future, in which their disability is often not recognized, and community support services may be inaccessible or absent. Drawing attention to ______ existence and extent of language disability is thus _____important role for any encyclopedia of language.
(Adapted from: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of language)
I - There are a lot fewer opportunities in this country. II- He is the nicest when he’s with children. III- He’s more lazy than stupid. IV- He explained it all carefully, but I was still none the wiser. V- Is this the first time for you to stay here ?
1. That man died________ he lived, fighting. 2 .I wasn’t expecting ________ cold weather. 3. Don’t use your plate ________ an ashtray. 4. That’s John’s bike, unless I’m _________ mistaken. 5. They’re _________ fools.
The Signal Box Inn
In the Cleethorpes region of Great Britain, there is a very unusual signal box that is now used for something completely different. The Signal Box Inn is a pub;_______ , at only 6m2 , it is in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest pub in the world, with room inside for only 6 people! _______it is very small, it serves 5 types of beer and cider and some food. The best place to enjoy your drink while you watch steam trains go by is in the pub’s beer garden.
(Adapted from: Flash on English for Transport and Logistics)
What’s the weather like ?
Of all human activities, transport is probably one of the most influenced by the weather. From deciding wheather or not to go for a walk in the park to cancelling or delaying intercontinental passenger flights, the weather influences our movements all the time. Extreme weather conditions can cause accidents, death and destruction. So, predicting the weather is a priority when people and goods are moved from one place to another. Today man has developed some very sophisticated means for predicting the weather, but despite this, our predictions are not always accurate because weather conditions can change very suddenly.
(Adapted from: Flash on English for Transport and Logistics)
According to the comic strip, it is possible to infer that:

Sendo assim, é correto afirmar que:
Considere os seguintes sistemas abaixo.
Os sistemas I e II correspondem, respectivamente, a:
Considere as seguintes equações de neutralização total representadas abaixo.
( ) Um satélite em órbita em torno da Terra possui massa, no entanto, não possui peso. ( ) Uma nave espacial no espaço, livre de atrito e de toda e qualquer força de atração ou repulsão, permanecerá sempre em repouso ou em movimento retilíneo uniforme em relação a referenciais inerciais. ( ) É necessário que um corpo esteja sob a ação de uma força resultante diferente de zero para permanecer em movimento. ( ) Sol e Terra se atraem com forças gravitado na is de intensidades diferentes. ( ) Peso e normal constituem um par ação-reação. ( ) Peso e massa são grandezas físicas vetoriais. ( ) A energia mecânica de um sistema, que é a soma da energia cinética com as energias potenciais, é sempre conservada.
Dados: dágua = 1 g/cm3; cágua = 1 cal/g °C; 1 cal = 4,2 J; g = 10 m/s2.