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Segundo a autora, _______ vários ingredientes que tornaram o quadro insustentável, _______ essa situação se resolveria se_______ fortes estudos e _________ interpretação de texto.
I- A vírgula em "Que me perdoem os analistas de funções, tabelas, números complexos e logaritmos" [...] (1°§) é usada para separar termos de mesma função sintática.
lI- A vírgula em "Calma lá, meu chapa, não foi isso que eu disse..." (4°§) é usada para separar um vocativo.
lII- A vírgula em "O que falta entender é que falta, principalmente, interpretação de texto" (7º§) é usada para separar orações coordenadas assindéticas.
Está correto o que se afirma em:
The Russian Vostok weather station in Antarctica has recorded temperatures as ______ as -89.2ºC (-128.6ºF). Here, the _______ temperature ever measured is -14ºC (7ºF).
Adapted from <îmate/antarctica>)
Speak, FIDO!
Imagine you're out for a walk with your family when a strange dog approaches. The dog isn't aggressive, but it seems ______ something because it nudges you with its snout, and barks. What you don't know is that this dog is trained _______ a person with a medical condition. Around the corner, the doq's owner has collapsed, and the dog instinctively runs off _____ help. That's you! But how can the dog make you _______ what's wrong?
(Adapted from
I- People shouldn't drive so ____.
II- I need to see a doctor because I haven't been feeling well _____.
III- Although she's tried _______ to find a new job, she's still unemployed.
Which option completes the sentences correctly?
If your child has no symptoms of vision problems and no family history of vision problems, ________ every one to two years. Otherwise, schedule eye exams based on the advice of your eye doctor.
(Adapted from
_______ China's first autonomous cargo ship, named Jin Dou Yun O Hao, has made its first voyage in Zhuhai. Yunzhou Tech, ______ technology company based in Zhuhai, developed ______ ship in collaboration with Wuhan University of Technology and CCS. _______ autonomous cargo ship will reduce 20°/o construction cost, 20% operation cost and 15% fuel consumption.
(Adapted from
The Letter Always Wins
Somehow ______our several ways to contact a company and complain _______ products (email, toll free numbers, _______ person), the old-fashioned letter still seems to win. Case in point. This week Smucker's Jam agreed to replace two of my grandmother's Pineapple Jams that she had ordered. She talked ______ them _____ the phone and they apologized _____ the bad packaging. But it was her letter that got her two free replacements.
(Adapted from <>)
ln 1984, Dallas, Texas, a call to the emergency services ________ catastrophically wrong. An elderly woman _______ breathing in her home. Her son, clearly distressed, _______ 911. His conversation with the dispatcher soon _______ out of control.
(Adapted from
Spinach is very thin, so there's more loss of moisture and exposure to heat and oxygen compared to a carrot,_______ ?
(Adapted from
The Brazilian Navy _____ its new Antarctic station "Estação Antártica Comandante Ferraz" (EACF) on 15 January. The facility ______ by China National Electronic Imports and Exports Corporation (CEIEC) to replace the original EACF, which ______ by a fire in 2012. The new station_______ of laboratories, communications and meteorological modules, power generation equipment, and a living area for 64, as well as medical, healthcare, catering, and technical areas.
(Adapted from
There are ____different opinions on how ____ water you should be drinking every day. Health authorities commonly recommend eight 8- ounce glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon. This is called the 8x8 rule and is very easy to remember. However, _____ health gurus believe that you need to sip on water constantly throughout the day, even when you're not thirsty. As with most things, this depends on the individual. _____ factors (both internal and external) ultimately affect your need for water.
It is important that female navy officers are now commanding vessels, not only because of ________ achievement in and of itself, but also because ________ types of posts will help ______ advance even more in ______ careers.
(Adapted from
I- Who does this pencil belong to? Il- Who read a book last week? III- Where did your mother born? IV- What about are they talking? V- What fell on the floor yesterday?
Choose the correct option.